Part 29 - Tagged Again

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Ok so i got tagged again

Lets do this.

1) Who tagged you?


For any readers out there, i seriously recommend this author. Author-Chan has amazing books and I cannot wait until the next chapter XD

2) Title the chapter.

Look up top

3) Tell a joke.

How do you make holy water? You boil the hell out of it!

(I am a sucker for puns and dad jokes XD)

4) State 10 facts about yourself.

- My best friend calls me the Jolly Green Giant because im always in a happy mood and i tower over most girls at 5'10

- I have no friends in the state that i live in. All of my friends live around the world. The closest two being in Wisconsin and California.

- I "convinced" my boyfriend to let me teach him how to play flute so I can practice teaching on him.

- I want to be a band teacher when I grow up. Music is a beautiful and magical thing to me and I want to be able to teach someone and give them that same magic that I feel when I play my instrument or when i listen to certain songs.

- I just recently started watching the show Once Upon A Time and when I told my best friend that, she yelled at me for not starting it earlier.

- I start my first semester of college in August. Yay.....adulthood

Just what i wanted when I was younger.

- I just recently rearranged my bedroom and seperated my things to keep and to get rid of.

- I plan on getting a tattoo soon with my family. My mom has a medical alien, with a nurses hat and a face mask. My dad has a hippie alien, with a tie dye headband and dreadlocks...and a mustache. I have a princess alien because i am the princess of my family (and because i am very spoiled) and there is a bandaid on my alien because i am clumsy as shit.

- One of the books I am writing (not published yet) has real life characters and is based off of my life in high a degree. The main character is actually based off of my boyfriend Josh, but i started writing the book a year before we started dating. At the time I had actually used his real name for the character but I changed it when we started dating, because the book version of him is gay.

- My middle name means Moon Goddess in its native language.

5) Give a spoiler for one of your books.

(In all honesty, you wont know this spoiler for a while because the book is still an idea and isnt even fully written yet. So as an apology, ill give a second spoiler about a book that is published.)

Spoiler Number One: Watch out for the person you trust the most in this fairy tale.

Spoiler Number Two: They are the first of their kind.

6) Put the rules here.

Im not quite understanding what you mean by rules.

7) Tag 28 people

Like my tagger EnticingElite ill just tag whoever I can think of


8) Do this within three days.

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