Chapter 37

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Emily's POV


Me and Emily go downstairs to make some food when I hear a knock on the door. When I open it it's Dan and Phil. "Hey guys, we were really bored so we though we'd stop by." Phil says with a smile. 

"It's because we have no life." Dan says and I laugh. "So, me and Phil got done doing random shit in front of a camera and we were wondering if you guys wanted to hang out. By the looks of it you guys seem pretty bored around here." Dan says and I nod in agreement. I look back at Destery and he nods so I let them in. "Thank you, love." Dan says. I can't lie I'm loving his accent. I've always been obsessed with British boys. I've always known that I wouldn't be with one but his accent is just so perfect. So is Phil's. I love British people.

I swear if I was British I'd never shut up because of how much I loved my voice. "Me and Destery were just about to make some food when you knocked. Are you guys hungry? We're making bacon." I say dragging the word bacon teasing them. I mean, who doesn't love bacon? Fucking aliens?

"Bacon is life! I would love to have some." Phil says running into the kitchen and in a chair at the table. Dan follows behind him walking. "Me and Dan can eat bacon all day for breakfast, lunch, and Dinner. Isn't that right Dan?" He asks Dan with a smile. Dan nods his head smiling then looking back down at his phone. I smile pulling the bacon out of the freezer and I turn on the skillet so it can heat up. When it's heated up I put the bacon on the skillet and it sizzles loudly and smoke flies up into the kitchen air. I put about 5 more pieces and I watch them slowly shrink. 

"So, you guys have British accents so I assume you grew up in England. What made you want to move to the United States? Personally I love England and I would love to live there." I say laughing. Dan looks at me then shakes like he was day dreaming or some shit.

"Well, I don't know why I moved to America I was too young and my mum never told me. We moved here when I was about 7. I picked up an accent in England and never got rid of it I guess." Phil says. 

"My mum got a promotion and we had to move to America. I have to admit I didn't like America at first but I grew to like it a lot." Dan says with a smile.

Destery's POV


Is it bad to be jealous of them? She's paying all of her attention to their family and where they're from and shit. What's wrong with America? I can't lie British accents are fucking cool but still. "That's really cool." She says smiling. She finishes the bacon and puts a few more on the skillet. She puts some pieces off on a plate. "Well after these pieces are done all of the bacon is done." Emily says smiling.

"Yay! The bacon smells delicious!" Phil says. I'm assuming he loves bacon. When all of the bacon is done we all set everything up. Suddenly we realize Bacon can't fill us up so Emily made some Burgers on the skillet and added fries on the side. "You guys literally invited us to a mini picnic." Phil says laughing. Dan adds a smile. I think it's only me but I always get the feeling that Phil likes Emily. He smiles and laughs at everything Emily does. Does he even have a girlfriend? Who knows.

"Okay fries are done" Emily says flipping a burger. I go into the fridge and pull out some lettuce and tomatoes with some ketchup and mustard and set it on the table. I don't really know what they would want on their burgers so I leave it there for them to pick. Emily finished the burgers and set the plates. "Dan, Phil. So you want your bacon on the burgers?" She asks them and they nod their heads. She puts their bacon on the burger and places two plates in front of them and hands me my plate. When we all get our food together and sit out back. There were for chairs, a table, and a swinging bench. Me and Emily sat on the swinging bench and Dan and Phil sat on the chairs.

When I take a bite I love every bit of the burger. Dan takes a bite and I can tell he thinks the same. "Wow, this is amazing." Dan says. Emily smiles taking a bite from her burger. He's right, this food is amazing. Phil nods in agreement. Me and Emily are swinging and we all are talking about school. Dan and Phil already went school shopping. We haven't. They reminded us that we should be getting out schedules in the mail soon. I signed up for more Musical things than anything, because I love music so much, so why wouldn't I join music classes. I also signed up for tech class so I can do photoshop and edit music in class. It's gonna be awesome. "I'm actually quite scared for school to start." Dan adds.

"Yeah, me too." Emily says. Phil and I both nod in agreement. After a few minutes of talking and joking around and learned that Dan and Phil are really really random in so many ways. After that we went inside and played some games and for once Emily, Dan, and Phil convinced me to pull out my Just Dance game and we played Just Dance for the first time. We all took turns on the same song. The thing about it is that I would get the lowest score and Dan would get the highest. We did a contest and who ever got the lowest score had to do a duet that the other players had to chose. So, sadly I got the lowest. But I was happy when Emily got the second lowest score so we had to do a duet. Except the dance was that she was a Mermaid and I was a scuba diver. It was deffinetely a romantic dance.

The awkward part wasn't the dancing. It was having to get on my knees and kiss her hand. "This is the most romantic dance on here and we picked it out just for you two." Phil says with a smile. Dan isn't laughing like Phill is but he is smiling. After the dance we go into the kitchen to get water. "Wow. It's already 9 pm. The day has gone by so fast." Phil says. I look outside and he's right. It's already dark out. "Well, since it's late we're gonna go now. Bye guys, thanks for the food and games." Phil says. Dan says by also.

"Bye guys! It was fun having you guys over." Emily says closing the door when they leave. She lets out a huge sigh. "That was fun." She says smiling. She walks upstairs and into her room. I follow and she's pulling out a shirt to change into as pajama's. I go into my room and change into my bear pajama pants and a black shirt. I wait in bed for her and she comes in, turns off the light and cuddles next to me as I turn on the T.V and we watch T.V "I love you." She says.

"I love you too." I respond kissing her forehead.

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