Chapter 16: Antoinelle

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Chapter 16: Antoinelle

I stared at Leo, watching his face. He seemed distracted and hesitant about something, but in the moment he was telling me about Anthony and the epic trip he'd witnessed the other day. He's been like this recently, physically present but mentally trapped in some kind of cocoon.

I didn't mind that he was hiding something from me; I just minded that he didn't tell he was hiding something from me. I pondered about what it could be. Something about home and his parents that he never told me about? Perhaps it had something to do with another girl...a better one. No, if thought like then I'd never trust Leo. Maybe I had to confront him about.

I heard him mention me while he was talking and tuned in. "...and I was saying how I thought it was adorable how the other day some kid threw his ice cream at you. I mean, I would've jumped the kid but instead you bought him another ice cream cone." I blushed, remembering that moment. Leo caught me and smirked. "I think I also mentioned how adorable it is when you blush." And I felt my face go even hotter.

He was just so distracting! With his adorable smirk, the cute way his bangs fall down, his beautiful eyes... I jumped, snapping out of the trance I was in. Leo looked over at me. "You okay Nel?" I nodded. I decided to speak up very quietly. "Leonardo, you've been kind of off the past few days and-" He hadn't heard me. Instead he got up and held out his hand to me. "You wanna go for a walk?" In that one second I lost all my confidence. I sighed, then smiled and grabbed his hand. "Yeah."

We just walked quietly along the sidewalks and trails, weaving through the park we were at. It wasn't an awkward silence; it was just one of the silences where all you wanted to do was bask in the presence of the other person. Leo spoke up, breaking the silence. "We should play a game." I raised an eyebrow. "What type of game are you talking about?"

"Well, I want to get to know my girlfriend more." He smirked as I blushed, yet again.

"Twenty questions?"

"Too first date."

"Truth or dare?"

"Too middle school."

"How about we do like levels of questions? As we get higher and higher up in levels the questions will get more detailed?" I didn't want to do something that could upset us both and ruin the night so quickly but I still wanted to ask him about what was bothering him. Leo stopped, thinking about the proposal. I jerked back, surprised; I was also upset that his hand was torn from mine. I needn't worry for a long while though.

Leo grabbed my hand again saying, "Okay. Just say when if it gets too serious and we'll stop." "Ditto." He might leave completely after I ask him my question. "Ladies first Leonardo." I giggled as he pursed his lips. When he opened his mouth he spoke in a high-pitched girly accent. "Okay. So, like, what's like your favorite designer brand? I, like, totally heart Coach." I giggled and replied in a deep, manly voice. "Dude, you can't make me choose! If I had to though, I'd go with Hollister."

"Is that your real answer?" Leo said, back to his normal voice. "Did you go back to your normal voice?" I replied. We both smiled, answers apparent enough to continue on without saying so. "So," I continued. "Do you think I dress too casual sometimes?" I didn't really care about how I looked but I lacked of a better Level One question.

"You look beautiful all time." Don't blush, don't blush, Antoinelle Marie Waters. Do not blush! And...I succeeded! "Great." I played it off cool. "You better think that or else Mister Leonardo."

He rolled his eyes and asked, "Is this Level Two now?" I nodded. "Okay, how did you do on your midterm exams for college or whatever tests you take?" This was an easy question for me to answer. "I passed everything with a Superior or an A or whatever. The only thing I didn't get that score on was my math class where I got an Excellent or a B or whatever. I really don't get the scoring system if you can't tell."

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