Chapter 29: Leonardo

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My first chapter that I'm doing Leonardo by myself. Sure, it's been a year or so since we've stopped writing, but it's all coming back now. This is for you, J.

Chapter 29: Leo

Kent Rye. Kent Rye. Kent Rye.
This is the name I can't get out of my head.
I am sure that it is purely coincidence that my dedicated girlfriend's father (who she isn't that close with) is also one of the associates on my list.
It's purely coincidence. Coincidence. Just coincidence.
But what if it's not?
But what if it is?
I could be putting a lot at stake even looking into this. If Kent Clark is really such a dangerous man that he somehow had a part in the car accident... the murder my parents died in, then he is certainly not a man to be messing around with.


If I am really dedicated to the cause of my parent's death, then I would jump at the chance to avenge them, and immediately look into Kent Rye no matter the consequences.

"Leo "

I am serious about this, right? I'd do anything, no matter what


I snap my head up, dazed, looking around for the source of voice, and steely eyes meet mine. Marty. And he does not look happy at the fact that I am dwadling in front of the freezer, when I am supposed to be taking supplies out.
Cara walks behind me quickly, hissing words into my ear. "Ooo. You may not have tripped here yet, but I'm willing to accept this instead."
I chuckle to myself, putting my head down. Of course she would be thinking about my trip record here. Then again, I've also never had Marty be mad at me.

I slowly turn my eyes back to look at Marty. I gulp, seeing the dissapointment (and understanding?) in his eyes. He puts out his hand, staring pointedly at my apron. I sigh, getting the memo.
"I'm sorry Marty, that I'm zoning out a lot recently. I understand if you never want me here again." Slowly, I began to trudge towards the exit. But I was stopped by something. The sound of Marty laughing.
Quickly, I turned around, suprised at the change of mood. Doubting myself, I walked to Marty, putting a hand on his shoulder. He had laughed so hard he had cried! What was so funny?
Apparently, firing me made him happy. If that's what it takes I guess. I hadn't seem him laugh like this in so long, that it made me start to smile too.

Finally (it felt like ages), Marty sighed and gave one more hearty laugh. He stepped towards me and slapped my back, real hard. In a horrible series of events, it caused me to stumble, hit some trays on the counter, and continue on my downwards fall of shame in the most embarrassing moment of my life.
Everybody was silent.
The customers all looked at me like I was crazy.
Then, Marty started laughing, so hard that he had to grab the now emptied counter. Not this again. Laughing at my expense? So not cool.

I looked from Marty to Cara. She looked starstruck.
"O-M-G." She dropped her empty trays to the the floor and ran over to stand on an empty chair. Theatrically, she grabbed a glass and a spoon, clinging them together.
"Here ye! Here ye!" She addressed the whole restaurant.
"Leonardo Spencer has officially tripped for the first time, breaking his long-term record. Let's raise a glass to that! Yeah!"

And slowly, someone started chuckling. Then another. And another! My eyes widened. I. Finally. Tripped.
Anthony came behind me and ruffled my hair, with me still laying on the floor. He too, laughed. "It's about time, man!"

At first, I didn't find the situation funny at all, but soon I realized it was pretty hilarious. I mean, I was strung up all over my parent's case, and this was exactly the thing I needed to let loose a little bit. Laughing like one big family.

Marty, clutching his stomach from all his laughter, held out a hand to help me up. As he pulled, he said, "Son, you'll always have a place here. Sam would never forgive me if you didn't. You just looked like you were struggling with something and needed a break, so go home. Anyway, there's a certain little brunette sitting outside, waiting for someone.

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