With thou being a sickler or a carrier-
In the name of love and commitment;the knot was tied,
E'en after knowing the consequences-love created a barrier,
B'cause of the heavenly feeling,the senses hide.But,O Heart- with love,thou know little,
For pure love comes with the offspring;
And encapsulateth in pain,is the bore seed-
While eyes bear not the sight the pain and crisis bring,
With the lost of souls,the heart grieves at the end.Love's worth a lot,but not the lost or pain of a child;
A pain that's unstoppable and preventable.
With the pain and lost,the past died.
But thou and I can save the future by knowing our genotype
And dedication of love to save souls from it and stop it's motion-
For that's the true love we can give to our Nation.@poetickaleidoscope
#World sickle cell day(19th June)
#sicle cell awareness
PoetryA collection of random poems about anything and everything.