Its not the same

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Ellis' POV

Work is so awful. Every morning wake up and put on a suit then go and deal with numbers all day. I really should hire an assistant for that. I'm so bored. It's good and everything that my father passed down the company to me and everything but I'm bored as hell. The employees are basically children but they make us a lot of money so I don't fire them.

I get into my i8 and decide to head to a club. I didn't used to be a BMW fan but when I found the i8 I couldn't resist. It's really not that amazing of a car compared to others in the same league but it's a hybrid and I do like the look.

It's a Monday night so hopefully the guys out tonight will all be desperate. I don't want to waste a ton of money on this one. I spent too much on Briar. I sit down at the bar and I see a guy sitting alone. Too easy. I look around the dance floor and I can see a guy standing there with a group of people but he's not talking. I wait for him to look at me and I wink. He looks around then points to himself questioning me. I nod and his friends realize what's happening and they push him out of their circle towards me. He walks over and speaks with fake confidence.

"Hey.. what's the name?" He asks trying to seem like a pro. I can tell he's not good at this so I'm just going skip the pain for both of us.

"Let's skip the formalities. I have a nice car waiting outside and a good time waiting for you." He links his arm on mine which is annoying but I don't care enough to do anything. He keeps trying to talk to me the whole way to my house and I'm hoping he'll take my one word answers as a hint to shut the hell up but he doesn't. I can tell he's going to be loud so I'm going to have to gag him.

We get into the front door and I decide we're just going to get it over with in the living room because I'm sick of him already. I undo my pants and he does his at the same time. We get all the way naked and he comes up and tries to kiss me. I push his head away and down. "No kissing."

He sits in the arm of my couch and just starts licking my dick and slobbering everywhere ugh ok. It's time to stop this. I pull him up and start to jerk him a little bit. He moans and runs his hands all over me. Stop touching me god. Just let me finish this. He won't stop touching me and I need to get his hands and mouth to stop running. I grab his arm and pull him up my stairs. "Get on your hands and knees." I say pointing on the rug by my bed. "Hard or soft?" I ask as I look at my chain vs fuzzy cuffs. Even though he's annoying i'll at least give him this.

"I'm hard." I sigh.

"No for your wrists."

"Oh. No medium?" I look back at him and he's looking at me from the position I told him and he looks so stupid with his ass just up in the air.

"Hard?" I say trying to hurry through this.

"Hard." I pull out my chains and tie his hands up to the bottom of my bed so he doesn't reach back and touch me but I don't feel like wasting the ball gag on him. I get him all chained and condom on and enter slowly because I'm not a monster. He whines as I enter. "You're so big!" He says and I roll my eyes. I fuck him hard just wanting to get this over with. "Oh yeah hard just like that." Oh my god. I put my hand around his throat hoping that shuts him up but it of course doesn't. "Yeah daddy choke me like that." Oh my god shut up.


"You feel so good." I grab his dick and start jerking him because at this point I'll take his annoying ass moaning over his annoying ass comments. 2 seconds later he cums. Once I'm close I pull out and throw the condom off. I cum on his back then undo the chains. I hand him a paper towel for his back and he wipes off my cum then rolls onto his back. "That was so good."

"Yeah." I say unenthusiastically. He sits up and then looks at me with a question in his eyes.

"Hey it's kind of late can I spend the night?" Are you kidding me? No!!

"Ah no you shouldn't my roommate will be home soon and he doesn't like when I have guys over."

"Oh. Why?" Well shit.

"My roommate doesn't like people he doesn't know in the house." He's too naïve and innocent to know how this works and I don't want to completely ruin him.

"Oh. I see. Can I use your shower?" He says standing up.

"Better not. It's broken and like I said my roommate will be home soon."

"Oh right. Can I have your number?"

"Just go okay?" Jesus Christ why isn't he getting the message?

"Oh ok." He says sounding a little disappointed I help him grab all of his clothes downstairs and usher him out the door once his shirt is on and the cab arrives on cue.

I go back to my room and put everything away. I put the rug in the washing machine then head to the shower. I turn on the water and rinse myself before looking at the glass. It's fogging up but I can still see that towel Briar left is still in the exact same spot he left it. I put my hands up against them right where Briar made me and I close my eyes. Imagine him on me and I throw my head back. I wish he were here. I wish I could kiss him. This is bad. I'm not supposed to be attached. I'm not I don't care. It's what I do. It's safe. I've always disappointed my parents but me pleasing all of these people proves them wrong. Doing it is when all inadequacies melt away as you sweat and the feeling of accomplishment when your muscles ache.

This changes my whole life. Is he worth it. Do I actually like him? I don't even know the answer to any of this. Should I try a date and see if it's even possible? Yeah I think that would work. See if I'm going crazy or if there's something. If there's something he will have felt it too. I'll see if he felt it. Shit I don't have his number. I know where he lives. Yeah but not the apartment number. I'll just go drive by and see if he happens to be outside.

I park a little bit away and across the street so I can see his building but I'm not directly in front of it. I sit for 20 minutes with no activity until I see a light flip on and a few seconds later the curtains part and I think it's his face. Shit! I step on the gas and try to get away. I drive without looking back. I get back home and jump on my bed. I feel like a teenager. I'm 26 and I just sped away from a hot guys house after stalking him for a half hour. This is awful. I didn't even stay long enough to see where his apartment was. I close my eyes and imagine the complex. 3rd floor farthest to the left. My eyes shoot open. I know exactly where it is and I didn't even look for a full second.

I can't just show up to his apartment. That will scare him. He has a roommate! I could bring his roommate something to give to him with my number. That way if he texts then I'll know he wants to do more. If he does then he'll text me and it will go from there. If not..... then he won't. Big deal. Doesn't matter.

Alright what am I going to give him? I don't even know him! God is this stupid? No I'm just going to do it. I don't care. Ok what did he wear. "Blue tight suit pants with a white button up and black shoes. Blue jockstrap." I say out loud. His hands were soft. "Very soft." And he smelled like.... "peaches." I'll get him lotion and write my number on it. Perfect. Tomorrow morning before I go to work I'll go to bath and body works and grab some. Alright this will be perfect. I set my alarms earlier and get under my covers. I close my eyes and.... damn. I can't fall asleep. I'm too excited. No I have to. It will come sooner if I sleep. I close my eyes and refuse to let any thought enter my head.

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