part 10

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I woke up from another night with Weiss. I got up first to go outside and stretch. As I walked outside I saw Marius walking out of his tent shirtless with a bunch of scratches all over.

Me: Did you fight a lion?
Marius: You could say that.
Me: You actually did it?
Marius: Yes, I never knew she would be that intense.
SK: Pilot, does this qualify for the "nice" comment?
Me: Yes it does.
SK: Nice.
Marius: I hate you.

A pair of hands from behind moved up his body as he gave me an embarrassing look. I saw Blake's head peek out as she kissed the back of his neck.

Blake: Thanks for last night.
Marius: Um you might want to go back inside.
Blake: Why?

She saw me awkwardly waving at her. She didn't hesitate to shut the flaps as she ran back. Marius and I looked at each other nodding, neither of us knew what to say so we both went back where we came from.

I saw Weiss awake in my bed. She had the blanket barely covering her as she laid in a somewhat seductive pose.

Me: Som...
Ashley: Get your fucking clothes on now we have a problem.

Weiss and I meet with everyone else to see that Lyle is broadcasting himself to everyone in Vale.

Lyle: Hey there Y/n, I know you should be seeing this by now. I know I gave you three days to leave but I decided that I'm giving you till tomorrow. I also have someone you should meet.

He grabbed the camera and revealed Winter badly beaten.

Lyle: Say hi. (...) Come on. (...) Women am I right. I know what you're thinking why am I acting like this? You see Vinson Dynamics could really benefit from this dust. They paid the IMC, IMC just happens to be responding to their Pilot, and now that we discovered dust I'm making so much money there's no way I'm going to let you stop me. Oh since you didn't do me that favor I asked earlier I get to do it and make everyone watch.

He panned the camera over to Mercury chained up in a corner. the sound of a gun clicked came from behind the camera. Weiss turned away into my chest as the gun fired killing him. He turned it back to his face.

Lyle: See wasn't hard Y/n, but I'm getting off track. If you don't leave by tonight I sending everything I have to that town and they will kill everything.  If you do I just get want I need and be on my way. Decide fast.

The camera showed Winter again but this time Lyle's handgun came into view pointing at her. the gun fired, she screamed, the bullet hit the wall next to her, and Lyle laughed as he cut the video.

We all stood in silence.

Barker: I think he's got us beat, kid.

Droz: We all know he's lying about not killing people.

Davis: Yes, but no one will believe that. 

Me: He sure knows how to take over Tim's job. People are going to want us gone after seeing this.

Azrael: How long until their military comes here?

Barker: Doesn't matter we're leaving.

Me, Ash, Az, Marius, Droz, And Davis: Yes sir.

Weiss: Are you serious? He has my sister!

Blake: Yea what about our plan to beat them?

Barker: Things changed, he knew he was giving us too much time.

Weiss: So what are we suppose to do then?

Ashley: Take your friends and just run.

Marius: Its true, once we're gone nobody will be able to stop him.

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