Chapter 9

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Emily's POV


 Get the fuck off of him Dumb ass! The kiss is just so good. I leaned in as my subconscious gave me an image of him busted up for kissing me. I pushed her back so I can enjoy his lips.

What on fucking earth am I saying? I like it?!? What the actual fuck I'm not supposed to. He's just a fucking loser. Who does happen to be a great kisser. Should I listen to my brain and run away. Or do I kiss him. I'm debating it while scooting closer to him. Before I can debate his hands cup my face, they're surprisingly big, and he pulls me in for a full on kiss. Oh I practically melted. I've never been kissed like that before. He was scared but he got a sudden boost of confidence. His breathe tasted like minty tic tacs. Maybe it was the way he was talking. I should end it.

But I don't want to.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and he allows it. He also allows me slipping my tongue in his mouth. I willingly let my leg sit on his so we can be closer and he hesitantly wraps his arms surround my waist. I flush when he does that. "Don't be scared." I whisper. I get scared when he uses all force and lifts me on his lap. Still making out with me. If he was scared before he's not now.

Destery's POV


"Don't be scared." She whispers. I don't know what it was about her words but I'm no longer scared. I lifted her up on my lap. Her hair is in the way but I can still kiss her. I'm surprised she hadn't ended the kiss. I somehow fall back and she's laying on top of me on the bed. How the fuck did this happen? Whatever it was, I don't mind. My hands are still around her waist and hers are around my neck.

Her knee hits my side and it hits the bruise and I hiss in pain. "Oh my God. She says getting up. My fairy tale has come to an end. "Are you alright?" She asks me. I nod and sit up. "I'm so sorry for doing that I don't know what got into me. Oh my God." Worry hit her face. But she can't say that she didn't want it. Or like it. She liked it, just as much as me.

"Don't worry about it." I say looking up at her pacing around.

"I'm sorry. I'm so sorry. Goodnight." She says leaving the room. picking up her shirt. I just realized her shirt was off. And mine too? Explains why my side hurt so much. There was nothing there to protect it in any way. My Cinderella disappeared and when I looked at the time it struck 12.


I woke up at 2 pm. And when I went downstairs it was just my mom and Karleigh. "Hey bro." Karleigh says to me. "Your breakfast is in the microwave." She says.

"Thanks." I respond to her and grab my breakfast and sit down at the table. "Where's Emily's breakfast?" I ask my mom.

"She woke up early and already ate. She ate and left to get some clothes. She said she'd be right back. She didn't want to bother you." My mom said. I sighed and ate some of my Bacon. "But may I add she blushed when I mentioned your name. So much for 'she'll never like me'." My mom mocks me. She blushed because if me? Wow. "Your thinking of her. Aren't you?" She asks after my few moments of silence.

"Yeah." I admit. "I'm so confused."  I'm admitting to my mom. I don't like confessing.

"Why?" She asks.

"One minute she's like she doesn't like me or want to be around me. Then anther minute she us blushing near me and ki-." I stop myself. I almost told my mom that we kissed. More like made out. "She's so confusing. Plus she has Tyler."

"Tyler? She has a boyfriend?" She asked and I nodded my head. "Well if she had a boyfriend. Kissing you wouldn't be her best option." Age says and my fork hits the plate. "Don't look so shocked. You almost said it. She kisses you. She's confused as well. Just give her some space and time to decide." My mom says as I finish my breakfast.

"Okay." I tell her as I put my dish in the sink. "I'm gonna go for a walk." I tell my mom and walk out if the house.

Emily's POV


It's early. To early for my parents to be home. They always go to the bar every night and won't come home until 5 pm. Destery is still asleep. I go downstairs and her mom is awake. "Hey, leaving so soon?" Her mom asks. I really don't want to leave. But I'm gonna try to end things with Tyler. I feel bad about cheating. Even though he's a Dick. I still should try to make things right.

"I was gonna get some clothes. I'll be right back." I say. She nods her head and I leave the house. When I get in my car I pause for about five minute. Just thinking if that kiss. I see his light turn on and I drive away. As I'm driving I get a call. I let it go to voice mail and keep driving. I make it to his drive way. I breathe a deep breathe and walk towards the door. When I knock my heart drops. I'm do scared. The door opens like in those scary movies. I slowly walk inside. When I look around the corner my heart stops. I see him in his bed making out with some skinny red head. When he notices me he doesn't even look upset.

"What are you doing here?" He asked. He doesn't even look upset when I catch him cheating. My eyes tear up. I don't know why this hurts so much. But I feel broken. Betrayed. Disgusted.

"What am I doing here? I just caught you cheating! Then you ask what I'm doing here." I tell at him. "I thought you were different than that! You little piece of shit!" I yell.

"Well, you thought wrong. I'm tired of you Bitching all the time we're done." He says. "Just get your shit and go." He says. His voice is evil and cold. I came here to break up with him. He ended up dumping me. So why do I feel so heart broken?

"What?" My voice cracks. He says nothing and I leave his house taking everything with me. Pain and sadness.

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