Chapter eight

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BidishaKarar here the update as it's Saturday

Recap; Suraj Birthday. His gift Chakor...

Chakor was sleeping on the king size bed of Suraj beach house. She woke up with a little pain on her abdomen as she had become his. She smiles remembering the last night when Suraj made love with her.

A man has touched me. No, not just a man my love has made his.

She was turning on the bed but she couldn't find him. She yawns n rubs her eyes with her hands. She sat up on the bed to get a better view, her eyes were scanning the room but Suraj was nowhere!.

Chakor stood up of the bed just then she felt the cover on her. What is this?. She looked down as she was wearing a panty n a shirt... his shirt. She was very happy her anger that he isn't there was leaving her, she was happy as he was giving her something from him, to protect herself.

She was walking on her tiptoes when she hears him.

"Yes, I know..?".

His voice was broken, Chakor felt bad. Am I the reason?. She slowly walked out to him as he was in the balcony.

Suraj didn't pay any attention to her. He was busy in the phone call but Chakor hugs him from back n kisses his neck n shoulder. Her hands were on his chest. He places his hand on her hand. Chakor smiles, but then Suraj removes her hand.

Chakor felt hurt, of course she leaves him. He got his gift, then y he would need me again?.

She was broken n abt to went back inside the house. But she was stopped, he might be talking on the phone but he always seeks for her love. He pulls her n hugs her tight.

"I will do it!".

Chakor looked at him, she formed her lips to kiss💋. Suraj smiles he bend down with his head n kisses her. He cuts the call n kisses her passionately.

Suraj lifts her n both were back in the house on his bed. Chakor was waiting for him but he left her to come back after a few minutes with a tray of food.

Suraj looked at her. "How u feel?". His was calm n filled with care. Chakor clutches on him. "Suraj...?". Suraj looked at her. "Haan Chakor!". Chakor was trying to find the right words but she couldn't as Suraj filled her mouth with food.

They both got ready. Suraj has loved her the night but he still was showering her with his love. Chakor was happy soon they reached the office.

Suraj was at the parking lot. "Chakor I want u to go home!". He looked at her, he places his hand under her chin. "Oh u r so cute, don't be angry with me I will come soon!". He was coming near her n kisses her lips.

Chakor felt bad as he is sending her away, but there is a hope he will come n meet her soon. "Okay, Sir!". Suraj looked at her. "Chakor...?". Chakor turns to him. "Haan Sir?".

She looked at him in her thoughts she was reconstructing their talk if she might have done something wrong.

Suraj smiles n comes near her. "It's Suraj!". He kisses the tip of her nose n she smiles shyly.

Suraj has called another car, to take Chakor home.

Suraj was in his office just thinking of her only. He had closed his eyes thinking how she make him weak. That girl is too much being a virgin she was quite experienced. Suraj has opened his notebook n was working on it.

Chakor has reached home by the time. Suraj is so sweet he loves me... or not?. No no he does I can call him Suraj! He cares for me, send me home to take rest. I love him soooo much. He is very carrying. He feeds me with his own hands. Then Chakor remembers how he made her his. His manhood was immense I still can feel the sensation inside me.

In the evening Suraj left the office early which also witnessed by many staff members, but no one said anything.

Suraj reaches the GM, Chakor was waiting for him desperately. Then the doorbell rings n she rushes there. There he was holding a bouquet of flowers for her.

Chakor smiles. "Si...?!" She bites on her tongue. "Sorry, I meant to say Suraj!". Both were lost for the moment, but Chakor dragged him in. She had cooked for him.

Suraj was happy seeing her happy but the burned food was scaring him. "Chakor soo much?, how will I eat this?". Chakor pouts. "U r very bad, u haven't tried it yet n saying it's bad!". Suraj shook his head. "No Baby....".

She hugs him tight. "U gave me a name... Baby?!". Suraj hugs tight. "Yes, now my Baby will pack her bag!".

Chakor was happily surprised but also shy. "Suraj...?". She lowered her gaze, her forehead was resting on his chest. "I can't give u the love to fulfil ur desire... at least not yet!". She looks up n he smiles at her. "Chakor u r my love! Having u around me is enough!".

Chakor hugs him even tighter. "Where r we going?". She asked him excited while she had started to pack her clothes. "U know if u tell me I can pack my clothes according to the current weather of our destination!".

Suraj smiles. "Sorry, I'm going to take u along with me to France, Paris. I don't want u to be alone here! I want u close, very close to me!".

Chakor was shocked as her father would be there too. She places her palm on her mouth.

Suraj got confused but he made her sit on his lap. "U can pack tomorrow the rest". He was talking to her in a husky voice. She giggles. "Suraj, What r u planning?".

Suraj shook his head. "Nothing!". He removes his shirt his bare chest was well shaped. Chakor starts to kiss him she moves down n was sucking him.

Both fell asleep...



Bhuvaan gets to know

Suraj decision

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