The Final Battle

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I walked to the other side of the arena and waited for my cue to start. We'd come to the arena used for the Grand Magic Games; it was the most equal and neutral ground we could think of. After all, we'd both been on the field the same amount. I glanced up at the balconies. Above Minerva, in my line of sight, was Fairy Tail, including Erza, who was holding Lillith. Above me, in Minerva's line of sight, I knew was Sabertooth, ready to cheer on their guildmate. I bit my lip and looked over to the two officiants; Master Makarov and Sting, since it wouldn't be fair to have one guild master conduct the fight. Master Makarov sighed and spoke. "As much as I hate this, because I think of those in my guild as my children, I am here as a referee for this battle. Fight fair, no deals, and nobody is allowed to die. All magic is allowed, and at the sound of the cannon, you may begin." As soon as he'd finished talking, Sting lit the nearby cannon and we waited. Only a second later, it fired, signaling the beginning of our battle.

I didn't waste any time before springing into action. I jumped to the side in case Minerva shot a spell at me, and cast my own spell. "Hailstorm!" A rain of hail shot from my hand and flew straight at Minerva. She easily dodged and cast her own spell, instantly pulling me to her, and slammed her fists into me, sending powerful and sharp pangs through my body. She then hit me hard enough to crack bone and sent me flying across the arena. I hit the ground and tumbled, landing in front of my guild. However, I wasn't about to let her hurt my family. Without even a pause, I jumped back up and put up defenses. "Ice Shield!" It was just in time, because the second it went up, one of Minerva's bubbles popped against it, unfortunately shattering my shield, but it would be worse had it hit me. Minerva smirked and threw another bubble at me, this one hitting me and exploding on impact. I went flying again, only this time since I was closer to the arena wall, I hit it, my head bouncing off of it and I dropped into the sand. I could hear the Sabertooth mage's voice.

"Aww, what's wrong, little fairy? Are your wings too broken to fly? Don't worry, your other two can still fly. And I'll take care of them after I get rid of you." Get rid of? I lifted my head when she said those words, fearful of what she could mean. My eyes met hers and I spotted the cruel glint in them. "Yes, I did say 'get rid of.' You can't honestly think that I planned to leave you alive after this, did you?" My eyes widened. "Oh, now you understand. See, Y/N, my plan was always the same. I would get rid of either you or your wife, then corrupt your sister and have her kill first your daughter, then the other parent. All while your guild watched. And now, I can kill you." At this point, she'd gotten close to me, and reached down. But after hearing everything she told me, I found new strength. I surged upwards and grabbed Minerva's throat, lifting her off the ground as it began to snow around us.

"Listen closely, because I'm only going to say this once." She raised her hand, a bubble ready, but I flicked my wrist and icicles shot through both her palms, ripping a scream from her throat. With another wave of my hand, Sabertooth's exit was blocked with ice, so they couldn't interfere. I leaned close to Minerva. "If you ever come near my family, you'll wish I'd killed you right here. I won't kill you. But later on down the line, you might wish I had. So I suggest, that unless you want your life to become a living hell, that when you wake up, you take the corruption off of Lamia Scale and leave everyone alone." Minerva was losing air, but still managed to choke out a question.

"Wake up?" I smiled.

"From this." Without another word, I formed ice around my fist and swung, uppercutting her and sending her to the other side of the arena. She hit the ground and lay there, unmoving. Master Makarov's voice rang out over the cheering of my guild.

"And it seems that Y/N of Fairy Tail is the winner! I knew you could do it!" I looked up at my guild as they came rushing out to me, but my vision went black as the ground met my face once more.

A/N: Hey guys! Sorry I haven't been super active; I've been going through a lot and took some time off of writing. But I'm back now and updated every thing! Unfortunately, this story is coming to a close soon though, so I want to thank everyone who's been there through the first book and now this one. You guys mean the world to me and I'm so happy you love my story. I never thought it would take off; I was just writing for fun. But I'm so happy that it got where it is and I couldn't have done it without all you beautiful people. Thank you so much. ❤❤❤

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