mullet has created a new group chat
mullet has added spacedady, hank, pidgeon, allura, and carrot to 'Unnamed Group Chat'
mullet has renamed 'Unnamed Group Chat' to 'project lance'
mullet: everyone wake tf up
pidgeon: bold of you to assume i was sleeping
mullet: help me spam the chat to wake everyone up
pidgeon: ok
mullet: okay
pidgeon: ok
mullet: okay
pidgeon: why are you saying okay?? it's just ok
mullet: it's whatever
mullet: same difference
spacedady: what do you want now?
mullet: who's closest to hunk
pidgeon: i am?
mullet: go wake him up
allura: paladins, is there a reason why i had to wake up at this hour?
mullet: yes
mullet: and it's very important
pidgeon: so can you tell us what it is
mullet: no not now
mullet: wake everyone up first
spacedady: should i wake up lance?
mullet: no
hank: if the galra aren't about to destroy us and everything we love, im hunting you down keith
mullet: it's not that
hank: then what's more important than sleep??
pidgeon: and why can't we wake lance
mullet: i'll get to that in a second
carrot: allura has awaken me
pidgeon: he woke
spacedady: now that everyone's here, what's the issue keith?
mullet: okay
mullet: so i was thinking yesterday about earth and all of your families and how they may be handling your disappearance
mullet: i then realized that we don't know what day it is on earth, i mean we could've been out here for several years already
mullet: so i did some research on the castles records and found how long ago allura and coran came out of the cryopods and converted those measurements of time into earth time and found out how long we've been away from earth for. i even went as far as finding out the date and making a calendar
space rangers | voltron texts |
Randommullet: who tf drew a dick on my jacket hank: lance spacedady: lance carrot: it was lance. pudding: lance lanceylance: lance allura: lance (takes place during seasons 1+2 because the other seasons wouldn't make sense in this book and i like keith be...