Chapter 39

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Destery's POV


After the movie is over we stand outside and talk a little bit before going separate ways. Me and Emily get in the car before driving away to the house. "Did you like the movie Em?" I ask her. Why bother asking, I already know she loved it. She smiles and nods.

"I loved it!" She says. "Ever since I found out they're making another I couldn't wait to watch it." She says smiling. I return a smile and keep driving. "Hey, can you stop by Walmart? I want some candy." She asks. I nod and turn the corner towards Walmart. When we park Emily walks out and into the store. She walks to the bathroom and I walk towards the electronics. I look to see if any new games came out but sadly not. I walk to the freezers and I grab a tub if ice cream and some cones.

Emily texts me that she wants Nutella so I walk to the peanut butter aisle and grab a large one. I put all of it in a cart and stroll down each aisle to find Emily. I skip the Hispanic aisle cause some old drunk was standing there with trashy clothing. I don't wanna pass him or be near him so I skip it because clearly he was the only one in that aisle. I'm bored so I go towards the TV area and watch the crappy Walmart commercials that are constantly being played. When I'm watching the commercial for the possibly 10th time, my phone buzzes and it's a text from Emily.


I panic when I see that text. I leave the cart by the freezers so the ice cream could be by the cold and less likely to melt. I rush down the aisles looking left and right when I run into her in the candy aisle and that old creep is facing her but he can't see me since I'm behind him. Emily's face shows pure fear. Then I realize who this creep is.

Emily's POV


When I leave the restroom I text Destery to get us some Nutella and he says okay. I grab marshmallows and gram crackers with Hershey's chocolate and I walk to the candy aisle for some cookie dough candy. I grab some sour patch kids cause I really don't know what kind of candy Destery likes so I basically grab anything. "Well, well, well. Look who I happen to run into." An old scratched creepy voice says from about two feet away from me. I freeze in my tracks and the candy falls to the floor. I don't bother to turn around to face my former rapist. 

"Emily, is it?" He asks. I'm so frozen stiff I can't even respond to him. I'm frozen in my tracks as the thought of him touching me flashes in my mind. "I remember you. You were so damn tight. Probably because you were 10." He says laughing. What the hell is he doing in Florida? They moved me from the last prison to Florida prison and I got out today. I remember what happened. I was so pissed. Pissed at you, and everybody. I do seek revenge so you might wanna hide that ass when I'm near you." He says laughing. A tear falls from my cheek but I'm still frozen here. I only have the common sense to slowly pull out my phone and text for Destery to save me.

"Looks like you gained weight. You were fat then, and you're fat now. Lose some fucking weight fat ass." He says, ouch. That stung a bit. "You were nothing but a piece of meat you little worthless shit." He says laughing in the sick twisted laughter. Images of that night remind me of all I lost that night. A tear falls down my cheek when I see Destery appear from behind the bastard. He looks at me, then him, then me again. "I'm gonna make you wish you were never born." He says. Destery holds up a finger and walks away. My hero is gone and I fear for what he's about to grab. He comes back with a tub of ice cream just as I realize the creep is walking towards me. He's inches away when he falls to the ground. Wow, that was one frozen solid ice cream tub. When he drops it I hear a loud echo from the hit on the ground. 

He looks at me equally surprised. "Please tell me that was who I was thinking of instead of some old dude asking for 10 cents or something." He says. I'm only able to nod my head. I can't move or even speak. "Dammit." He says. He walks over to me and hugs me. Then Then quickly takes me out of the store. "If you still need that stuff we can get it at Kmart." He says by the time we get into the car. "Are you okay?" He asks. Images of him touching me causes me to nod because I'm so used to saying I'm fine when I clrealy wasn't. "Bullshit." He stops the car by the exit and turns towards me. "It's okay to not be fine. You don't always have to be fine." He says. I'm able to speak but I don't because I don't want to cry. 

I bite my lip and look up at the roof of his car to save my tears for later on the razor. No, I can't be thinking like that. The razor is my real enemy. It's wrong and it's bad and I remember the look on Destery's face when he found out. Don't do it, don't do it. Do it. Do it. Do it. My evil half of my mind tells me. I'm going crazy here. A tear falls from my eyes and Destery quickly wipes it away with his thumb. "If you want to cry, you can cry. I just don't want to see you hide your feelings in and end up taking it out on yourself with a razor." He says and I look at him in the eyes. 

His eyes are full of worry and fear and pure hatred. Hatred towards that man, I can tell because his cheeks flush red when he's mad. But his eye brows are slanted telling me he's worried and his eyes are wide with fear. I've never seen this much emotion in one person. He's easy to read and doesn't make it difficult at all. "But, I don't want to be weak." Is what I wish I had said, instead I shut my eyes and start crying into my hands. He lifts the divider and pulls me in for a hug. "Why is this happening to me?" I ask myself. He just shushes me trying to calm me down. 

"I'm sorry Emily." He says shushing me some more. When I look up at him he has tears in his eyes. "I'm sorry this had to have happen to you. But I love you and I don't want you to hide things from me anymore. No more Emily." He says hugging me again.

"I'm just so scared." I say.

(Author's note: I'm sorry for the sad chapter kay? Hope you enjoyed this story so far though :) Almost halfway done! I love you all and I'm sorry I've been slow on updating I've been so busy lately cause school is starting to I might not even post once a day anymore :/ Sorry but I do try. Anyways I love you all, bye my little prostitutes!)

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