Grand Magic Games: Day 2 (Part 1)

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"And now what you've all been waiting for. The second day of the Grand Magic Games has begun! Our guest on this second day is renowned reporter for the weekly sorcerer, Jason-san! Okay, the competiton part has already begun! And its name is... Chariot! This competition takes place on top of a line of vehicles, with the idea being to reach the goal without falling off! As the vehicles are always moving, just one moment of carelessness could lead to a misstep! The vehicles will wind their way around the sightseeing spots of Crocus, but which team will arrive here at Domus Flau?!" Next to Lucy, Gray piped up, seeming to be feeling better.
"Why did Natsu even sign up for this?" Lucy listened to that, then responded, also seeming to be feeling better.
"You'd think he would've been able to tell what kind of event it was from the name!" Erza put her arm in it's usual spot around my waist and spoke.
"Once he's made up his mind to do it, he doesn't listen."
"He probably thought he'd be fighting the chariots themselves," I said. Then I heard the announcer's voice.
"Oh my! Way in the rear is a groggy-looking Natsu from Fairy Tail A! And that's not all! Right in front of him is Gajeel from Fairy Tail B and even Sting from Sabertooth, all moving like molasses!" I couldn't help but chuckle at the conga line on screen. They all seemed to have motion sickness, yet signed up for a competition involving moving vehicles. "Alright! Let's check in with the leaders of the pack! It's a fierce dead heat at the front! In the lead is Blacksnake of Raven Tail!" I clenched my fists in anger. Come on, anybody. Just don't let that Raven win! "Ichiya of Blue Pegasus is on his heels, followed by Yuuka of Lamia Scale and Risley of Mermaid Heel!" I sighed. At this point, I knew Natsu wouldn't win, so I was hoping Yuuka would. At least he wasn't in a dark guild. And he didn't flirt with my wife like Ichiya did. "Some distance behind them is Bacchus from the reserve squad of Quatro Cerberus!" I glared at the sight of him. He's the guy that drank Cana under the table last night and tried to take her bra. Almost did, if it hadn't been for Erza. I smiled and kissed her, then turned back to the competition. Just then, Yuuka cast a spell.
"Wave Boost!" It sent him zooming past Ichiya and Risley, into second place. But that didn't last long. Risley altered gravity and began running on the side of the chariots, easily passing Ichiya and Yukka. Ichiya pulled two vials from his jacket and smelled then, causing his speed to increase greatly. Bacchus then slammed his foot on his chariot, splitting it in half and disrupting the other chariots, which made Ichiya, Yukka, and Risley fly into the air. Bacchus used magic to move faster, almost like lightning. He surpassed Blacksnake like it was nothing, shooting really far ahead. He jumped down and crossed the goal line. The announcer spoke. "And just like that, he crossed the goal line first! Quatro Cerberus wins 10 points! In second place, Blacksnake of Raven Tail! In third, Risley! In fourth, Yuuka! In fifth, Ichiya! All that's left are these three, battling it out at the bottom ranks!" I looked at Sting, Gajeel, and Natsu, currently all tied in a line. After a few minutes, Natsu and Gajeel were crawling, while Sting remained standing still on a chariot. I left to go check on Wendy, figuring this would last a while. I noticed she had another rose by her bed, both roses in a glass vase. I smiled and added another, then ran back out when I heard the announcer. "Natsu of Fairy Tail A, two points for being in sixth place! Gajeel of Fairy Tail B, one point for seventh place! And Sabertooth's Sting gets zero points for dropping out!" Natsu and Gajeel were collapsed on the floor at this point, and Sting had gotten down to walk the streets of Crocus. The scoreboard was shown.

1. Raven Tail (26 pts)
2. Sabertooth (20 pts)
2. Lamia Scale (20 pts)
3. Blue Pegasus (17 pts)
4. Quatro Cerberus (12 pts)
5. Mermaid Heel (9 pts)
6. Fairy Tail B (2 pts)
6. Fairy Tail A (2 pts)

Lucy left and went to the infirmary, which was probably where Natsu had crawled off to. I stayed up on the balcony, my arm around my wife, waiting to hear about the battles.

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