Chapter 26: Antoinelle

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"How about potato chips? Do we have those? I'm a Doritos fan myself but I suppose we can mix it up." I turned around from my list, looking to Leo for advice. He smirked. "Well babe, I hate to break it to you but I'm a hardcore Lays fan. There's a few boxes filled with a bunch of different varities."

I smiled and threw out my hands. "Well look at that! We're learning stuff about each other." He chuckled, walking off to do who knows what.

I started mummering to myself. "I already party-proofed the place. Only plastic, no glass. Lots of food and snacks. Drinks. Of course, only soda though there's going to be that one guy who brings a bunch of booze and spikes all the drinks. And the hor d'oeuvres are all out and ready to go, some of them being kept warm. I guess that's it. Just the guests now."

My phone rang on the table. I glanced down towards it and smiled while picking it up. "Hey Jess."

"Hey Ant."

"HEY NELLIE!" I jerked the phone away and almost dropped the phone to protect my ears from the shouting. Slowly, I pulled the phone back. "Brittany?" I asked.

Jessica sighed. "Yeah. We're coming over right now to help you get ready for the party."

"Oh, no need for that." I said. "I only have a pair of jeans and this dressy like shirt so I'm just going to wear that."

Jessica gasped. "It's New Year's Eve and you plan on wearing trash to the first party of the year?!" Her voice turned towards the squealy persona that she had started to lose.

I sighed this time. "It's nothing. While you're here, might as well help out." I could here Leo moving around the house, probably trying the clean up.

I could almost hear her shaking her head. "Uh uh. You're going to wear some beautiful dress and pretty boy is going to be drooling all over you."

"Seriously, you can turn around and go back to wherever you came from if that's what you're going to do with me."

"'s kind of too late for that now."

I raised an eyebrow, forgetting she couldn't see me. "And why is that?" I felt someone tap my shoulder. I turned around expecting it to be Leo so I could tell him I was talking to Jessica. Instead of his blue eyes, I stared into someone's green ones.

"Heh heh." Jessica chuckled nervously and raised her hands in a suggestive manner. "Surprise?"

I rolled my eyes. "How did you even get in here?"

She pointed to Brittany behind her. "Well, Brittany is actually a national governent spy for Russia and is good with hacking into the U.S. system, expensive cars, and this home."

Leo walked out from behind them. "Or she's just really good at calling people to ask them to open the door quietly."

I opened my mouth in realization. "Ohhhh. You weren't cleaning. Just opening the door. You should really work on that."

He shrugged and walked off, kissing me quickly. "Nah. But you should really work on getting your butt in the car and picking a dress. My girlfriend wearing jeans to a party? No."

As he turned the corner I called out, "Thanks. Real supportive. Taking real notice of my possible insecurity problems." I got no response so I rolled my eyes and faced the two little rascals. I sighed. I just never get my way, do I. "So, are we going shopping or what?"

They squealed and Brittany linked arms with me, dragging me to the car. "This is going to be much fun! And you're so pretty that I bet anything will look good on you." I know it's the holidays and I should be happy but I felt like I was being taken to prosecution.

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