Grand Magic Games: Day 3 (Part 3)

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I paced nervously outside the infirmary door, waiting for news of any kind regarding my wife and child. After what seemed like forever, Porlyuisca stepped into the hallway. I immediately rushed up to her. "How is she? Will she be ok? What about our child? Are they ok? Can I see her?" The pink-haired woman put her hands on my shoulders.

"Listen, I can't tell you anything yet. Go back to the games for now and I'll come get you when I'm sure of your wife's health, ok? Right now, she seems fine, but that can change very quickly and I don't want to get your hopes up in case something does go wrong. So, return to your team and try to relax." The air began to grow ice cold as snow drifted down from the ceiling.

"Relax? Relax?! How the hell do you possibly expect me to relax when my wife and child are in there, in who knows what state?! So, no, I won't relax. I'm going in there to see my family, and I'd love to watch you try to stop me, but I promise you, you will fail. I've killed someone for trying to hurt my family, and I almost did yesterday to someone trying to keep them away from me. So just try it and see what happens." Porlyuisca narrowed her eyes and got close to me.

"You're lucky that Makarov is just outside. If he wasn't nearby, you'd be dead for daring to talk to me that way." She moved out from in front of the door. "Go. Get out of my sight." I flung open the door. My eyes swept the room and locked on to a familiar head of red hair. I crossed the room quickly and crashed into a chair by my wife's side. I pressed my head against her chest and sighed in relief upon hearing her heartbeat. I gently pulled back the covers and teared up with joy at her stomach. Still pregnant with our child. I rested my head on Erza's chest, over her heart, and draped my arm over her stomach. Listening to my redhead beauty's heartbeat and feeling the rise and fall of her chest, I fell asleep easily, the events of the games contributing to my exhaustion.

      ~~          ••          ~~          ••          ~~

I awoke to a hand softly running through my hair. I lifted my head, which had migrated to Erza's lap, and noticed my wife sitting up, petting my hair. She had a gentle smile on her face, and despite the bandages, was as beautiful as ever. I didn't waste a second before my lips were on hers, my hands caressing her face as her own wrapped around my neck, pulling me close. After much too short a time, we broke apart. Erza chuckled. "What was that for? Not that I'm complaining, of course." I smiled and laced my fingers in hers.

"I'm just happy. And relieved. When you collapsed in my arms, I feared the worst. I can't imagine my life without you, which is why I married you. The thought of losing not only you, but our child as well, it scared me, Erza." She squeezed my hand gently. "I love you. I can't live without you. And the possibility of having to hurt more than you can imagine. So when I heard your heartbeat, felt your breathing, saw your stomach, it brought me to tears because of how happy I was. I'm happy that you're ok and that our child's ok." Erza smiled.

"Daughter. That our daughter is ok." I froze.

"What?" My wife ran a hand over her stomach.

"We're having a girl. We're going to have a daughter." I couldn't keep the smile off my face.

"Are you serious?!" Erza nodded, to which I responded with a passionate kiss that ended with both of us flushed and panting lightly. "I can't wait. What should we name her?" Erza shrugged.

"I'm not sure. I've thought of a few names, but I wanted to run them by you and see if you had any before we decided."

"What are the ones you thought of? I have some, but I want to hear yours first."

"Well, I have three. There's Emersyn, which means 'bravery,' Ella, meaning 'beautiful fairy,' and Lilith, referring to the woman who was cast out because she refused to make herself less than a man." I smiled.

"Personally, I like Lilith or Ella, since Lilith is an inspiring name and Ella reminds me of your status as the Fairy Queen." Erza put her hand on mine.

"I was thinking that too. What are yours?"

"I only have two. Either Juliet, which is a romantic and classic name, or Diana, after the Roman goddess of the moon." Erza furrowed her brow in thought.

"They're all good options... This creates an issue. And since we're not having quintuplets, we gave to choose one name. But how?" I sprung out of my chair.

"I've got it! We'll ask our guild members. They're our family too, and they can help us narrow down the options so it's easier for us to pick. What do you think?" Erza grinned.

"That's a really good idea! But, can we ask them later? I may need rest before jumping into action." I sat back down.

"Of course. And I'm staying right here with you. I'm not ever letting you out of my sight." I put my head back onto my wife's chest and fell asleep once more to her breathing and heartbeat.

Hey guys! So, I wanted to thank you all for supporting me and putting up with me through all this! I really appreciate it. As a kind of thieving you gift, I want you guys to pick the baby's name! Comment whether you want it to be Emersyn, Ella, Lilith, Juliet, or Diana. Thank you and I hope you all have a magical day! I love you!

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