Emeline Rivera has done the same things since practically the moment she was born. Wake up, go to school, hang out with her friends, spend time with her mom, and have scarily realistic dreams at night. With some fainting mixed in of course. Forks's...
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November 2014
Speak of the devil and he shall appear.
At the end of the lunch period Jessica's boyfriend appeared at the end of their table, saying he needed to "borrow" her real quick, and Jessica's face lit up as she scampered after him like a lost puppy.
"What do you think he wants to talk about?" Mike asked, an edge of jealousy in his tone that Emeline noted for later use.
"Ten bucks says he's dumping her."
She slapped Tyler on the arm lightly, straining her eyes and ears in an attempt to find out what was being said. "Don't be fucking rude, Tyler."
"I hope he's apologizing." Angela put down her book, folding her hands on top of it as she furrowed her brows above her glasses, watching the two intently.
Emeline could see Jessica's face fall from across the lunch room, and she knew that whatever had just happened had made sure that the couple was off once more. Jessica's posture was absolutely pitiful as she came back to the table, and Emeline swore she could see tears in the eyes of her small friend.
Jessica wordlessly sat down next to Mike, sniffling pathetically, and he wrapped his arms around her protectively.
"Did you-" Angela started, reaching her hand across the table to lightly reassure Jessica, and Jessica interrupted her.
"It's over for real now."
This statement shocked the group, but Jessica didn't leave them waiting. "He cheated. Apparently he decided she was better, so we're over." She said, resting her head on Mike's shoulder.
Emeline started to see red. She ignored her friends asking where she was going, and she was across the lunch room before she knew it.
Randy raised his hands up as if surrendering when he saw Emeline heading towards him, but he looked back at his friends as if to imply that Emeline was acting crazy, an easy smirk on his face.
Emeline punched him without even having to think about it.
"If you go near my friend ever again, I'll kill you." Emeline said, still furious as she began to walk herself to the principal's office. She was gonna do this with dignity.
Emeline had no doubt in her mind that she was going to be suspended over this. Forks High School didn't exactly see many fights, and she doubted that the principal would understand her reasoning. She knew she wouldn't be in much trouble at home though, so she was able to sink into one of the uncomfortable seats in the office with little worries.
Except the throbbing in her hand.
That hurt like a bitch.
Emeline didn't recognize a single person in the office, so she quickly began to look them over, noting everything she could about them, ignoring the pounding in her head that had began as she took in their faces.
The guy she was sitting across was decently cute, but decidedly not her type. He had a symmetrical face, but an expression of complete and utter boredom decorated it as he leaned forward in his chair, playing on his phone. He was a redhead, which made the fact that he was even slightly attractive to Emeline amazing. Most red headed guys looked like feet in her opinion. For a brief second the guy looked amused, and Emeline realized that she found him a lot more attractive when his hazel eyes were lit up like that, but he quickly went back to being bored.
Sitting next to him was the smallest girl Emeline had ever seen. She was hovering over the redhead's shoulder, watching whatever he was doing, and she looked much less bored by it than he did. Everything about her was incredibly alive, and her dainty face had a large grin plastered on it. She reached up with one perfectly manicured hand to rearrange her spiky hair, and Emeline realized that despite wearing clothes that looked like they came straight out of a fashion magazine, she kept her bubblegum pink nails incredibly short.
The girl looked up at Emeline with an impish smile, and she swore that the girl knew everything about her in that moment. It was unnerving. Emeline noted that she had the same hazel eyes as the redhead.
On her other side was one of the most attractive men Emeline had ever seen, and she idly wondered how hard it would be to get his number.
Her guess was very, due to the possessive looking blonde that was nestled under his arm. She couldn't be blamed for being attracted to him though. He looked like a professional football player, not like a high schooler, and he looked incredibly happy, like he wanted nothing more than to be in the forced silence of the office. Emeline was almost a hundred percent sure that the hunk was dating the blonde, and she couldn't even blame him. She was gorgeous, even with the distaste written over her beautiful features.
Emeline tore her eyes away from the model as quickly as possible, feeling uncomfortable under her stony gaze.
Tucked away in the far corner of the room was a blonde boy. He looked familiar to Emeline, but she couldn't place exactly where she had seen him before. He was sitting up eerily straight, but it looked natural to him to do so. Emeline made eye contact with him and she swore that the entire room melted away before her very eyes. He was gorgeous and familiar and the second that his steely gaze met hers he completely softened.
Emeline took the boy in all at once, feeling almost nauseous the more she looked at him. He was incredibly attractive, but she could barely focus on his features as her vision started to get hazy and the pounding in her head was brought to the forefront.
The last thing she saw before she blacked out was the boy crossing the room, and in her haze it looked like he was traveling at the speed of light.