- The Archrivalry -

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For the first time in a long time, the constant drizzle of Seattle had stopped. Instead, the sky was clear and black, the air warmer than usual as the city slowly began to welcome Spring properly. Many people were making the most of this unusual evening, stepping outside in groups, pairs, or alone, to walk the streets without umbrellas that caught on others or raincoats that disagreed with their outfits. As the night wore on the pavements began to thin out until there was only one couple walking along the wharf. The man was talking, one arm linked together with the woman who walked beside him while she picked at the brownie in the takeaway box, listening to her fiancé speak.

They had met in California around five years ago when Elena was twenty-one. She had been at the hospital with a friend of hers after a drunken night out had ended with a broken foot. While waiting outside her friend's hospital room, Thomas had strolled past with his team of surgeons having just finished a twelve hour long surgery. He had looked at her, and although he had been exhausted, just looking at her rejuvinated him enough to start a conversation with the younger woman. By the time the sun was rising and her friend was released from hospital, Thomas had her phone number and Elena had the promise of dinner that upcoming Thursday. Since then, Elena had followed him anywhere, leaving California once she had recieved her degree and coming with him to Seattle when he got a new job. Although she found herself sometimes missing the heat of California, she was with the man she loved. And anway, the only reason she really loved California in the first place was because of the ocean, and she had that in Seattle. With a small smile Elena looked out towards the ocean, listening to the waves softly throw themselves onto the beach below.There wasn't much to see out in the darkness but every now a glitter of silver would catch the moon's light and shine in the distance. She wondered what was out there nowadays. She hadn't left Seattle in so long.

"...And then I told him that I didn't want people who brought their degree on the internet in my theatre, so he could leave and sort his shit out because obviously I wasn't going to do that, that would've killed the woman! I mean, he didn't even want me to try, said the woman was dead anyway, but I'm not fucking Strange, am I?"

"Strange?" Elena replied, being pulled out of her thoughts and turning to look up at her fiancé. He nodded, unsuspecting that she had missed a majority of what he had been saying before. She knew not to ignore his rants when it came to Strange, though. The man always got Thomas fired up, and it was up to her to calm him down by listening and replying in a correct manner, otherwise their evening would end up ruined just because of their "archrivalry." 

"That man never takes risks," Thomas complained as Elena handed him the plastic fork, smiling as he stabbed a chunk of the brownie and popped it into his mouth. "He's pretty much set up shop in the comfort zone because that's how you keep your name clean in the press. I, however, push the boundaries. Can't be on the top of mount Everest if you don't make an effort to climb the damn thing." Thomas paused for a moment. "Actually, speaking of Strange, I've got more news about that convention coming up this week. You know how I'll be speaking at it?"

"Yes. Very exciting stuff, honey," Elena answered, making Thomas chuckle, a good sign.

"Isn't it just? Well, I've also learnt that I'll be one of the pannelist answering questions and talking with a few select surgeons."

"Let me guess: you're favourite surgeon buddy will be beside you on that pannel?" Elena asked, tilting her head. Thomas smiled tightly.

"Hit the nail on the head, sweetheart," he muttered, and Elena frowned. She took the fork back from him and stabbed another piece, holding it up to him. He accepted it, however his eyes were still glazed over like there was a storm in his mind. "God, that man is insufferable. Stephen fucking Strange and his fucking work and damn attitude. He's a peacock, pet, he thinks he's living some kind of Grey's Anatomy lifestyle. Such an ass. That won't matter though. Soon he'll be long gone. I've heard whispers."

"About?" Elena questioned, picking up on the change of tone in Thomas' voice. Instead of sounding annoyed, he now sounded sly, a plot obviously brewing in his mind. She found the fact that he had changed subjects slightly far more comforting than when he spoke of Strange.

"A position opening up in New York, one I know that Strange would desperately want so he can move up the ranks. If I have anything to do with it, though, he won't get it. I'm going to go for it, darling, and when I get it we'll be off to the East coast," Thomas declared, surprising Elena. It's not like she hadn't heard about this before, Thomas had never been quiet about his desire to work in New York and eventually become their head of surgery over there, it was one of the things he had told her when they had first met in California a few years ago. To hear that it may actually be happening soon, though, was shocking. She still thought it would be years before that happened.

"I'll have to leave my job at the library," Elena said, looking down at her engagement ring, the gears in her mind moving. Thomas nodded.

"Of course. You can't do it from New York."

"If that's the case then... then maybe I could find myself a job at a school over there," Elena suggested. To her disappointment, Thomas laughed.

"There'd be no need for you to be working, pet, with all the money I'd be making," he told her, taking the empty takeaway box from her hands and putting it into the bin they walked past. With a smile he took her hand in his. "You don't even have to be working right now! And yet you insist, and I let you like the loving man I am. In New York you would be free to do anything else you want."

"Its not about the money though," Elena replied, trying to keep the frustration out of her voice. She had to be careful about how she phrased her words. "It's about the joy that comes from passing knowledge onto the future and preparing them for the world ahead."

"Well, can't you just do that with our own kids?" Thomas asked simply, catching Elena off guard. She looked up at him, blinking.

"Our own kids?" She repeated. Thomas chuckled, coming to a stop and turning towards the ocean. Elena did the same, allowing her fiancé to pull her against his chest and wrap his arms around her. Gently she kissed his knuckles, looking out towards the darkness.

"I've been thinking about it recently," Thomas murmured against her hair, steel blue eyes looking down at her before rising up towards the ocean. "Seattle was never going to be a forever thing. This place is just a stepping stone towards New York. But once we get there, once we get married, then I want us to settle down properly."

"Thomas..." Elena said softly, a small smile tickling her face. Thomas chuckled, pressing a kiss against her head before turning her around to face him, both hands cupping her face gently and making her look up at him.

"I know we've had our rough patches. All couples do. But I love you so much, Elena, and to have a family with you would be amazing. Once I get that job I can provide for you and our many children. I could give you the whole world. Would you like that?" He asked, staring at her intently. Elena bit her lip, casting her eyes towards the ground.

"It sounds perfect," she smiled, stretching up and kissing him. When he pulled away he brushed a piece of her hair away from her face before lifting her hand up and kissing the engagement ring on her finger.

"There's a good pet," he whispered. 

a/n: How are we feeling about Elena and Thomas, my lovelies? Also, another name drop, Thomas just can't get enough of his archrival, huh?


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