Chapter 23

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December 2014

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December 2014

"You're a vampire." Emeline said, reminding herself more than stating for him, but Jasper nodded his head. Emeline tugged him down to sit on the curb, and she could already predict the cold that she was going to get from staying in the rain for so long.

Jasper complied, and they sat beside each other, knees barely touching. "I have some questions." Emeline said firmly, and Jasper chuckled.

"A natural response." He joked, and Emeline laughed along with him, playing with her sleeves. She was a little bit insane after all, just not in the way she thought. Who finds out that the guy they're talking to is a vampire and immediately decides to kiss him?

Apparently her.

  "Most important question: what do you eat?" Emeline asked, and Jasper gestures towards his eyes as if they were supposed to explain for him.

  "Red eyes means human blood, gold eyes means animal blood." He supplemented for her, and Emeline felt a chill that wasn't entirely to do with the weather.

  Red eyes. "You havent always ate, sorry, drank animals." Emeline stated, remembering the red eyes she'd seen him have in her dream, and Jasper nodded again.

  "No, I haven't. It's only in the last 60 or so years." Jasper explained, and Emeline nodded weakly.

  "Okay, time for the second most important question, at least to me." Jasper looked at the brunette beside him as if telling her to do her worst. "Why were you in the Confederate Army?"

  Jasper actually laughed at that, a real full laugh, and Emeline felt offended. Human lives were important, and she refused to even speak to someone who didn't see that. No matter how old he was. "We had a law-" Jasper started, shaking his head, knowing what she thought of him. "It said that anyone over the age of eighteen had to join. It was called a conscription. I just enlisted early because my family needed the money. I rose pretty high in the ranks based on charisma alone, but I never believed in any of it." Jasper explained, and Emeline felt more at ease.

  "Okay then." Emeline said, and she was satisfied with that. All she needed to know was that her potential boyfriend wasn't a racist, and he didn't kill people. Anything else was just an extra detail in her mind.

  "Okay then? You aren't going to ask anything else? No sunlight, no garlic, no mirrors, no holy water, no more questions?" Jasper looked like he was pouting, and that sent Emeline off the edge, causing her to laugh at the vampire beside her. "You are officially the most boring human to ever share a supernatural secret with."

  "Do you keep a list?" Emeline joked, wondering how many people he and his family had shared their secret with.

  "You'd be the third." Jasper looked like he was a million miles away, and Emeline placed her hand on his shoulder, feeling Jasper place his hand on top of hers. "Technically you were the first and the second too."

It was conflicting to be around Jasper. The blond had seen so much and felt so many things, Emeline felt a little out of her league, and not in the way you'd expect. It felt like things were expected of her that she didn't feel or know yet.

Emeline was interested in Jasper, but she was afraid he might have more complex feelings for her than she was able to reciprocate at the moment, barely based on things she'd barely come to term with in the past few hours.

"What's got you all lost in thought?" Jasper asked, catching the girl's attention, and Emeline merely shrugged, her small shoulder brushing up against Jasper's arm. She stared at a dark puddle in the road as raindrops continued to beat down on it, causing ripples. She'd definitely be getting sick. "You're all confused and melancholy, I can feel it."

"Feel it?" Emeline furrowed her dark eyebrows together in confusion.

  "You should've asked more questions." Jasper joked, before beginning to explain things to the confused human beside him. "When we're turned, everything we were as a human is more. We're faster and stronger, we see clearer than a human ever could, and every flaw is erased. Our personalities also become more, and aspects of them can enhance so far as to become powers."

  "That doesn't really answer my question." Emeline teased, and Jasper rolled his eyes at her.

  "Hold your horses, I was getting to that." Jasper said, and Emeline smiled upon hearing the southern accent find its way into his voice. She liked it when he spoke in an accent. It felt more authentic. "A few members of my 'family' have gifts. Alice can see the future, Edward can read minds, and I can feel what other people feel. I'm able to influence it."

Emeline hated that.

Learning that Jasper was a vampire paled in comparison to what she'd just heard, and she couldn't believe that that was just a detail of immortality that was easy to glaze over for him. Alice, the tiny pixie, could see the future. Suddenly her conversation with the girl in her mother's car made more sense. It hadn't been a joke to the raven haired girl at all, she'd just presented it as one for Emeline's sake. That meant that Alice had seen her and Jasper together, if she was telling the truth.

Emeline was fairly sure she liked the sound of that.

On the opther hand she knew exactly how to feel about Edward's gift, and there was no pleasant feelings about the matter. She hated it. She didn't want anyone else in her head or privy to her private thoughts. Those were HERS. They belonged to Emeline. Her fucked up, centuries old, impulsive brain was hers damn it, and she didn't want anyone else to see or hear the things she chose not to share. It was an invasion of privacy of the highest caliber. If you weren't safe in your own mind, where were you safe?

  "I reacted the same way when I found out what Edward could do, though there was more irritated mental ranting and screaming." Jasper tried to take Emeline's mind off of the topic with humor, but it failed, just causing her to turn her attention to Jasper's power.

His was horrifying too. Emeline knew that he couldn't help the feeling her feelings part, but she was suddenly reminded of all of the times she'd felt suddenly calm or happy when she was in Jasper's presence, and she angled her body to face Jasper instead of sitting side by side, taking his still lingering hand off of her shoulder.

  "Promise me something?" She asked, looking at him with the upmost seriousness as she held out both of her pinkies, and he wrapped his own around hers lightly, as if his pinkies would somehow shatter her.

  "Anything." Jasper said intensely, and Emeline felt another shiver that she was going to blame unfairly on the shock of his cold fingers.

  "Promise me you won't use your powers on me unless I ask, or you have to."

  "If I abuse my gift on you 'Line, feel free to take the head as well as the pinkies." Jasper said, and Emeline leaned forward to kiss him again.

Emeline wanted to be sure that everything she felt about him, and around him, was real. Everything else would come in time.

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