Chapter 2• Team Voltron

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"Come on, guys." Keith says, impatient.
Hunk and Pidge walk out slowly.
"Chill out, grumpy pants. We don't have to be in such a rush." Pidge says.
"Did you just tell Keith to chill?" Hunk says, laughing.
Keith just rolls his eyes and continues walking to large caves.
Lance was really, really bored.
After sleeping in a pod for who knows how long, Lance figured that he would at least find something to do.
But no. Allura and Coran are both running tests on the castle's defensive systems and other stuff he never understood. It was quite boring, so instead he decided to go to the lounge and just sit.
He was laying on the couch upside down, his feet up in the air and head hanging off the couch and almost touching the floor.
"That's not a very prince-like way to sit." A voice says, laughing.
Lance looks over, eyebrows raised. It was the guy with the black and white hair. Shiro, was it?
Shiro walks over and sits next to Lance. "This castle is quite interesting. Not like anything you would see on Earth."
Lance just shrugs. "Yeah, guess so."
Shiro sighs. "Well, Allura sent me over here to tell you that the others' mission was successful. She found where the blue lion is. It's on a planet that has a very hot atmosphere, and she wants you to go get it with the help of my brother Keith. His lion can apparently withstand a lot of heat."
Lance sat up quickly. "What?! Me?! Why??"
Shiro shrugs. "The Princess thinks youre good to pilot Blue."
Lance frowns slightly. Why him? Lance wasn't exactly the fighting type. He hated loud nosies, and blood, and has no experience with piloting.
Shiro sighs and stands up. "Well, we'll let you know what they arrive. See you soon, Prince." He walks out.
Man, did it feel weird to be called Prince again...
"wOOOOO" Hunk shouts as he flies Yellow into the hangars. "This is so much cooler than Garrison ships!"
Pidge giggles, flying Green into the hangars as well. "Really!!"
Keith just huffs, following behind them. The trio walk out of their lions and to the control room where everyone is waiting.
The Princess looks over and smiles. "You're back! Great! Keith, I hope you don't mind but we found Blue's coordinates and need you to take Lance there."
Keith scoffs in annoyance. "Are you kidding? Again? Why do I have to do it?" His voice is rather sharp and frightening.
Lance flinches slightly at it. Another thing he didn't like: Scary voices.
Keith notices, his angry expression immediately going soft. "Sorry. Yeah, it's fine. But why me?"
Coran raises an eyebrow in question but doesn't ask. "Well, the planet is known for its extremely high temperatures, and Red can withstand those temperatures."
Keith just nods. "Okay then. Let's go, I guess." He turns and starts walking out.
Lance huffs and follows behind.
"Are you done yet??" Keith asks impatiently.
Lance groans. "Be patient, this armor is hard to get on!"
"It's really not."
Secretly, Keith was trying to keep his eyes off the Altean boy in front of him. He was currently shirtless and trying to get on the black suit that goes underneath. His glowing blue marks swirled all around his back, and-
What was he thinking? Stop being gay in front of some alien that you met two hours ago.
The Prince finally gets the armor on and huffs, grabbing his bayard. "Okay okay, let's go."
Keith just nods and turns towards Red, walking in. Lance follows behind.
Once the two land on the planet, Lance and Keith walk out, putting on their helmets. Surprisingly, their armor can easily withstand the heat as well.
Question was: How can Blue?
Blue is known for withstanding cold temperatures. But with this heat? For all they know the lion could be a puddle of melted metal by now.
Lance pulls up a hologram on his wrist, the same spot where he can form a shield. I pulls up the coordinates to the lion. "Hm.. looks like it's just over here by that mountain."
Keith shakes his head. "That isn't and mountain. That's a volcano."
Lance looks at him in confusion. "A... what?"
Keith just rolls his eyes. "Nevermind."
Suddenly a large boom is heard in the distance. A huge ball of fire explodes in the sky. An explosion? From what?
The loud noise makes Lance shriek and curl up in a ball. Loud. He hated loud. Loud wasn't nice.
Keith frowns and kneels next to Lance, putting a hand on his shoulder. "Hey, it's okay. It's just the lava. Come on, we gotta go get Blue quickly."
Lance looks up slowly, meeting Keith's purple eyes with his own blue ones.
Keith clears his throat and looks away, standing up and putting a hand out for Lance. Lance takes it and stands up slowly.
Keith just sighs. "You don't like loud noises?"
Lance shakes his head. "N-No. Never have."
"Sorry." Is all Keith says before walking off. Lance follows behind.
A few hours later, Lance flies into his hangar with Blue, a huge grin on his face. "This is crazy!"
Keith laughs. "Yeah."
They walk out of their lions and back to the control room again. By now, it's nighttime, and everyone's exhausted.
Allura smiles. "Good work everyone, we now have all the lions! It's late, so Coran will show everyone to their rooms. Tomorrow, we starts training."
Everyone nods and gets to their rooms for a very much needed rest.

Date: June 27, 2018
Word Count: 960

(Sorry it took so long to write this, it absolutely sucks. Also thank you guys for over 10o reads ALREADY!! That's crazy!! ❤️)

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