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space rangers


pudding: oo what happened last night??

mullet: nothing

pudding: mhm, suuuure

lanceylance: no, he's right

lanceylance: we didn't do anything

pudding: then why did you go to his room?

mullet: we just talked

lanceylance: yep

pudding: about what?

mullet: nothing important

spacedady: everyone come to the training room now

lanceylance: but im so tiredddd

spacedady: that's your fault for staying up too late

lanceylance: well keith over here couldn't sleep either

mullet: well at least i'm more adjusted then you are

spacedady; what does that mean??

mullet: nothing?

pudding: anyways

pudding: why do we have to train right now

pudding: i mean, it's seven in the morning

hank: isn't that a little to early?

spacedady: you never know when the galra could attack us, it may be early in the morning

lanceylance: yeah but their not attacking now

lanceylance: whats the point

hank: to get us more adjusted for when it does actually happen

pudding: ew

spacedady: thank you, hunk

spacedady: this is why you're the favorite

lanceylance: gAsP

mullet: i am

mullet: ofFenDeD

pudding: way to make the point clear

spacedady: well how could he not be the favorite? it's hunk

hank: tru tru

mullet: but aDAM-

pudding: gasp

lanceylance: ad a m

spacedady: keith don't you dare

mullet: why not hm?

hank: oo whos adam?

mullet: what ever happened to you two anyways? i'm still confused about y'all

lanceylance: did he

lanceylance: just say

mullet: don't

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