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Ben's POV

I see Ellis from across the bar. I haven't been to this bar before but it has elements from bars I have been to. He looks at me the same way he did the night I met him and he beckons for me. I walk over to him and he gets me a drink without even saying anything. I don't want to be rude so I drink it. He smiles as I finish it. I remember that smile. It's the same smile from the first time I met him. It's not a friend smile but draws me in. I feel myself melt and I'm no longer in the bar I'm just floating through colors. I open my eyes and he's ontop of me naked. My limbs are tied up and I try to struggle but my body can't move. "Hard or soft." He whispers in my ear. I try to say none but nothing will come out. "Hard? Okay then." He gets up and my heart races. I shoot up with my eyes open and then immediately put my hand to my forehead as I close my eyes and rub my face.

"I hate these dreams." I whisper to myself. I roll over and pat the bed. "Mighty come here." Mighty stretches then lays against my stomach. I sigh and close my eyes. I start running my hands through Mighty's hair which reminds me he needs to go to the groomer. He copies me and let's out a big sigh for his little body and then he falls back asleep. I can't stop these nightmares but at least he's here to help me get back to sleep. He's the best Yorky I've ever met. "Goodnight baby." I say to him as I try to fall back asleep. After closing my eyes for at least 20 minutes and trying to fall back asleep I can't. I check my world clock and see it's about 3:00 in the afternoon for Seth so I can see if he's not busy. I call his radio phone and it rings for a while but then he picks up.


"Hey Seth It's me."

"Oh hey baby what are you doing up this late?"

"I had the nightmare again."

"I'm sorry baby. Hopefully they will go away when I get back home."

"I hope so too. But for now at least I've got mighty to protect me." He laughs at the thought and it makes me smile. His laugh can always make me feel better.

"Mighty definitely thinks he's the protector. He's 2 pounds of pure confidence and swagger." I laugh. Mighty is a very confident boy. That's how he got his name after all. I yawn as I feel the tired wash over me again. Seth is always so comforting so he always makes me fall asleep. "Well I should get going and you need to sleep. We still get to talk tomorrow so we should say goodnight for now." I agree reluctantly.

"You're right. I love you Seth."

"I love you Ben. Goodnight."

"Good afternoon." He chuckles a little then we hang up. I set the phone down and I slowly fall back asleep. This time with no nightmare. I wake up at 11:00 to a text from Ilays.

"You're probably still asleep but I am going on a bike ride do you and mighty want to come before it gets too hot?" I look at the time stand and it's almost from 2 hours ago. Shit.

"Have you gone get?"

"I'm pulling my bike out right now. Want to go?"

"Yes I'll hurry and get ready." I jump up and start changing quickly. I fix my hair and shave then put mighty in his back pack.

"Don't take forever." I read as I walk out the door with everything ready.

"Done." I say as I head towards him. I catch up to him and he nods.

"Faster than normal." He says as we start riding down the trail near our apartment.

"You act like I take forever."

"Ben you do take forever. It's always something with your nails or your hair."

"Hey there's nothing wrong with wanting to look good."

"Just because you want it doesn't mean you do."

"Hey you sound like briar." I say rolling my eyes. Briar isn't mean he's just too honest.

"You're right I'm sorry." He says with a small chuckle. "Speaking of briar, I talked to him this morning before he went to work and I guess him and that Ellis guy are dating now."

"Wait you're joking. Please say you're joking." My heart sinks when I hear that.

"That's what he said today."

"Well for his sake let's hope he's a liar."

"Why don't you like him again. I mean I know you had the one night stand thing but like what did he do."

"He's just a very cold and business like man. I don't think he cares about anything except himself. I don't want anyone especially one or my friends to get caught in that."

"I mean Briar is accidentally cold and I think he comes across business like. The only reason we know he's not is because he takes care of us when we need it." Ilays is right. Briar has a stonewall of a demeanor. I didn't like him in the beginning either but the first night me and Ilays came home drunk he took care of us. But Ellis is different he showed no emotion towards me except boredom and anger.

"They are still different. Briar has control over his temper." Ilays nods.

"That's true he does." We follow the trail and continue talking intermittently.

"So how is Seth doing?"

"Seth is doing good. He's still set to come home on time so the count down continues."

"That's good. I'm glad he's safe and doing well."

"Me too. I still forget he's gone sometimes when I wake up at night but I understand that he wanted to do this for his country and I respect his bravery." Ilays nods and the rest of the ride isn't anything special but definitely a needed outing.

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