- The Iron Gauntlet -

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Elena was outside when the call was made. She had been sitting beside the lake, thinking about that moment that had passed between herself and Steve earlier. She had meant what she said when she told him he wasn't the one. Suddenly all those years of teetering on the edge of what if seemed laughable, and yet she couldn't bring herself to do just that. What she wanted was to talk to Nat.

She missed the other woman so badly. She had never had a sister. Her whole life, she had been surrounded by men of all different walks of life. Her father, brothers, Thomas, Bucky. The only other women she ever depended upon was her mother and Delilah, and Dee might as well be a second mother to her. But to have a sister, one that she could talk openly with about her struggles, one that she could laugh with, one that she could fight with but ten minutes later be baking cookies with... that was something she could never replace. But she's gone, Elena thought, shaking her head. She missed Natasha almost as much as she missed Bucky and Corrie. She couldn't despair, though. They were so close to getting back all those they had lost, and it was all thanks to Natasha. Her sister's sacrifice.

Rocket was the one who had called out to her, breaking her trance of flowing water and a gentle breeze around her. Nodding, Elena had stood up and looked out across the lake one more time. Her heart was already beginning to beat hard inside her chest. So close, she could hear it whispering. She smiled sadly. If only Nat could see what they were about to do. If only she could see what they were about to bring back.

When Elena made it inside, she found the team gathered around an object that she had never seen before. Large and made of metal, the gauntlet sat glistening in the room's light. It reminded her of Tony's many suits, if perhaps Morgan had gotten a hold of a bedazzler and decorated said suits. Because there, sitting on each knuckle and the centre of the large glove were the infinity stones that the group had so desperately fought time to get. Seeing the bright orange-yellow of the soul stone made Elena wince slightly. Even Clint looked slightly bothered by it. She could understand why. They were the ones who had seen what it took to get the stone in the first place. 

Tony and Rocket were adjusting the gently, murmuring things that she doubted she would be able to explain. She came to stand beside Thor, eyebrows raised. The God looked down at her and nodded slightly, looking back at the glove.

"Do you think this'll work?" he asked her. Elena shrugged, swallowing. 

"It better," she warned, having to push down the bile that was rising in her throat. God, if it didn't work?? She didn't even want to think about that, the thought too cruel to waste any time on. Eventually Rocket nodded, looking around at all of them.

"All right. The glove's ready," he said. "Question is, who's gonna snap their freaking fingers?" 

"I'll do it!" Thor announced, rushing towards the gauntlet. Elena was not the only one whose eyes grew wide at his words. Quickly the others stepped between Thor and the glove, objecting to the action. They stared nervously at the God, who only stopped his approach when Steve spoke.

"Wait, wait, Thor, just wait. We haven't decided who's gonna put that on yet."

"I'm sorry. What, we're just sitting around waiting for the right opportunity?" Thor asked, looking incredulously at the others. 

"We should at least discuss it," Scott said. That didn't seem to be enough of a reason for Thor, though, as he continued.

"No, no, sitting here staring at that thing is not gonna bring everybody back. I'm the strongest Avenger, okay? So this responsibility falls upon me," he stammered, Tony stepping forward and interrupting him.

"It's not about that–"

"It's my duty. It's not that– Stop it! Just let me!" Thor said, shushing Tony. He looked to be near tears. Elena frowned, staring at him. She had heard about what had happened between Thanos and Thor, though she had never had many long talks with the God himself. She couldn't imagine the guilt he had been carrying those past five years, knowing how close he had been to stopping Thanos from taking away everyone they loved. Then again, she had also heard that that had happened to the God before Thanos had even arrived in Wakanda. That guilt was making itself known to the group now, Thor shaking his head at Tony.

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