Chapter 1 Aarron

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"So that's what you do! You leave your family you leave your son! How selfish can you get forget about me that little boy Aarron loves you don't do this to him!. I was on the steps listening to what was going on I saw my parents go back and forth and when he looked up and his eyes met mines he turned all his attention towards me. "Dad where are you going? My dad put his stuff down and bent down and kissed me I tried to search his eyes while he was looking into mines and he looked away in shame. "Im going away for awhile i need to get my head straight but i love you Aarron nothing will change that. "But dad do it here get your head straight right here don't leave daddy please don't! He looked me deep into my eyes and said "I'm Sorry" He wiped away the tears from my face and walked out the door  i sat on the floor and cried my mom put me on her lap and i cried in her chest.

I woke up feeling all sweaty my sheets were sticking to my body. I got up from my bed and went to the bathroom i washed my face with cold water. I looked in the mirror and seen my reflection my hazel eyes were red my light brown skin shiny from the water but I still looked the same. I went to my mom's room to check on her she was sound asleep I went back to my room and looked at my Galaxy 10 pro it was two o'clock in the morning i looked out my window and seen Reyna's light on in her room. Reyna was my best friend we've been friends since i was 4years old. Im a year older than her but i still care for her. I dialed her number she picked up on the second ring. "Hello hey Reyna are you busy? No not at all just writing my nasty stories as you call them I could hear her smiling on the other end."Girl you know they are got them having sex and got a baby on the way. "Aarron its love i write romance stories love poems I just do. Ok you win but i need to talk to you are you able to leave the house? Yes, i am see you in five minutes. Cool I hung up the phone and got up from my bed since it was June i put on my gray shorts and I put on my house shoes i stayed shirtless cause it was already too hot.

I went downstairs and quietly walked out the house Reyna was walking up the porch. I walked up to her and gave her a hug she smelled so good i could lick her. "Girl what you been doin latherin your body in strawberries. No she said while laughing pushing me away come here girl im teasin. "So whats up we walked up on my porch and sat on the swing. "Well i had the same dream about my dad i seen him leave walk away this time he said he had to get his head together and walked out i was crying on my mom. I had looked like i was five cause so young and cute lil thang i said while touching my face. Reyna laughed at me "Well it seems to me you miss him you wish he was there for you. Yeah but what if i see him again what would i say? I know i would yell at him for leaving not being there when i first rod a bike or got my first heartbroken. "You was there for it all Reyna like yeah im tough only for my moms I do it to let her know i will be strong for her. I feel ya my mom keeps getting her heart broken a lot lately i just really feel bad for her. Reyna looked at the car that was driving so late down the street.

"Well im here if you need me Reyna she looked at me and smiled her dimples showing and her smile always warmed up my heart I truly loved her but i know to her and in her mind, i was just a friend.

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