Chapter 15

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I only remembered this place because of that night. How it looked. I hadn't been inside of the nursery since the night of the attack; nobody could find it. After that night, Watford just absorbed it into one of its magical crevices where all the bad memories go. Nobody could find it for years. And now...

I guess I'd fallen to my knees because I felt Snow's hand on my shoulder, then noticed him kneeling next to me. He wasn't paying attention to the nursery, only to me.

"Where are we?" He asked, and I let my dead eyes drift to meet his. Snow was teeming with magic, and I assumed that's how we ended up here.

"The nursery. My mum..." I couldn't form complete sentences, even in my head. My thoughts were jumbled, but always lead back to my mum. I kept thinking about what I saw that night, how she fought the vampires without fear. How she fought them off and died to save me. Only to lose me anyway.

I startled out of my own head when Snow jumped to his feet and tried to summon his sword. When it didn't appear, he awkwardly just balled his fists, then rested them on his hips. I would've laughed in any other situation.

I looked up at what Snow was, and nearly choked. I wanted to get to my feet and run to her, but my feet wouldn't work. All I wanted was to see if she was real.

Instead I stayed on my knees and stared in wonder at the red shimmering figure in front of us, the one who embodied my mother. Her long black hair, her deep dark eyes, and her eyes set in determination. If I didn't know any better, I'd say it was my mother back from the dead.

"Basilton," she murmured, eyes suddenly filled with something soft. I clenched my teeth so hard my jaw clicked. I couldn't believe it. This had to be a trick, some sick joke. There was no way this could be real, especially when Snow was a part of it. If he'd pulled this elaborate sick joke, I was for sure going to kill him. And sooner than anticipated.

I whipped my head towards him and got to my feet, stomping over and pushing my finger so hard into his chest that he stumbled. Snow's eyes went wide with shock as my fangs popped out and I snarled.

"Did you do this? Did you do this, Snow? Is this funny to you?" Snow shook his head and I couldn't catch my breath. I was full ready to rip Snow's throat out with my teeth, but I felt a hand on my shoulder.

Reluctantly turning towards her, I felt my stomach lurch. She was standing in front of me, the same concerned expression she had whenever she worried. I'd missed it so much, and I wanted to reach out to touch the small dip in her forehead like I used to when I was a child.

"Baz, it wasn't him. Please calm down, it's really me," she said, voice so low it was barely above a whisper. The lump in my throat was strangling me.

I jumped away from her touch and fought my fangs back.

"If it were really you, you'd kill me. You saw what I am. You'd kill me just like all the others. Go ahead, mother. Be disgusted. Rip my heart out, I'm begging you. Please." Part of me was only bating whoever this figure was in front of me, who certainly wasn't my mother. The other part honestly wanted her to kill me. I was undead after all, a dark creature; I deserved it.

Snow gripped my forearm, and his fingers nearly made me gasp. They were so tight around my arm that I felt his warmth seep into me. He leaned in and whispered in my ear, but his eyes never left my mother.

"She's the same as Ebb," he murmured, and I felt something inside me drop. It might actually be her. I let my eyes meet Snow's but then they fell to my feet and I stepped away. Snow was just another way I'd disappointed my mother. Not only was I gay, but it was for my worst enemy. Two more reasons for her to kill me.

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