Chapter 5

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When dash woke up her brother was smiling at her until he shouted " WHAT WERE YOU THINKING DOING THAT YOU JUST TWISTED LEOS ARM LITERALLY. I know you hate it when people touch your wings but you didn't need to twist his arm all the way back." Then Dash yelled " Well i wouldn't have twisted his arm back if you told him not to touch my wings but no you didn't tell them that blitz you now what i am out of this stickin sewer it stinks." But when she was about to get up from were she was laying she tried to sit up but couldn't when sje tried to growl her snout wouldn't let it out so she had no other choice but to scratch it but when she tried to move her paws they were not going anywhere so she was strapped to the couch. But what they didn't know was that the snout restraint wasn't suppose to go up at all so when she opened her snout all the way it broke then she roared " ROOOOOOOAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRR!" Then she broke the other restraints even the magic disruptor. Then donnie came out and said " Why didn't you tell us she can get angry and break those restraints." Then her brother said " I didn't even now she can do that. Oh and if you don't want your arm like leo's i wouldn't touch her wings." All 4 of them nodded but every time they caame close to getting her she would just go to the other direction. When they thought they had her cornered she did a triple backflip to the other side of the 5 and walked away then she disappeared. Then leo came in and said " Where's dash and whynare you guys shacking in fear.?" So Blitz said "Um Dash soort of broke all her restraints and got really mad then sje triple backfliped over us and then she disappeared." Then leo two had a scared face so he said " Lets go track her down again." Then blitz said " Um i can't track her down and find her because if she is angry she is very strong when she is angry." So they all listend for anything that sounds like an evil dragon roar. When they heard whimpering they looked through the pot hool to see Dash sitting on a roof whimpering and tending to a wing. They looked and saw a arrow through it when looked straight they saw a man with a bow n arrow smirking at her. So Blitz teleported to the roof dash was on and hid so she won't be scared off then saw her backing away but before they could grab her she back flipped out of the way and she started to run but she wasn't going very fast she was going at a good pace then when she got the arrow out she healed the wound and she flapped it then she got mad and roared at him then she disappeared again. They went searching for her but when they were about to give up they saw a rainbow leading to a forest and she was doing bakck flips then when they were about to grab her she ran but instead of running the other direction she went riht behind them and grabbed all of their hand or paw and twisted it behind their backs she growled at them. But when was about to let go something grabbed her tail and pinched it but when they thought that was all she could take she was standing their with her tail hooked to a lamp post. But when she moved her paws to strech the guy grabbed her skin and twisted it so hard she literally took the lamp post with her taich hit the guy in the head and knocked him out. When the fog cleared they saw Splinter on the ground unconsicus the 4 turtles growled at the dragon but instead of her being afraid she sent a lightning cloud in their tracks but when they were about to grab her she was already in the sky and on a lightning cloud napping. When they got back to the lair they laid splinter down on his bed and when he woke up he saw a dragon but a boy not a girl. When blitz noticed he said " My name is rainbow blitz." Then the rat said " I am Master splinter blitz." So when they started to talk they got an alert but instead of a normal one they saw a circling dragon being shot at by the army and a chain on one of her paws. And one on her tail. So they imiditly saw the rainbow scales on her. So they got an idea to bring her in for hurting people. But before they could go they heard "No we are not doning that to my sister. The only reason she is circling is because she is trying to get away and be alone we have to stop them." But before they could say something else a loud scream came threw the television but that wasn't the only thing they heard was a loud whimper of pain. But that was cut off by lightning hitting her she was encased in lightning then the lightning was their was a lightning dragon in her place. Then Blitz knew what just happened and he was shaking in fear. Then he said " The reason i have kept her inside and away from lightning was because of this. You see she has lightning powers but when she gets struck by lightning she turns into her lightning dragon form but if she touches a rainbow she turns into a rainbow dragon again. She is made out of pure rainbow and lightning magic i was made out of half of that but she got all the power of rainbow and lightning both her dragons are powerful the only way we can stop her now is a rainbow for her to touch but if she is mad enough she can suck it up and turn into a rainbow lightning dragon. That is a something we don't want." But before they could say anything they saw a rainbow and a very mad rainbow dash lightning dragon touch it and turn into a rainbow lightning dragon. Then the whole gorund began to shake but Blitz total forgot one thing about dash she can find him and teleport him to her so he can stop them from hurting her but before she can do it she was shot in the wing but instead of going down she went into the rainbow and she passed out in it but instead of going back to normal she stayed in that form for an hour but when the rainbow stopped and disappeared she fell but instead of falling to the ground she was cought by a net and then they took her away and put restraint on her body.

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