Grand Magic Games: Day 5 (Part 6)

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I deflected Lyon's attacks as he kept going, relentless. "You're stubborn, Y/N. I'll give you that," he said, preparing a spell. I grinned, doing the same.

"It's not like you to try to butter me up, Lyon." He shot ice eagles at me. I dove out of the way, remembering that I had a teammate right next to me. "Juvia!" I heard her voice near me.

"Right! Water Nebula!" Right as her water passed me, I cast my spell.

"Ice Shotgun!" Bolts of ice mixed with Juvia's water headed straight for Lyon.

"Dance of the Sky God!" A black vortex sucked in our attacks, protecting Lyon. Cheria was standing right there, and I remembered her God Slayer magic, growing nervous. Lyon smiled.

"Nice, Cheria!" But she was having no compliments, whirling on him to yell.

"Don't just stand there, Lyon!" He shook his head.

"But for her to use Juvia's water to attack me..." He turned to me, seeming angry. "How dare you!" I blinked in confusion.

"What are you talking about?" Lyon stepped back, readying a spell.

"That foul means isn't worthy of Juvia! Stand down!" Cheria huffed, looking hurt.

"Lyon! Come on!" But he ignored her, casting his spell.

"Ice Make: Water Serpent!" Two massive snakes flew into the sky and slammed into me in unison. I hit the ground, hard, as they vanished. My head spun as I heard Juvia's voice, followed by Cheria's.

"Y/N, no!"

"Lyon, attack Juvia too!" I forced myself to get back up, despite the pain, as Lyon spoke.

"I'll let you handle her, but you'd better not hurt her!"

"Then I can't!" I glanced at Juvia, sinking in quicksand, and knew I had to help her, but Lyon wouldn't let me pass him. Not that easily. I smiled, noticing the lack of communication between Lyon and Cheria.

"I'm not seeing any teamwork here. And I can take advantage of that!" I readied a spell, glancing up at the Lacrima-Vision just in time to see Orga throw lightning at Jura, who simply slammed him into the ground, knocking Orga out of the battle with just one attack. I became worried for Laxus, but shook it off, needing to concentrate on my own fight. I cast a silent spell, sending shards of ice directly at Lyon's face, then throwing up a shield around him to prevent attacks. I dove for Juvia, creating a platform to stand on, before pulling her out of the sand. She turned into water and flew back up, where Lyon had taken down the shield. I joined her, leaving all four of us facing off. Cheria spoke.

"Let's finish them off, Lyon!" He closed his eyes.

"I have no liking for harming women. Least of all when my opponent is Juvia." He looked at Cheria. "You take care of Juvia." She glared at him.

"Are we on that again?! You're stronger than I am, so you should just take her out with one shot! Then I'll use my Healing Magic to restore your power." Juvia glanced nervously at me.

"Healing Magic?!" I tried to remain looking relaxed, though I was just as shocked. I kept my eyes on Lyon.

"I see," I said. "So that's what you've got up your sleeve." He smirked.

"We didn't want to show our cards that easily."

"Lyon, just hurry up and finish them off!" Cheria exclaimed, seemingly agitated. I glanced at her for a second before focusing back on Lyon. After all, he was the one that my sister said had shown signs of corruption. He sighed.

"I told you, I'm leaving Juvia to you!"

"Why me?!"

"Never mind! I told you to do it, so do it!" I reached down and grabbed Juvia's hand. She laced her fingers in mine, smiling.

"Juv, their weakness is teamwork. You're my best friend; we've never had any trouble working together. We can join forces and take them out. Let's hit them with all of our magic!"

"Right!" We joined hands, focusing our magic and feeling it flow through us. Lyon began glaring daggers at us.

"You dare hold her hand openly in my presence?! I'm done playing games. Cheria!" But Cheria was staring at the ice and water around me and Juvia in awe.

"It's so pretty..." I smiled, even as Lyon shook Cheria.

"What are you doing, Cheria?! Power me up!" Juvia and I began to cast as Cheria came back to reality.

"Water Nebula!"

"Ice Geyser!" A powerful blast of ice chunks and water shot out, hitting both Cheria and Lyon, and knocking them out of the fight. Just then, I heard the announcer's voice.

"Lyon and Cheria have been defeated, earning another two points for Fairy Tail! And another match has ended, and... What?! Laxus has won! He defeated one of the Ten Wizard Saints! Fairy Tail earns five more points, putting them back at the top with 56 points!" I turned to Juvia, grinning ear to ear and flung my arms around her in relief.

"We did it, Juv! Laxus beat Jura! He beat the strongest competitor!" She hugged me back.

"I know, Y/N. There's not much more of this left until we win!" I smiled, then remembered Erza and pulled away. "Y/N, what's wrong?"

"Erza. I can't believe I forgot! My wife, I saw her on the Lacrima-Vision. She was fighting Minerva, and it didn't look good. If Minerva would harm a helpless cat, who's to say she won't hurt my baby?! I have to go!" Without another word, I took off, fear gripping my heart with an iron grip. I only hoped I wasn't too late.

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