chapter eight :b

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Paiges POV***

The boys had just left for there interview, that kiss liam gave was, well wonderful! i kept that smile on my face as i decided that today would be a full house treatment day since the boys would be gona for most of it. They could some straight home to a clean and comfy house. i put all the sheets in the washer, scrubbed the kitchen , and practically bleached the bathrooms, they ALL needed it. i knew the boys interview was about to start as i finished but i was recording it at home so i could watch it later, cleaning for them had been one of my favorite jobs, and i was really hoping we could become good friends. liam was coming over wednesday , which two days?! oh my, time has flown in the last week. hmm, well, might as well get back to work. i pressed the sheets and after putting them all back into place and making the beds, i left to go home. the drive was alot shorter than usual today, well, thats more relaxing time for me ! i walked into the apartment and called Kelsies name.

Her  curly brunette hair popped out of the bedroom door, "yeaaaaah?" i swear she looks more like our dad everyday!

"mac'n'cheese for dinner?" i asked ruffling her hair as i walked in to get clothes to change into after a showered, i definitely needed one. UGGGH.

"yesyesyesyesyesyesyeeeees!!!!" her eyes were wide with excitement. Kelsies favorite food , has always been mac'n'cheese i have no idea why though . the girl is simply obsessed with cheese! 

"you start making it while i take a shower okay?" she nodded her head as i shut the bathroom door and turned the water on, i stripped and walked in slowly, sitting down in the tub letting the warm mist welcome and embrace my body . after ii finished deep-conditioning and washing my body, i went ahead and got out so Kelsie would have some warm water. i put on some basketball shorts and a hollister tank, and walked out to the sight of my sister stuffing her face with mac'n'cheese. "Gee, thanks for waiting. great sister you are." she simply grunted back at me and i just rolled my eyes. shes worse than niall is i swear ! i grabbed a bowl and suddenly wasnt hungry. i came to the couch empty handed and my sister gave me the, I WANT IT look. i nodded my head and she leaped onto the stove to get the rest. i turned on the dvr and watched the interview, i was shocked at liams answer, and even more shocked at how ruude the old woman who interviewed them was. i saw the hurt in liams eyes, i started to call him, but decided it would be best to just let him be alone for now, i did however text Louis to see what had happened afterwards,

To: Loooooouuuuuuiiiiiiiiis! (the best mate ever<33333)

hey lou, i just watched the interview, how is he? 

it took not even a minute for him to respond,

Loooooouuuuuuiiiiiiiiis! (the best mate ever<33333) :

he came home and went straight to his room, he didnt talk for the rest of the interview or during the signing. im a bit worried about him to be honest. 

i started to reply to louis but i got another text and was shocked when i saw who had sent it...

Liam the great! :D :

you know, you really didnt need to was AND press the sheets, but thank you so much, i feel so much cleaner and comfy thanks to you (: xx

i laughed, after all that he had probably went through today, he was saying thanks about the sheets?! Wow, you really a trooper!

Reply to : Liam the great ! :D :

after what happened today, and you're thanking me about the sheets? my gosh liam, you really are a trooper. im sorry about that ruude interview lady. i hope it didnt run your day :/ xx

he didnt reply after that so i slowly fell asleep....


i pulled up to the boys building and rode up the elevator in silence, i really dont know why, but when i stepped into the boys flat, everything felt weird. i talked to Niall for a few minutes, telling him about how my sister might just love food more than him, when i heard glass shatter and Louis crying, i ran into the living to see him standing there looking at the ground with a puppy dog face on, 

"sorry about that love, " he was about to cry again,poor lou, i gave him a hug and tickled him for a bit before going down the hall and grabbing a broom fromthe closet, i was just grabbed the dustpan when to strong arms wrapped around my waist, i jumped and then calmed down once i saw whose arms the were, 

"Good morning sleepyhead!" i said happily.

"Good morning jumpy pants," i rolled my eyes and he flashed his perfect smile, " sorry if i didnt reply, i fell asleep right after i sent you tthat text last night."

i raised my eyebrows at him as we walked to the living room where the scattered remains of a broken vase were along with a stilll sad Louis, "Suuure yah did." and with that i laughed and shook my head as she swept up the broken glass, "So how did this happen boys?" i asked, for once quite afraid of the answer.

"well, me and Hazza were cuddeling," louis started when harry interrupted.,

" and boobear here started a tickle fight, he jumped up and fell backwards and well, CRRRAAASSSSSHHH" harry was saying with a sorry look.

Liam and i answered at the same time, " How many things are you two gonna break before you learn?" we both looked at eachother wide eyed, and started laughing all in the same . so did louis and harry. I think we were being to loud because Zayn comeout and just stared at us with dagger eyes before turning around and walkiing back to his room. After we were done laughing and the Broken vase was cleanned up, I went on through the rest of the vacated rooms, cleaning what needed to be cleaned and remaking the beds. about 45 minutes later i came into the kitchen and cleaned the mess that Niall made while Liam watched Jersey Shore on the Tv, " Paige, why do the make themselves orange?" he asked referring to the tv with a confused look on his face.

i laughed as i replied, " its so they can get attention go to wonkas chocolate factory forever! wouldnt you?" we both laughed at this. i finished in the kitchen and put the dry dishes away and walked into the living room, "well im done, is there anything else you need?" he was kind of staring at me, but i just brushed it away.

"yes, i need you to come sit here and watch this with me so i dont get scared to death!" he exclaimed as snooki got very drunk and danced like a dummy on the screen. i sighed and sat down beside him smiling, he slid my arm around my waist. "i take it you dont like things like this?"

i practically died as i laughed, " not at all, these are more fake than the scripted shows!" he nodded his head in agreement. He eventually turned the tv off and we played twenty questions for a while before i had to leave to pick Kelsie up from school.

as i got into the car i thought about how much i had learned about liam. His favorite color was orange, he liked dogs, he grew up an only chiild, so he was often spoiled, but he didnt really have many friends, and his favorite sport was running. i sighed as i parked in front of kelsies school, she walked out of the building and skipped to the car, oh god. my sisters a nut! on the way home we talked about her classes and she told me she was doing pretty well at all her classes and her guidance counceler wanted her in advanced classes, she also wanted to live in the dorms on the campus, but i just couldnt afford that right now, hmmm.... when we got home i called the bank to check and see how my balance was , i gasped when they told me how much money was in the account, 18,000 pounds? my my, the jb with the boys paid really welll, it was only 5,000 a month ago, and i was paid for two months in advance, but..well, if my sister wanted to live in a dorm , now she could! later that night i wrote out the check for the amount so she could stay at the dorm for the next two years , it was only 2,500 a year with a food plan, and i told her on weekends she would come home to do laundry, she packed her clothes and slept in her bed for the last night, and thats when it hit me, i was suddenly very tired and the moment my head hit the pillow, i was out cold. 

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