Chapter 9 Aarron

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"Ma are you busy i asked while running down the steps like i was four years old again. Then a smell hit me whiched caused my stomach to rumble i went into the kitchen and seen my mother cooking. " Another big dinner thats fine by me no silly Rochelle,Shane, and Reyna are coming over for dinner and so is um Aarron. " Ma.. Aarron Darnell Johnson jr. i don't wanna hear it your a young man now you need to talk to your father he misses you a lot he just wants to get to know you. "Ma 15 years have gone by without him saying nothing to me what you want me to say Welcome home pops we missed you im not finna kiss his ass if that what you mean! Aarron you watch your mouth now i raised you better than that he walked out thats the past i want you to forgive him and move on i forgave him and were friends. "Im not telling you to have the best relationship with him im all im saying his hear him out get to know him all over again just try it out ok? "I hear ya ma good she gave me a hug Now what did you want to tell me? Its Reyna is she ok oh yea shes fine we i asked her to be my girl Well about time im happy for ya she 's a nice young lady i couldnt agree with you more.


It was 20 minutes before 8 and everything was ready i went up stairs and took me a quick shower. When i got finished i went to my room and put on my blue jean pants with a black polo shirt and put on my black jordans i looked in the mirror and mactched it real good.Then i heard the door ring "Aarron come on there here yelled my mom. I closed my door and went downstairs i seen Reyna she was wearing black leggings with a white Nike shirt and I her hair flat iron she was lookin really good. "Hi Aarron you remember Shane i do i smiled at the man and shook his hand "Nice to see you again Shane you to he said with a smile. Well yall come on in i grabbed Reyna's hand and we went on the porch with Reyna. I slide my arm around her waist and pulled her close to me lips and sliding my tongue in mouth and heard her moan i pulled away and smiled at her. "Reyna i love you I love you more baby said Reyna. " Now come on before they go looking for us she grabed my hand and dragged me in the house.We both went inside and sat on the couch she sat on the end and i sat in the middle of the couch. Then i texted her

You lookin sexy mama~

Thanks baby♥

Then i heard the door bell i got up and answered the door and seen my father with flowers in his hand the ones  my moms like. "Hey come in they all in the kitchen waiting on you i said in a non happy tone then i notice he was wearing Kalvin Klein top of the line real Kalvin too. It price ranged from 700 ~ going on a thousand dollars thats when i kinda knew somethin was up. I closed the door behind him and joined everybody in the dining room i sat by Reyna and i saw Shane looking at  Reyna i nudged her and whispered it in her ear she shook her head yea like long story. " Ok since everybody is here lets eat  i have to say Alayiah you always knew how to keep my stomach happy said my pops while passing the greens. My ma did throw down she cooked greens,mac &cheese, mash potatoes, fried chicken, yams, white pasta, corn on a cob, and biscuits, I made my plate and began eating. "So um Aarron are you working i looked at my pops no im not but im looking though. Well if you need my help i got you i got people in high places they would love to help an old friend like me out. I clenched my jaw tights tight Reyna saw it and touched my leg i looked at her and mouthed "be cool just breathe i nodded at her words and continued eating. "People in high places huh that's cool what type of work do you do ask Shane. " Well I'm a businessman an entrepreneur i run my own business in  New York Heights that's what i been doi for the last 15 years and i love what i do. Ok well if you got an opening let me know i do actually he gave him his card call me around noon tomorrow. He nodded my ma and Ms. Jackson was smiling happy the men was getting along. "How about you Reyna im lookin for part-time cause im going to college. "Really what for i want to be a nurse ok imma have you on speed dial when you become one. I seen Reyna smile politely at him, So Aarron are you going to college If i do im going to a Community college so i can take care of my moms been doing it so long i just can't stop doing it. The tension was high in the room " How long are you staying Mr. Johnson asked Reyna he chuckled im here for a long time now my head is straight and imma do things with my family.I had to laugh at his comment of family "Since when do you know anything about family or being a father or a husband for that matters! Im tired of not saying anything im tired of pretending that your here is making me happy because its not. You lefted us hanging you dont know what my mom had to do make sure she kept us both fed had clothes and a roof over our head.! We were in debt with the bank we almost lot our home mom sold her vehicle to keep this house in her name!  You werent there for me for my first day of school or told me how to treat a female or when it was my first time i thought i was in love with a girl!!.You was not there or when moms cried every night prayin why you just leave she went into depression because of your sorry ass now im not finna sit here and pretend i like you cause i don't you ruined our life! I got up from the table and stormed out the house and i started walking i needed to cool my mind down. "Aarron i looked back and seen Reyna running after me. "Where you go i go baby she put her hand into mines and we both walked down the dark lighted streets together.

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