Grand Magic Games: Day 1 (Part 6)

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     I went back onto the balcony with Erza and Natsu. Gray was still nowhere to be found and Lucy was resting until her magic replenished. The next match was announced. "It's the first day of the Grand Magic Games. The battle part continues with the second match, featuring Ren Akatsuki of Blue Pegasus versus Arania Webb of Mermaid Heel!" I prepared myself for a tough match. From what I'd heard, Arania and Ren were both powerful mages. Arania was casting webs, attempting to ensnare Ren. He easily dodged them and cast a spell of his own.
      "Aerial Phose!" A blue force field shot out from his hands, blasting away the webs and slamming into Arania. The field disappeared and she fell to the ground, unmoving.
     "The winner is... Ren from Blue Pegasus!" Erza wrapped her arm around my waist and spoke.
     "Unsurprisingly, he's improved compared to seven years ago." I glanced at Natsu, who was flopped over the balcony.
     "Don't tell me that Ichiya's gotten stronger too!" he shouted. I turned to him, confused.
     "Natsu, what are you talking about?"
     "Ichiya has always been a man to reckon with. His personality leaves something to be desired, but there's no denying that he's Blue Pegasus's strongest wizard," Erza explained. I smiled gratefully as Natsu seemed embarassed.
     "I didn't know..." he said, slumping back onto the balcony. "Ichiya, huh?" His eyes lit up and he was instantly back to normal. "I suddenly wanna fight him!" Erza began speaking once more, so quietly that only I could hear her.
     "But what bothers me is that person in the bunny costume." I let out a breath.
     "So it is alright to be bugged by that... Good! I thought maybe we weren't supposed to mention it." She smiled and kissed me on the cheek as the announcer began speaking.
     "Next up, the third match of day one! War Cry of Quatro Cerberus versus Orga Nanagear of Team Sabertooth!" The match began and almost immediately, War Cry burst into tears, sobbing loudly. Everyone seemed too stunned to speak, even Orga. The announcer filled the silence. "There it is! War Cry's Tear Magic!" Natsu looked confused.
     "He's crying!" Natsu half shouted. I looked at Erza for an explanation, but she seemed just as confused.
      "Tear Magic?" she questioned. "What kind of magic is that?" I kept my eyes locked on the battle, curious about this magic.
     "The more I cry," War Cry began, "the stronger I get!" Orga simply extended his hand and shocked War Cry with a capsule of black and gold lightning. War Cry shot across the arena and fell to the ground motionless; not even the tears were coming out. The announcer came back.
     "The match is over! Literally, in a flash! Orga's Black Lightning fried the tears instantaneously! The winner is Orga Nanagear of Sabertooth!" He began to leave, then came back and got a microphone. "Oh, my! What does Orga Nanagear want to say?" He began to sing. Except, it wasn't really singing, because he didn't have a good voice. I winced and buried my face in Erza's shoulder.
     "Tell me when it's over," I mumbled. After a while, she tapped me to tell me it had ended. The announcer came on to confirm it. I lifted my head and kissed Erza as he talked.
     "Alright, it's time for the final match of the first day! It's Mystogan of Fairy Tail B versus Jura Neekis of Lamia Scale!" I tensed. Jellal... Even if he was fighting for our guild, I couldn't help but want Jura to win. Besides, he's from my sister's guild. The match officially began. Jellal unlatched all the objects on his back and ran at Jura with the weapons behind him. Jura cast an unspoken spell that caused rock pillars to shoot from the ground in front of him, getting increasingly closer to Jellal, but he jumped out of the way just in time. Jura made the pillars curve inwards to try and smash Jellal, but he was too quick. I sighed and went to check on Wendy, Gray, and Lucy. I went into the exit tunnel to search for Gray first, but found nothing. Then, I went to the infirmary. Wendy was lying in bed, clutching her exceed, Carla, tightly in comfort. I whispered a spell.
     "Ice Rose." A sparkling rose made of ice appeared in my hand. I carefully set it on Wendy's bedside table and cast a spell so it would never melt. I walked over to Lucy. She was sitting up in her bed. I sat next to her. "Lucy, listen. I know we haven't been on the best of terms since we met, but I hate the conflict. I'm sorry for everything. I want us to be friemds. Would that be possible?" She looked at me and smiled.
     "Of course Y/N. I'm sorry too. And I'm happy for you and Erza. I was honestly just trying to make Natsu jealous." I grinned.
     "No need to. I'm pretty sure he already likes you." I stood and walked back out to the balcony. I looked at the fight. Jura was just standing there. I was about to ask why, when I saw Jellal curled in a ball, clutching his mouth. Suddenly, he flipped on his back and started laughing like a maniac. Everyone seemed confused and shocked. I turned to Erza. "What happened?"
     "Jellal was about to cast a huge spell that would've given away hus true identity, when he dropped to the ground in agony. We don't know why." Just then, Jellal flew into the sky and fell back to the ground, unmoving. The announcer began speaking.
     "Mystogan is down! I don't really understand it, but Mystogan is down! The winner is Jura Neekis of Lamia Scale!" I looked at Jura. Even he looked shocked by how he won. "And with this, the first day of the Grand Magic Games comes to a close! Here are the overall rankings!" I looked up at the scoreboard.

1. Sabertooth
2. Raven Tail
3. Lamia Scale
4. Blue Pegasus
5. Mermaid Heel
6. Quatro Cerberus
7. Fairy Tail B
8. Fairy Tail A

     I sighed. Still in last place. Hopefully tomorrow we could make up some points to at least beat Fairy Tail B. I went to the infirmary, to stay with Wendy until the next day.

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