Chapter 53

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Emily's POV


I stayed the night at his house last night and wore my nightmare before Christmas shirt today with black jeans. It was odd coming to school the next day and people were still talking about the fight from yesterday. As I limped through the school tons of people asked what happened because nobody had time to record it except the cameras. A lot of people are saying that Destery lost, which didn't happen. A lot of people are saying that he broke Destery's nose. Which is also a lie. I always clear stupid rumors like that with the truth of what happened. A lot of people are also judging me because two guys were fighting over me so now they're calling me nasty and a whore. I try to ignore the ignorant drama.

"She probably had sex with both of them too." I hear somebody at a table behind me. "I don't know why she'd be with that loser Destery. He's so pathetic. I'm sure she just needed something to do for summer so she fucked them both." A girl says. "I bet Destery has a small Dick too." This guy says. Me being 100% done with that school turns around pissed the fuck off.

"First of all punk ass Bitches. I didn't have sex with Tyler so shut the fuck up. And Destery most likely has a bigger Dick than your 2 centimeter you little shits. So shut the fuck up before a kick all of you in a tit and Dick." I say. They stay quiet and turn around. All of the people who felt bad for me about my leg now hate me. I should be used to it. But their words still affected me emotionally.

"Hey, I know things have been tough lately, but good news is that homecoming is in 6 days. You can go with Destery. How about the 4 of us go dress shopping tomorrow? That'll be fun." Lisa tries to cheer me up in lunch. I nod and take a bite out of my pizza, at that moment I heard a guy in the background say 'How much you wanna bet she forced her friends to give her their food. They must be starving. Fat ass.' I drop my pizza and just stare. I don't say anything. I don't do anything. I gulp my bite of pizza and I throw it away. "You're not fat. You're a perfect size, don't worry. I don't know why they suddenly hate you." Lisa says. 

I nod just to agree still not talking. I hear behind me 'You never know the baby could be hungry. Oh wait. It's dead.' and my eyes go wide. He did it, he really did it. 'That fucking slut should just kill herself.' a voice comes from another table. I press my quivering lips together and try to not cry. 'Now that nobody likes her she's not all that popular anymore. She's not used to dealing with shit in her life and I think she should.' the same girl says. 'slit, slit, slit.' she keeps going and going. The table of girls laugh with her. I turn around and it's that bitch red head I caught with Tyler when he first cheated. She was snickering and laughing as I sat there feeling like complete shit. 

I get up and walk out to the bathroom. I hear them behind me following but keeping their distance. I rush into the stall. I sit on the toilet in the handycap stall and go into full panic attack. When the door opens I wipe my eyes. "Poor Emily. I remember one time. You banged on my stall, yelling at me to throw up. A few counseling here and there. Rehab, and months of being mentally sick. Finally all of that shit goes right back to you." She says. I don't remember that happening. Actually, I sorta do but it wasn't me who said it. It was my old friend Kate. She hated what's her face for years and I never said that to her. I actually stopped being her friend for that reason. 

I continued to silently cry and hyperventilate. "What? You're gonna slit your wrists now? Can we see the blood? Or are you gonna get on those knees and throw up your one bite. You didn't even need that you fat shit head."  They continued the taunts.

"Fuck you! Leave me the fuck alone!" I yell outside the stall. 

"Leave her alone you dumb bitches. She may not want to get suspended but I don't give 10 fucks about getting suspended say something else I'll beat the shit out of you." I heard someone say. "Emily, it's me Jenna. How are you feeling?" She asks me. Jenna? I remember her from Gym. The perfect barbie I've always wanted. I guess she has some sass in her too haha. 

"H-Hi." I say. "Hey, I'm gonna be out in a little bit can I just be alone for a while?" I ask her. She says okay and walks out the bathroom. I don't know what got over me but I searched my bag for anything sharp I didn't care what it was. I searched and searched. As I was doing that I scratched myself hoping that made something. I found some plastic. I slammed it against the sink and it broke and a sharp piece of clear plastic was really sharp. I like this packaged type plastic. It'll cut anything but diamond easily. I pushed Destery out of my head about 20 times before making 5 little lines. Great. 4 months for fucking nothing.

But it was worth it. I felt sick to my stomach after thinking that. I ran to the toilet and threw the fuck up. I kinda felt better after that. I wiped my eyes and reapllied my makeup then I put big bracelets on. Nobody would notice a thing. When I left I went to the drinking foutain and drank the burning feeling of puke from my throat. "Hey, any of you got a mint my breath tastes like pizza." I ask them. It's Jenna, Lisa, Marzia and Kalel all around me. Marzia pulls out minty gum and hands me a piece. "Thanks." I say chewing the minty gum. "What they said was fucked up and cruel but I swear to you guys. I'm completely fine." I say putting on my best fake smile. I'll cry later in my shower. Nobody can tell the difference between tears and water from the shower. 

"Oh okay. Just know that we're all here for you. I know we don't talk much but what they said was fucked up and I don't like that at all." Jenna says. I smile cause I can see and hear honesty all over her. We all got back to our next class. Until it was time for Poetry. Our homework was to write a monologue on anything that leads to suicide, bullying, Depression, Self Harm. All of that Depressing stuff I once did. Or just did. I think I got this suicide thing down. Because 




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