Chapter 3

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In the kraang's base with the sibling dragons the kraang grabbed one by the tail and shocked him and didn't release as soon as blitz was put in the cell but when he grabbed his sister the guy tore her scales and din't stop their he hit her in the head that made her go dizzy until they were at the cell where her brother is and they literally threw her in the cell. But when she landed she hit her tail and it hurt alot since she lost some of her scales on her tale she hissed in pain when she laid down she put her tail by her head and did a spell that could heal it if it weren't for the magic disable cuffs on her paws and flight disable ropes around her wings. But soon enought some turtles came in and raphael said "Hi my name is raphael but you can call me raph. i couldn't help but hear you whimper are hurt?" All Rainbow dash did was show her tail at and said "Hey Raph my name is princess rainbow dash of the rainbow kingdom. This is my brother prince Rainbow blitz of the rainbow kingdom." All raph did was bow to them and they both blushed and they waved their hands and pointed to the lock. So Raph shouted "DONNIE! Can you get open that door please?" All donnie did was nod and put his fingers to the test and started to punch in the code. But when that didn't work raph came over and he smashed it to peices. Once the door opened the 2 dragons were being dragged out but one was being dragged by the paws and the other by the tail and that one kept on hissing from pain. When they got to the helicoptor they tosted them into cagges and started to fly to go to the rainbow darkness. But before they got high enouht donnie came and destroyed all of them. Then he undid all their bindings he took off the snout binding on the boy except for the one the girl he did not trust her so hehe leavet it on her then when he saw her tail he screamed but since she stilll had magic disruptor on her paw she couldn't stop trying to block the sound out so she said " Hey um can you not do that my body aces as it is already please can we just get off this contraption." All donnie did was nod then he vry quickly took all the bindings off the girl and he asked " Hey can you still fly with those wings you must have been the one that was hurt alot.?" All Dash did was nod that she can fly but when she flaped her wings she cried in pain and looked at her wings she saw 5 bruises on the base and tip of the wing so Blitz carried her and mad sure to keep her well and uninjured because she is connected to the rainbows. So they flew down and when she saw other she ran behind Blitz and hung on to him for protection. So blitz said " Sorry about her she just is extremely hurt from what those kraang did to her all the way to and in and out of the base. You see her scales are very different than most scales go pluck one from her chest just don't touch her tail,wings,or paws right now they are tender from the way they were treating her. The only reason they wanted us was because we are the prince and princess of the rainbow kingdom." When no one was looking someone grabbed rainbow and then they both disappeared.
At the shredders lair in a cell was a rainbow dragon chained to the wall. When she was flying a little to get her wings streched she noticed she wasn't in her house with her brother, she was in a cell. Chained " so when no one was around she grabbed one of her scales and she healed her self. When she was done healing her self she saw someone witha metal helmet. He said " I am the shredder you will heal anything or anyone i tell you to you got that dragon." So rainbow thought about and she said " Why would i listen to a bucket head just so you can use my scales to heal anyone well guess what i don't think you have the othority to tell me what to do." So shredder said " Tell me why that is " so she said " Oh so you want to now how about nope. Not happening never ever happening." So when the shredder wasn't looking he looked up and saw a bright cloud above his head but before he couldturn away he was on their prank.but before he could takea step the other dierection he was then smoked in lightning. When he turned around he saw an angry dragon growling so he said "now be a good dragon and stop growling at me pleasez" but the dragon didn't stop all she said was "Lightning stike" so when it hit the shredder he fell but before he did he said "get that dragon and tie her up and keep the snout shut but feed her some fish." Then he went unconsicus. When he was unconscious Rainbow dash feel because of how much energy she used and fell unconsicus. When she was unconsicus they tied her up and gently placed her in the cell. When they were gone she woke up and when she tried to stand she fell swhen she looked down she saw dragon restraints on her. She just whimperd in pain. When it was nignt time a dragon came and released her it was her brother releaseing her from the cell but when she tried to get up she fell and pointed to the chain on her neck all the way to the wall. So Blitz used his tail and smashed the chain to the wall then when he was done he let her stand on her own but when she tried to get on all 4 paws she whimpered in pain and fell again but her brother cought her so he flew to the turtles but by the time he landed she was unconsicus again so raph and leo held her and guided the boy threw the sewers annd when they reached their home they set her down on the couch and let the dragon do what he does best so he pluced on of her scales and put it on her scales then it healed the wounds on her body but she wasn't awake yet she was still out. So raph asked " Hey blitz why are the kraang and shredder after Dash?" All blitz said was " Rainbow of darkness."they all had a confused look on their faces so he said " The rainbow of darkness is always connected to the last born of the royal rainbow family they always now where it is and have extreme powers connected to the other rainbows. My sister ended up being the one but when we were at our castle Nightmare moon came looking for us so she could threaten my sister with me her 1 year older brother." So the turtles all said "hey what if we teach you how to become a ninja?" All blitz did was nod but what confused the turtles was that the girl nodded to it and she opened her eyes but when she did she got scared because what has happened to her all in one blitz noticed this and said " It's okay rain they are not going to hurt us okay they helped us by rescuing you from shredder. Oh and what did shredder want from you this time?" All dash said was " he wanted me for my scales and healing powers. Oh and i shot him with lightning when i was angryy but he used my powers to tire me out so he can tie me up and he thinks i eat fish."

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