Chapter 30: Antoinelle

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Antoinelle Spencer. Antoinelle Rye Spencer. Mrs. Leonardo Spencer. Mrs--

"Nellie. Nellie. Nellie!"

I snap out of my daze, focusing my eyes on first thing in front of me when I felt cold water splash on my face. I yelped. "Mave! You did not have to do that."

Mave smirked across from me and crossed her arms. "Well, the moment you decided that being in la la land with Mr. Leo was worth your time, I decided that you didn't deserve any of mine." 

Laughing, I ran up to Mave and hugged her. Then, in a mock regal voice, replied, "Well? What would you have me do, you majesty?"

Mave quirked an eyebrow and l grabbed a towel to dry off my face. Mave circled me and sang, "I know something you don't know." 

I pursed my lips and slapped the towel down. "Mave! What's with you today? Just be straight with me alright? You owe me for aggressively snapping me out of my daze. You know, a normal person would've just--".

"Alright, alright!" Mave exclaimed and I grinned. "There may or may not be a handsome young man waiting for you outside." I gasped, reaching for my phone to look at the time. It was already noon. I was supposed to have let Leo know when I was ready for our date. Running around to collect my things, I thought about the day to come.

Leonardo had been weird the past couple of days. We've hung a few times since we had dinner with my father, but he seemed so surprised about our family name. Rye. I'd shed it if I could. I've gotten countless looks over the years due to my last name. People think I'm lazy and use my name as an access pass. People think they can use me to make connections. People think I'm some basic upper-class princess that doesn't have any hardships. Some people are wrong.

I thought Leonardo was different. I still think he's different. One thing that hasn't changed is the way Leo looks at me. If anything, when he isn't looking dazed and confused, he's looking at me like I'm his sun and moon. A warmth spreads from somewhere inside my heart and I grin so hard I must look like a madman. So crazy in fact, that Leo had to do a double take when he saw me.

"Um...", Leonardo spoke hesitantly, "...are you okay Nel? You look like someone told you you can kill your cake and eat it too." His lips slowly curved into a grin as he pulled me towards him and spun me around. I giggled so much but for once, I didn't. I would giggle all day long if it meant I could be with Leonardo. But suddenly, we stopped spinning.

I frowned as Leonardo coughed and stepped awkwardly back from me, ducking his head down and scratching his hair. Trying to lighten the mood, I moved towards him, raising my hand to touch his. "Hey, are you...", I started, but I stopped when I saw Leonardo's hand flinch before I even touched it. In a split second, we met each other's eyes and I closed my hand, retracting it quickly. Maybe I'm not such a hand-holding person after all. 

Leo opened his mouth, then shut it. I guess I have a habit of making men do that too. Leo looked around, nervously. "So you ready to go?", he said without making eye contact with me. I squinted at him and shook my head slowly, replying, "Yeah, let's go."

We got into his car in silence, and we sat there for a while with the engine running. I kept sneaking glances at Leonardo. He was so jittery today. His hands were shaking, he couldn't stop tapping his foot, and the amount of times he had ran his fingers through his hair was more detangling than his hair was used to.

I saw Leonardo's hand snap forward to the radio, turning up whatever song was playing so loud, and he flashed a grin in my direction. The music was so loud that I could feel the heartbeat-like bass pumping throughout my body. It was "This is Gospel" by Panic! At The Disco. I looked down at my lap and smiled a little with a began to hum along as Leonardo backed out of the parking spot and drove away.

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