Chapter five {+18}

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Recap; the party

Suraj has decided to drive them home. Chakor again was sitting between Suraj n Bhuvaan.

This time Suraj was ready to hold her hand. He even intertwined his hand with hers.

Chakor slightly blushes. His intense gaze were fixed on her. But she didn't mind she loved it.

Soon the drive took an end.

Suraj pouts. He stood up from the car n let Chakor n Bhuvaan out.

Chakor; Sir??

Bhuvaan looked at Chakor.

Chakor; Papa... woh Sir wants to use the washroom...

Bhuvaan; Oh Haan... it was a long night n then the drive. If u need something else then say it

Suraj nods with a smile. Thank u Bhuvaan ji... all is fine.

Bhuvaan opens the door. Chakor n Suraj were coming in at the same time their hands stroke with each other.

Bhuvaan left the hall n went to his bedroom. Both looked after him as soon as he vanished, Suraj turns to Chakor n lifts her. He pins her to the wall n starts to kiss her hard. Chakor was waiting for it only. She was clutching her hands on his back n reciprocates to his kiss.

Suraj enters her mouth with his tongue. Chakor's eyes widen... She moans in between the kiss. Suraj stopped remembering where he is n with whom he is. He dropped her down.

Chakor was out of breath. Sir?!

Suraj shook his head. No it's wrong I'm just to old for u! He left the house n drove home.

Both had another sex dream of each other...

Chakor comes into the office n was shocked. Suraj hasn't arrived yet. She was confused as he is there always at first or at least she meets him on the floor or elevator. But this time nothing like that.

Chakor sat on her place n was doing her work when Suraj come. She smiles looking at him but he ignores her. She pouts again, as she doesn't liked it to be ignored by him!.

Suraj was lost in his thoughts. She is too young n an innocent soul. I can't touch her it's like committing a sin.

Chakor completed her work on the file she knocks on his cabin door n he opens it for her.

She come in n gave him the file but he didn't even looked at her. She comes closer n looked behind her the door was closed so she kisses his cheek. His eyes were closed but a smile forms on his face. She too smiled n left the cabin.

Suraj looked at her. Innocent angel. What r u doing to me?!.

He was trying to distract himself when he looked at Chakor, who was openly flirting with Karan Tacker {I kept the name}.

Suraj fumes. What the hell is he doing here n y is she letting him flirt with her?!. His anger raised n he throws a stapler into the mirror...

Chakor heard the sound n got scared. She rushed to his cabin n knocked on it. Sir!!! She shouts, tears were filling her eyes. Sir!!!! She was hammering on the door. Who knows the code?! She asked into the office room but no one react as no one knew it. She again hammered on it when the door opens. She rushes in the door closed by itself.

Chakor; Sir!!! She hugs him tight. Sir what u did?!.

Suraj; nothing! U were flirting not me! He pushes her away n went to collect the glass fragments from the ground. He was careless n cut his hand.

Chakor starts to cry as she felt the pain. She rushed to him n blows air on the wound. She was crying. Sir please don't hurt urself! She took out the hanky the same one she got from him n bind it on his hand. Kissing the hand several times.

Suraj was lost in her. He cups her face n wiped her tears away. Chakor hugs him. She cries on his chest but he lifts her n made her leave the room. Whispering something in her ear.

She wipes her tears away n went out. She wasn't sure what to do next.

Karan; Chakor all fine? U looks disturbed?

Chakor shook her head. No I'm fine. I'm absolutely fine! She stood up n opens the door from outside. He gave me his code!

Chakor has entered his cabin again. The door closed behind her n he was standing there in anger.

Chakor smiles. She rushes to him n kisses him madly. Suraj reciprocate...

Both were in a heavy smooch... he made her lie on his desk her legs have encircled his back... she was opening his buttons but he stopped her.

Chakor; Sir...? Suraj I want it!

Suraj; me too but it's not right... u r.. so innocent!

Chakor smiles. Haan innocent with a dirty mind... she loses her grip on him n changed the situation. She bend down to his hard part n sucked it...

Suraj was shocked yet he was relaxing... she was giving him something what he had needed for a quite long time...

Chakor.... aaaahhh

Chakor felt him she knew he won't hurt her but she wanted to help him to feel better. She stood up cleaning her mouth. She looked at him... n left with a smile.

Suraj still couldn't believe it. She really just bend down! No no! I can't let her go like this!

After awhile Suraj called her in. Chakor comes with a new file. Suraj was sitting on his chair. Chakor smiles at him. Suraj too smiles n calls her to come near.

Chakor was standing in front of him. He made her sit on his desk she was wearing a dress as usually. He went under her dress with his hands n removes her panty n then he spread her legs.

Chakor starts to shiver under his touch... soon she closed her eyes feeling his wet tongue on her soft part. He was giving her the equal pleasure she has given him before. She was moaning his name continuously...

Suraj.... Suraj.... Suraj... Sir!!!! Aaaahh

She was breathing heavily... Suraj had stopped but she was lying in front of him with the spread legs. He was seeing her soft part. He wanted to kiss her again feel her again but he hold himself back.

Chakor was resting on his desk while he was continuing with his work...

Chakor; Sir...

Suraj looked at her. Miss Gadodia...

Chakor smiles. Thank U!

She left the cabin n Suraj was looking at her only....



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