My Possessive Husband #3

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Sorry for the delay...

Recap: SuKor ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️

Chakor woke up later the night and saw him working on his files. Chakor was fuming. "Suraj! What are you doing there? I am here lying alone on the bed and you are working on your stupid file! Don't you love me? Don't you want to fuck me further! I want you now!".

She stood up and walked to him. He was hell surprised by her behaviour. "Babe what is wrong with you?". Chakor sat on his lap and holds him tight. "I don't like it if you are not taking care of me! I don't want to be the second choice!". Suraj smirks. "Oh is that your fear that I will choose work over you?".

Chakor looked at him with a cute pouting face. "Haan!". Suraj shook his head. "Never you know why?".

Chakor shook her head. "No, why?". Suraj pulls her close. "Work doesn't give me the satisfaction I get from you!". She giggles into his ears.

Suraj stood up and hold her tight in his arms. Placing her back on the bed. "Babe! You know we should think about the future! I mean plans?".

Chakor thought. "Suraj I don't need to attend the college anymore, right? I mean I am your wife Mrs. Chakor Suraj Rajvanshi! Please tell me I can keep my work at your office?!".

Suraj kisses her nose. "You are calling yourself my wife but you are saying my office? Babe it is our office! And of course you can work there but I want you to finish your studies as well. Please?". He just wanted her best and that means finishing the college.

Chakor pouts. "I don't want to! Suraj please I don't want!". She kisses his nose and hold him tight. Both fall on the bed 🙈🙈🙈.

On the next morning.

Suraj was sleeping tight as Chakor woke up early. She was downstairs at the kitchen when Suraj hears a shout. "Aaahhh!".

Suraj falls from his bed by her shout he got scared. "Babe!". He shouts and rushed downstairs. "Babe what happened?". He went into the kitchen and looked at her.

Chakor was irking and had closed her eyes. Suraj looked at her. "Babe?". He turns her toward him. She hits with her bare body his bare body. "Suraj cockroach!". She points on the stove. "Look!".

Suraj shook his head. "Babe I thought you got hurt but this is just... an insect. Just kill it with your...!". He looked down and saw her fully naked. "Babe you are naked? Here in the kitchen? I can eat you here!". Chakor hits him. "You won't eat me, because you will kill this now!".

Suraj shook his head. He looked for a paper and caught the cockroach. He throw it out of the window. "Gone!".

Chakor looked at him cutely. "You could kill it!".

Suraj hold her tight. "As long as it's not taking you away from me. I won't kill! But if someone comes and tries to take you away from me. I will kill!". He kisses her passionately what caused her a paining lips.

Chakor loves it. Both went up and changed their clothes. They were coming down and Chakor again went to the kitchen. "Babe what are you trying?".

Chakor smiles at him. "My Cute angry husband I'm going to make breakfast! You have to eat!".

Suraj sat on his chair and was waiting for Chakor. She comes and severs him a dish she made only for him.

Chakor looked at him with widen eyes and a big smile. She was waiting impatiently for his reaction.

Suraj are the food she made and surprised. "Babe great! It taste good!". He ate the food and even feeds her. Chakor was sitting on his lap. He thugs her hair strands behind her ear. His finger was going through her cheek the way he was touching her was giving her a sensational feeling.

Both reached the office.

Chakor was reintroduced as his wife. And she sat on her regular place but she didn't liked it. She doesn't wanted to be away from him.

Chakor entered Suraj cabin and sat on his lap. "Suraj I don't want to sit there anymore! I want to stay close to you!". Suraj looked at her. "Babe what you mean?".

Chakor places her hands around his neck. "Suraj I love you! And I am your wife! I want you to hold me tight! And listen to me carefully. If I won't get what I want then you will face the worst of me!". Chakor looked deep into his eyes.

Suraj somewhere felt afraid. "What do you want?". Chakor looked at him. "I want my desk here in your cabin. Now!".

Suraj was shocked. "You want your desk here in my cabin. But why?".

Chakor hold his collar. "Because I want! I want to be close to you! I don't want to stay outside the cabin. I want to be close to my husband! If you can be possessive about me then I can be obsessed about you!".

Chakor bites his lips. "Okay?".

Suraj nods. "Okay!". He stood up and in a few minutes he called some strong workers of his company and let her desk shifted to his cabin. She was now sitting opposite to him on her own desk.

Suraj looked at her. "You happy?".

Chakor nods. "Yes, very happy!". She was sitting there her arm was angled on the desk and her chin was resting on her hand.

"Suraj I love you!"

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"Suraj I love you!".

Suraj smirks at her. "I love you too!".

Chakor was looking at him all the time while he was working

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Chakor was looking at him all the time while he was working.


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