Fast Enemies, Faster Friends

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"Are you sure this is a good idea? I don't want to risk starting a fight."
"Ashley, don't worry," I said. "Everyone in Fairy Tail is friendly and super accepting of each other as well as others. They'll help you." Erza pushed open the doors, causing everyone to turn and face them. She grinned.
"And now they've seen you, so you have no choice. I'll make sure they don't mess with you." We walked into the guild hall and Natsu immediately approached us, obviously curious about Ashley. He pointed at her.
"Who's that? She's new, and pretty. Is she joining Fairy Tail? What kind of magic does she have?" He looked her up and down before his eyes locked on the guild mark clearly displayed on her forearm. He gasped and backed up, hands raising defensively.
"Lamia Scale," he hissed out. Natsu flung his hands up towards her, flames dancing on them angrily. "Explain why you're here to give me one reason not to blast you back to your guild!" I stepped in front of my sister protectively.
"Natsu," I said calmly. "This is my sister, Ashley Y/L/N. Yes, she is from Lamia Scale, and we don't have the best experience with them, but she needs our help. Her guild is slowly becoming more and more corrupt, so she found Erza through me to request the help of us and our guild. I would appreciate you to not kill her." He lowered his hands, instantly shifting back to his happy self.
     "Well, it's nice to meet you, Ashley! I'm Natsu, a fire dragon slayer. The guy with black hair being stalked is Gray, he uses Ice Make Magic. The stalker is Juvia, she's an elemental water mage. And the blonde is Lucy. She's a Celestial Spirit mage. Lucy, Gray, Erza, Y/N, and I are all on a team together, so we'll be the ones to help you any way we can!" Ashley smiled for the first time since coming to the house, then spoke three words that made me beam.
     "Thank you, sis."

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