Grand Magic Games: Day 4 (Part 1)

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I walked onto the balcony that I'd become so familiar with over the past few days, holding Erza close. She'd already done her challenge, but not the battle, and I had done the opposite. I glanced at my wife, still bandaged from the challenge, and felt my blood run cold at the thought of her participating in a battle today. As I silently prayed that she'd have today to just watch and rest, the announcer began speaking. "It's the fourth day of the Grand Magic Games! The name of the competition is 'Naval Battle!' In other words, a sea battle! Anyone who leaves the sphere of water is out!" I looked up at the huge water globe in the middle of the arena and began wondering how everyone would fight in that thing. "The last person in the sphere is the winner! However, when it gets down to two, the five minute rule comes into effect. That means the participants will only have five minutes to knock each other out of the sphere!" I watched as the teams began sending their participants in. Cheria from Lamia Scale, Jenny from Blue Pegasus, Risley from Mermaid Heel, Juvia from Fairy Tail B, Minerva from Sabertooth, Rocker from Quatro Puppy, and Lucy from our team.

As soon as the match started, Lucy summoned Aquarius, who swept everyone to the outer edge of the sphere. Juvia met Aquarius's attack head on, both evenly matched. While they fought in the center, Jenny kicked Rocker in the face, sending him shooting out of the water. "And Quatro Puppy is out!" I smiled as I watched him return to his guild. It may not have been direct cause of Lucy, but it was one less opponent for her to worry about.

Just then, Cheria rushed as Risley, but she dodged effortlessly, swimming out of Cheria's reach. I focused back on Aquarius and Lucy, only to find Aquarius gone! "Um, Erz? Where'd Aquarius go?" I could almost hear the contempt in her voice as she responded.

"A date with Scorpio." I rolled my eyes.

"Of course." At that moment, Juvia seemed to notice that Lucy was unguarded and shot a jet of water at her. But Lucy summoned Aries and Virgo just in time to block the water. Off to the side, Risley, Cheria, and Jenny were fighting, while Juvia's efforts stayed focused on Lucy.

Just then, Juvia formed a whirlpool of water and hearts that sucked up Risley, Cheria, Jenny, and Minerva. Minerva formed a bubble around her that kept her stable, but the other three were cast out, eliminating Blue Pegasus, Mermaid Heel, and Lamia Scale with one move. I was sure that Juvia would emerge victorious, but then I noticed her eyes lock onto Gray. She swam closer to him, completely distracted, and swam right out if the sphere, eliminating Fairy Tail B. Only Minerva and Lucy remained, causing the five minute timer to start.

I watched as a strong, white light emitted from Minerva's hands and she sent it directly at Lucy. Even from the balcony, I could feel the intense heat. Lucy flew close to the edge of the sphere, brushing against it, but not leaving. She reached for her keys, but they were gone! My eyes searched the sphere, finding them in Minerva's hand. Lucy swam closer in an attempt to get them, but Minerva continued her heat blasts, keeping Lucy at bay. However, no matter how strong Minerva was, Lucy kept pushing forward, trying to get to her keys. There was a long pause as the timer ended, where Minerva wasn't attacking, just watching Lucy swim closer. For a second, I hoped she'd run out of magic. But Minerva launched a series of rapid-fire heats blasts at Lucy, each one stronger than the last. Lucy shot down towards the bottom of the sphere, going out for sure, but just before she left, she vanished. I was stunned for a moment until my eyes found Minerva, who had teleported Lucy back to her. I was momentarily confused before the Sabertooth mage began pummeling Lucy mercilessly. I tensed as I watched my friend get hurt far more than was necessary for a challenge in a game. Soon, Lucy stopped moving, but Minerva's flurry of attacks was far from over. She continued to hit Lucy, oblivious to the match already being over. Suddenly, the pumpkin - headed referee ran out onto the field and put his hand up, signaling the end of the match. Minerva was holding a heavily battered Lucy outside the water sphere by her face. The announcer declared Minerva the winner as we all stared at Lucy in shock. I vaulted over the railing with no hesitation and hit the ground first, Natsu right behind me, as we ran for Lucy. Minerva dropped Lucy as Natsu and I dove, catching her just before she hit the ground. Erza ran over as Minerva slid down from the sphere. The redhead glared at the other mage, pure fury in her eyes. Wendy, Cheria, and Juvia came over as well, all reaching her at once. Wendy and Cheria extended their hands, Wendy healing her stamina, and Cheria healing her physical wounds. Natsu, Gray, Erza, and I stood, ready to attack Minerva, but the other Sabertooth members jumped down and stood protectively in front of her. The crowd began chanting for a fight, but when  Natsu stepped forward, Erza held up a hand to stop him, and faced Sabertooth.

"I don't care if you're the strongest or number one in Fiore. I'll tell you something. You people have made an enemy out of the one guild you don't want to anger." With that, she turned, picked up Lucy, and walked to the infirmary without looking back.

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