Getting Revenge

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Natau held up his hand towards the windows of the Sabertooth hotel and shot fire at them. The windows shattered as fireballs crashed through each. Both of us jumped through and ran down the hall in opposite directions. I could feel his heat growing fainter as my cold grew stronger. I was quickly met by three Saber tooth members. Without thinking, I flung my hand to the wall, slamming them up against it, and kept running. I had to find the guild Master. I could hear screaming from across the building, most likely Natsu taking care of more Sabertooth mages. Eventually, I found two locked double doors, running up to them at the same time as Natsu. He blasted the doors open, sending at least 20 wizards flying backwards. His eyes darkened, flames weaving around him. "Where is your master?" He punched another wizard that came towards him. "TELL ME!" By this point, the Sabertooth members were backing up. One dared to come after me, but a wave of my hand sent icicles out, pinning him to the wall. Natsu continued shouting demands. "Bring him out now!" Within seconds, a giant man with a white beard, red beads around his neck, and no shirt stepped out, speaking.

"If you have something to say to me, then you should say it." I felt the air around Natsu begin to boil, so I put my hand on his arm softly in an attempt to cool him down. He opened his mouth and clenched his fists, so I spoke to the master of Sabertooth.

"So it's one loss and you're out on the streets, huh? Those are some hardcore rules, pal. Let's see if you play by 'em." The next words out of my mouth, Natsu spoke with me.

"If you lose to us, you gotta quit the guild too!" The master chuckled.

"Did you really come here to challenge me? How foolish."

"We came here to teach you not to turn your back on people you're supposed to care about," Natsu said. "So you better listen!" The members of Sabertooth seemed frozen in shock, unsure of what to do.

"Hey Dopingal," the master began, "deal with these intruders." A man in all black with a mask over the bottom half of his face sidled up next to the Sabertooth master.

"Yes master," he said before heading to me first. Luckily, I was ready. Dopingal fired a rainbow stream of light at me, but I easily dodged it and froze his feet to the ground, giving Natsu enough time to knock him out with a fiery punch. The fight didn't even last 10 seconds. A blond boy that resembled Laxus stepped up to fight, but the master pushed him back and remained still as Natsu and I charged at him. Natsu went in for a punch that the master blocked effortlessly. I quickly froze his arms to nearby pillars, which left him wide open and allowed Natsu to get a hit off before the master broke the ice. I knew I'd have to use stronger magic, and summoned ice falcons to dive-bomb him. But he just redirected Natsu's fire to melt my falcons. We fought for a while, evenly matched at every turn. Until I froze the master in stronger ice casing and Natsu had an open path. He charged, ready to finish the master of Sabertooth. He landed the hit, caused lightning to erupt around us and the side of the building to explode outwards. Smoke and dust obscured our vision, but when it cleared, the ice was gone and there was a girl standing in front of the master of Sabertooth. I recognized her immediately. Minerva, Sabertooth's all-time strongest. She had dispelled any magic on the guild master and prevented Natsu's hit from doing damage.

"Certainly you'll agree," she began, "this little quarrel of ours has gone too far." Natsu and I both glared at her, wanting her to move or get punched. We were too shocked to speak, but instead watched the guild master scold her for getting in his way. She brushed it off like it was nothing. "Please, forgive me. You could easily defeat these two, so I'm not doing this for your sake, father." Natsu finally found his tongue.

"He's your dad?" Minerva ignored him and continued speaking.

"But we must take into consideration how this altercation would appear to the outside world." She turned towards us. "Despite the fact that you are clearly the aggressors in this situation, our master killing another competitor would leave Sabertooth in an awkward position, to say the very least. It would certainly put a damper on the games." The air grew hot again. I tried to keep it neutral by allowing my magic to cool the air, but to no avail. Natsu was too angry, and I could tell when he spoke.

"You know what I think? You're scared of seeing this old geezer get put down." Minerva chuckled and held her hands out in front of her. A sphere of light appeared in between them and soon after, so did Happy, crying. Minerva then gestured to someone behind her, who stepped out, holding Erza with his hand to her stomach. I froze, unable to breathe or even think. Minerva spoke.

"Leave now if you want your kitten and family to stay safe." Natsu and I glanced at each other, knowing Sabertooth had beat us, at least for now. We agreed to leave, so Minerva released both Happy and Erza. Happy ran to Natsu and Erza ran to me. I picked up my wife, bridal-style as she wrapped her arms around my neck, shaking and crying quietly. Without another word, Natsu and I left, him heading to the hotel, and me heading home for the night. As Erza snuggled closer to me, all I could think was how lucky I was to have been there. Because if they had grabbed her and I hadn't been there for Yukino, then I could've lost her. I shuddered at the thought and continued walking home, ready for the next day of the Grand Magic Games.

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