Chapter 3

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It all came rushing back to me. That last day. My last day with magic. And although it had been an impressive display, it came with a price that I'm continuing to pay.

I stared at my feet to avoid the sight of the buildings, even though I wanted to see them more than anything. This place was my home for years. This is where the only memories worth remembering came from.

Penny looped her arm through mine, and I could almost feel her confidence seeping into me. She had always been like that; the smartest, most determined girl I'd ever met. Just her presence made me feel better.

"Okay?" She asks. I nod but I don't really mean it.

I finally looked up and what I saw made me want to immediately look away again, but it was like my eyes were frozen in place. I couldn't ignore it. I couldn't just forget it.

All the goats still wandered the grounds, only stopping when they reached their gates. I know Baz would say, they're just goats, Simon, they don't know anything, but I couldn't help but notice the way they moped around. They missed her, and I knew it. I felt it too.

Penny squeezed my arm, shocking me back into reality. I guess I'd stopped moving, and both Penny and Baz were staring at me. I felt water on my face and immediately attempted to wipe the tears away. I hadn't even known I'd started crying.

"If you're going to cry any more, I'm going to have to start bottling your tears. There's plenty of good spells you're wasting." Baz says, trying to come off as stronger than me. I hear the slight gravel in his voice though.

"Those are curses, Baz. You use tears for curses." I replied. He shrugged.

"Same thing." We walked on.

Baz, trying to remain nonchalant(as usual)(he was always cool)(always) reached up and hassled his loose hair. It was a nervous tick only I had picked up on.

We moved on towards the Weeping Tower, after I decided I couldn't handle going through Ebb's things today.

On the top floor, the door opened up to a painfully familiar room; the Mage's office. His office. I opened my mouth to tell Penny how to break the ward, but she was already two steps ahead of me- as usual.

Baz and I walked through easily, both having access from previous relation with the office. Before the Mage, Baz's mum was headmistress. She was one of the most powerful magicians, and highly respected although not loved by all.

As I moved about the room, my despair disintegrated into anger. How could he do this? How could he do such a thing to the world of mages? To my mum? How could he create this thing that would only destroy, that would take the lives of so many? And how did he ever see that as the right thing to do?

I then directed part of the hatred at myself. How couldn't I notice? How could I not know what I was, not feel it? My nostrils flared and I felt a growl rise from the back of my throat, just as my hands threw themselves at his desk and I swept everything onto the floor.

Baz threw his hands in the air and Penny whipped out her wand, ready to take me down if I went too far. Restraining myself had always been a problem, but not like this. I used to just go off, to send out magic and something bad would happen. Sometimes I'd summon my sword. And I couldn't even fucking do that any more.

"Snow," Baz warned. I took a deep breath.

My shoulders sagged and both my friends released their poised stances when they saw that I had come about my wits again. I crouched down on the floor to pick up what I'd thrown and to go through everything.

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