Chapter 6 Reyna

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When i opened my eyes the sun was kissing my face with its big bright rays of heat. I looked around and seen half naked girls on the wall in binki's i sat up and seen that my legs was tangled with Aarron's. I removed my legs slowly and Aarron groaned and turned to his side he slepted all peacefully but not me its always the same nightmare of Shane. But not tonight i slepted real good i stood up and streched i seen Ms.Johnson walk in the room "Morning i saw you was sleep i didnt want to wake you did you want some coffee?. Sure we walked downstairs and sat at the kitchen table she poured me a cup of coffee i smelled it first letting it wake up my senses it even tasted good. "Mmm is it this the "Maxwell" we both laughed yes it is girl that's the only coffee i drink." I know its none of my business but i do care and love you but um Rochelle told me that you been having trouble sleeping. I took a sip of my coffee before i answered "Yes i have its like every night its the same nightmare i cant get it to go away and when i tried to talk about it my words won't come out right and i feel kinda scared to tell people. Ms Johnson touched my arm "Sweetie i truely understand lately Aarron been having nightmares it it comes from your fear.  His dreams been about his father how he sees his father walk out on him i know he tries to cover it up but i know when hes hurting. That goes for you whatever scares you deep down inside it escapes into your dreams. When you sleep your mind cant fight nothing off because your body is in resting stage your mind functing is shut down. Since your mind seen you think about it, it  plays it in your mind that's why you dream about it you haven't stopped thinking about it and whatever happened you haven't forgiven that someone either." If i tell you this you promise you wont share this i noded.Before i met Aarrons father I was raped by my step dad and after that night i would have nigtmares about it happening or what if next time i get pregnant. The thing was it did happen again but i didnt get pregnant my mom found out and kicked him out filed for divorce and everything. "But the morle of the story is i forgave him and as soon as i did that he no longer had power over me and i begain to sleep real good.  Whatever you went through you need to forgive. "Thanks Ms. Johnson imma keep that in mind and when im ready imma forgive that person but right now i cant forgive what that person did to me causing me to be in pain and pretending like nothing happened. "Reyna look at it like this the person that hurt you there at home resting sleeping real good paying no mind what they did to you. But you your hurting crying wishing the pain would leave it can as soon as you really tell them how you feel and you forgive them you feel so much better. " Hunny its a slow process trust me i know but just know you got me Aarron and your mom in your corner. She stood up and gave me a hug i wish i could have this sit down with my mom but ever since she talked to Shane that's all she talked about. ''Aww i let go from our hug to see Aarron standing in the dining room watching us. Well i will see yall later gotta get ready for work. Ms.Johnson gave Aarron a kiss on his cheek and walked out of the room. " How did you sleep ? Better in a long time said Aarron while pouring him a cup of coffee. Well i should get going Aarron imma go check on my mom and come over later he nodded. Aarron had his back leaning against the counter drinking his coffee I wrapped my arms around his shoulders he bend down and hugged me.

Im here for you lil ma just know that i kissed him on the cheek and walked out of the kitchen i grabbed my shoes that was by the door and i walked home


When i walked through the door i heard my mom laugh i followed her voice she was in the kitchen and i saw her hugging Shane. I dropped my shoes and heard my heart beating loudly in my ears the nightmares were just the beginning.

"Reyna baby you remember Shane i looked at Shane and noticed he barely aged his hair was like cut in a fade he was 6'3 the same height as Aarron his eyes light brown eyes were at peace but his smile was deciving." Hi ... wow you look great she has grown up he gave me a hug then i heard the phone ranged. I got it i said while pulling away from him. "Reyna dont be rude i will let you too catch up while i get the phone my mom left the kitchen and ran to get the phone."Mmm look at you, you look so beautiful lil ma he slid his arms around my waist i missed you so much how is that pussy doin he reached between my legs. " Stop i pushed him off of me. Why are you here why did you have to come back!

"Hold your voice down and i came back cause i missed your mom he said out loud. I came back cause i missed you fuck you, you came back cause my mama got money and yo broke ass dont you just wanna use her. " It doesn't matter why im here im here now and back in the picture baby and i see you didn't tell nobody about it he came close to me and touched my stomach. " Go to hell i stormed out the kitchen grabbed my shoes and went upstairs i went to my room and locked the door i laid flat on my bed and cried... How could this happen why she take him back?

       Reyna's Memory

   "Shane please baby stop drinking you heard what the doctor said. Fuck the doctors and fuck you !! I don't wanna hear another word about this ever you got me Yes baby im sorry. Good where is my dinner i... i  didn't make it yet Reyna is sick I had to take care of her. "Bitch he stood up and smacked her leave her alone i punched him i his face causing him to fumble back surprised a girl hit him. He grabbed me by my hair and threw me against the wall i tried to get up but i was too weak i saw him drag my mama up the steps and heard him beat her i laid on the floor crying until i heard it stop.

I shook off the memory when i heard a knock at my door i wiped away my tears and opened my room door it was my mom. "So how do you feel about Shane now baby my mom sat in my chair. ''I wanna know why you take him back did you forget the hell he put us through all the niggas in the world you take his no good ass back! "Now Reyna you wait a minute he changed he went to rehab and everything he's a changed man and i love him. I chuckled really are you hearing yourself mom are you sure you love him or you just don't wanna be lonely! How do you know he loves you, you said that last time and look what happened to us ma i ..i cant go through that again. "He's not like that anymore you need to give him a chance and you will see. No, what I see is you wasting your time on that no good man mama you deserve way better dad told me to take care of you before he passed so im gonna keep that promise. "Reyna you need to let that go your father is dead ok i moved on from his speeches and you need to do so as well. I couldn't believe what i was hearing i put on my Jordans and walked out my room and out the house. I walked to the Rosewood Cemetery it was only four blocks from my house it was where my father was buried i found his tombstone and sat on the ground his name was engraved on the stone

In loving Memory Raymond Marlen Jackson.

I rubbed my hand over his name. "Daddy i miss you so much i said between my sobs mom shes with a guy who beats her and he beat me he hurt me as well daddy.Why didn't you survive why did God have to let you leave me!!..  leave us so soon im tryna be strong and hold on to faith but dad its like Aarron is my backbone he's really been there after you passed. Mom, i feel like she doesn't care about me shes been up and down with Shane and me im just living praying my life will change. I put my head on the Tombstone and cried hard i felted someone put their arms around me i turned around and seen Aarron he sat on his back legs and i burried my face in his shirt. "Its ok Reyna i got you shhh i got you im here lil ma he rocked me and pulled me real close to him "It hurts Aarron my heart hurts" I know Reyna trust me i know.

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