Chapter 9

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November 2014

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November 2014

  The weekend came quickly and Emeline dressed for the movie night, putting on a skirt and a sweater before she left a note for her mom on the front door saying where she would be. Her mood had been up for the rest of the week, not a second spent focusing on the dream that she'd had twice more, though in the moment the dream still scared her.

  It was like something was directly changing all her fear and negative feelings into joy, and Emeline swore she'd never been in a better mood in her life.

Alice had asked Emeline to pick her up, giving her the address, and she drove over there in her moms car which she'd asked to borrow. Alice was too young to get a drivers license at only fifteen, so she generally relied on her brothers to drive her around, but Emeline was just old enough to drive, though she never really did it.

Emeline knocked on Alice's door when she got to the extravagant house, and it was answered by Jasper. Emeline looked up at the blond and smiled. And boy was it a look up.

  Emeline hadn't realized how tall Jasper was. He practically dwarfed her, despite the fact that she was one of the tallest girls in her grade. "Is Alice ready?" Emeline asked, peaking around him to look inside of the perfectly furnished house, seeing Alice practically bounding down the stairs.

"I think that would be her now." Jasper said in his usual low voice, and Emeline chuckled as Alice practically pushed Jasper out of the door frame.

"Let's go!" The small girl said excitedly, her delicate face practically splitting apart as a giant grin consumed it, her strange golden eyes crinkling up in the corners.

That was another thing. The siblings had the same eyes, despite not being biologically related, and they couldn't be related. Alice was a completely different race from Jasper, and if they were related through some other distant relative they would've said something. Their hazel eyes had been completely golden for the past few days, and every time one of them looked at her it felt like she was staring into the sun.

"Okay, okay." Emeline said with a laugh, pushing down her musing, and she waved goodbye to Jasper as he closed the door.

"Do you think my brother is cute?" Alice asked as the two girls got into the car, and Emeline was extremely embarrassed.

"I mean, I guess? I don't really know him." She lied as she pulled out of the Cullen's driveway and started the drive to Port Angeles, and Alice nodded beside her.

"That can be fixed."

Emeline realized how weird Alice was as she drove them to meet up with the rest of the group, but she couldn't bring herself to regret inviting the girl. She seemed so happy to be included, a grin painted on her fragile looking face as she chattered on during the entire drive.

Alice could talk about anything and everything, and she was very good at proving that.

So, Emeline was thankful when they were able to get out of the car, practically running to Jess and the rest of the group.

"Okay so we need to make seating arrangement-there you are Emeline!" Jess interrupted her own plan to hug the girl, looking at Alice warily as Alice stood with her hands in the pockets of the designer jacket she was wearing.

"I'm fine to sit beside anyone." Alice said in her clear soprano, and Tyler grinned.

"I'm calling Tinker Bell then!"

"I thought you wanted to sit near me?" Emeline asked in mock offense, placing her hand up against her chest dramatically and letting her mouth hang open in a silent gasp.

Tyler slung an arm over Emeline's shoulder, practically ripping her away from Jessica. "Don't worry babe, there's plenty of me to go around."

"And this is why I'm arranging the seats." Jessica said, sticking her nose up in the air and causing the group of teenagers to laugh.

They finally found an arrangement they all agreed on that went: Mike, Jessica, Alice, Emeline, Tyler, Erik, and finally Angela.

Once they agreed they bought their tickets for the movie and got in line to get popcorn, Alice insisting on paying for two large popcorns for the group and nothing for herself personally.

Everyone warmed up to Alive after that, Angela especially taking interest in the small girl.

Once they finished getting their food they took their seats, talking throughout the previews. Though Alice was strange, she wasn't out of place in the group, and Emeline actually thought that her presence was a nice addition to the group of friends, though she was a little too good at the game they played of predicting the ads.

The movie started and Tyler casually draped his arm around Emeline with a yawn, and she was going to humor his advances, but she quickly learned that Alice was scared of horror as the girl kept jumping, and Emeline turned her attention to her instead.

"Are you anemic?" She whispered to Alice as Alice clung onto her hand after a particularly bad jump scare. She was freezing.

"No, my water is just really cold." Alice said, and Emeline nodded.

The only thing the smaller girl had touched was her ice water, refusing them anytime they tried to offer her popcorn or candy. Alice had a weak stomach apparently, but so did Mike, so it wasn't that weird. Emeline would rather her friends stay away from the popcorn if it meant saving them from a mess.

As the movie ended Jessica practically attached herself to Emeline's side. "Sorry boys, but we have to go to the bathroom." She announced, and she motioned for Angela and Alice to follow them.

"Why are we congregating in the bathroom?" Angela asked, peering over her glasses, and Alice sat herself on the sink daintily, somehow graceful even when she was hopping up on a counter top.

"Okay so Alice, next time we go to the movies you should invite your brother Edward." Jessica suggested with a small giggle as she thought about the boy, and Emeline grabbed her arm excitedly. How had she not thought of that one?

Alice quickly shook her head. "Edward isn't really a movie going type, he prefers his solitude. I could invite my brother Jasper though?" She asked, and Emeline could have sworn that she glanced in her direction.

It seemed Alice was playing at her own game here.

"Jessica has a crush on your brother." Angela said as she leaned up against one of the stalls, and Jessica scrunched up her face.

"It's not a cruush." She insisted, and Emeline couldn't help but laugh.

"Are you sure you can't just try to invite him?" Emeline asked, and Alice shrugged her petite shoulders as she folded her legs underneath her on the counter.

"I can try." She said, and Jessica squealed, wrapping her arms around the raven haired girl.

"You're a saint!"

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