Chapter 1- The void

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The crowd of Altean’s were cheering, warm tears strolling down each mothers cheeks as they hugged their children, heartwarming greetings with hugs and long lasting kisses between lovers and their families.

Laughing children were running around and men were smiling wholeheartedly, as the sun spilled its warming rays everywhere. New sprouts of plants began reaching to the mellow light between the thriving green grass and the flowing, cold water streaming into a lake once dried up, now soulful and renewed.

Coran and Allura were standing next to each other, barely able to hold their tears back. For years, they assumed that they were the only remaining Alteans, but Romelle’s existence had proven otherwise. Lance was goofing off with two little Altean girls, and Shiro was with Pidge, trying to figure out what an ancient symbol meant with their limited knowledge of Altean. Hunk and Keith were helping an Altean citizen to rebuild his shop, both paladins glistening with sweat because of the hot weather.

Even in great moments of rejoice, still, a lump of melancholy was lodged in Allura's throat. The paladins’ duties had been fulfilled. Peace was once again restored in the universe, and now, they were no longer needed.

Suddenly, a voice interrupted Allura's spiraling thoughts.

"Your father would be proud to see his dream coming true,” Coran assured her, placing his hand upon her shoulder.

Alfor's blue eyes came into her mind, blinking slowly. She could almost hear his sweet words echoing in the afternoon breeze, faint and calming. A warm feeling was planted deep inside Allura. He was there, watching her.

Allura looked at the sky, the vast expanse of blue almost twinkling before her eyes.

"We did it," She whispered.

Coran hugged Allura as the sun set, the magnificent color’s shone as if an artists palette had been scattered amongst the clouds.

"We saved the universe."

Days went by, and the alteans managed to seemingly rise from the ashes and rebuild everything.

Shiro, however, was destroyed. The kiss Allura shared with him had been so intimate, and now, he knew he had to leave her behind. She would fall in love with some Altean and have a happy family, right?

Shiro was never meant to be with her, right?

The passing glances they shared whenever her figure appeared in front of him were killing him. The unspoken words were screaming in Allura's head, threatening to escape at a moments notice. Their lips craved for each others touch.

The day when they had to go arrived. Smiles were hidden, sadness took over his body, followed by a hollowing numbness.

"Everything is loaded,” Keith spoke.

The striking feel hit Shiro.

They were leaving.

And this might be the last chance he sees her.

The void he felt inside his heart grew larger.

"This isn't goodbye, paladins! We shall meet again, fate surely counts on it!"  Coran spoke, hugging Hunk tightly.

"Take care!"


"Thank you, for everything."

"See ya princess, Coran!"

Shiro walked up to Allura, as she managed to force a smile.

"Goodbye, Shiro," Allura choked out.

No.. I have to tell her... I…. need to tell her...

But, Shiro couldn't speak. Shiro couldn't tell her how he felt.

"Goodbye, princess." He responded.

In a split of a second, without him even realizing, Shiro was in his lion. He looked behind. Her eyes were locked with his. The blue of the sky, the lilac, contrasted the the dark brown, the black, the russet shades which painted the landscape. Suddenly, the feelings inside him escaped. Uncontrolled, the black lion landed back to the ground, Shiro's eyes never taking off of hers.

They ran.

They both ran towards each other, breathing becoming heavier, heartbeats growing faster.

Allura grew closer.

They only stopped when they were inches away. The paladins were watching carefully from their lions, as Shiro struggled to express himself.

"Allura... don't leave me."

He choked out, barely audible and cracked.
Allura scoffed, and suddenly, their lips were once again connected. The storm calmed down, the waves got smaller. Like the nectar of gods, the sweet taste of his lips caressed the screaming thoughts inside of her mind. Both pulled apart, only for the storm that brewed inside of them to raise to great heights in the ocean of their minds.

A smile appeared on Keith's face, a rarity in itself. His lion got closer and landed next to the black one, interrupting the passionate moment.

"Keith-" Shiro scolded, as he turned back to the younger boy.

Oh. That's right.. we have to go.

Keith stepped out of his lion, and touched his brothers shoulder.

"You made me happy, Shiro. Now it's your turn to be,” expressed Keith.

Keith was persistent and hot-headed. He knew that when he made a decision, his brother was not going change his mind. He knew that this was the last time he would be seeing him.

Shiro’s mind raced.

Keith would always get into fights, ever since a very young age. Always causing trouble, getting detentions..., but Shiro knew he couldn’t ever give up on him. Keith was all alone, if Shiro had left him he would give up on himself without any second thoughts. Shiro couldn’t allow that to happen, so for years he took care of him. He calmed down the raging thoughts constantly screaming inside his head and made sure to keep him warm during the cold nights of winter.

A sharing look was enough for the feelings to hit. They both hugged each other for an immensely long time, filling up the hollowness they both had inside them.

"I’m going to miss you."

Both stood silently, for they knew tears would shed if they spoke. Shiro was sure that Keith could make it on his own now. He was not the still unravelling, broken kid he was when Shiro took him in. And so, amidst the chaos of the galaxy, the Red Lion took off in search of his own adventure.

The black paladin looked beside him, and God.. she stood right there. The constellations looked worthless in front of her, the beauty she held was  immeasurable. Her eyes were sparkling as the breeze drifted by her hair. Shiro's heart skipped a beat. Once again, they shared the same nectar as their lips perfectly connected.

Keith's thoughts were interrupted by a screen on his left, a soft voice echoing through the slight lonely walls of the lion.

"I'm so proud of you."

A tear was made its way down Keith's face, and an understanding smile was returned. And with that, the other four defenders became one with the stars.

Hello! I'm Danae. This is the second fanfiction i have ever written, and although i know im not particularly good in this genre, i hope i don't give up midways on this one. I hope you all enjoy my angsty boys <3. (p.s yes, the soft voice was Lance ;) )

Beta work was done by kogayne
(Thank you again so much osy!)

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@ dimshadows

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