My possessive Husband #6

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Recap: Suraj jealousy on her Male student friends. Chakor's weird behaviour.

Suraj got ready like she asked him to

Chakor didn't liked to wait long and she got very impatiently

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Chakor didn't liked to wait long and she got very impatiently. "Suraj, please come out!" He heard out her anguish through her voice.

Suraj opens the door. "Babe everything is fine come!" He stretches his hand in she intertwined with hers. "I love you Suraj!".

Suraj pulls her close. "Yes, you better do it!". Chakor smirks holding his cheek in her hand. She pulls him close and kisses him. They left the office to attend the part of Mr. Chaudhary

Suraj looked at her all the time. "Babe?". She looked at him. "Haan?". Suraj smiles he turns his hand to it's back side. Chakor looked at his hand and places her over his hand. She was happy having him close to her.

They reached the venue.

"Babe, please behave inside!" He warns her and she smiles. "I always behave!" She dragged her tongue into his mouth. "Chakor!" He glares at her and she looks innocently to him. "You said inside not outside!". Suraj pulls her close. "Right!" He kisses her.

It took them a bit to break their kiss and lust. SuKor were in the party and nothing went like he wanted.

Chakor saw him dancing with a random woman. She pushes the woman away. "He is married, keep your dirty hands away!" She looked at him with tearful eyes. "I don't like this!". She starts to cry and everyone looked at them. Suraj cups her face. "Okay how about hot chocolate with cream?"

Chakor looked up sniffing. "Extra cream!" She demands and Suraj nods to her. "Of course!" He pulls her close and kisses her cheek. Chakor hugs him. "Now, I want it now!" She looked at him with a stern look and a pout.

Suraj kisses her forehead. "Okay!". He took her the bar and the bar tender was confused. "I don't have the ingredients!" He excuses himself.

Suraj asked if he could come into the bar. "Hmm Suraj Bacardi?😍🤤!"

Suraj glares at her and took the milk he found he hold it in front of her. 🤮🤮

He had put the empty ice bucket in front of her. "Knew it!".

"I don't want milk!!" She felt embarrassed and hurt. "You idiot, what you did! I hate you!" She was crying and had went to the washroom, Suraj followed her into it. "Suraj it's Lady's room get out!". She pushes him, but he stayed. "Enough Ragini. Do you know what it going on with you?" She shook her head. "I wanted to surprise you, not defame you!". She was crying while he cleaned her face. "Okay, what was your surprise?".

She sniffs. "Honeymoon!"

Suraj laughs loud. He kisses her temple and made her shiver. There were moments she just becomes his doll. "But babe it seems like you are pregnant!"

She was shocked and looked at him. She count backwards from their first time and widen her eyes. "Suraj I'm pregnant!" She jumped up and down in happiness. But then pouts. "I will not get my honeymoon with this child. I don't want it!". She turns with crossed arms around her chest.

Suraj fumes. "Chakor!" She frighten. "I'm sorry!" She hold her ears and kisses his nose tip. "Bad joke! We will make our honeymoon after it's arrival. I'm sure papa will look after the baby and we can make another one?" She smiles looking at him.

But he was lost in his thought. "Suraj?!" She cups his face and he looked at her.

"Chakor I'm sorry I forgot the age difference between us, if you don't want the child now. You are free to decide I'm not going to force you. Babe you are just 20 years old...?"

Chakor stopped him. "Excuse me, but I'm your wife and now a beautiful to be mama. I don't care about my age, I want my baby. You idiot. People call it mood swings!" She kisses his lips and he had to bear it. "Can I vomit now?" He asked and she nods "Go ahead!"

They don't stayed longer and reached home. Suraj has changed his whole schedule just be close to her. He was looking after her, all her wishes were fulfilled by him.

But Chakor is someone special. Every question or wish was unique "I want a dance!" Suraj was dancing for her.

"I want ice cream!"

Suraj was in the kitchen he had to create an own recipe for her and her desired taste.

"I want fruit salad!

Suraj had called a well known restaurant to deliver him daily food including exotic fruits which are not usually for India.

"I want your hand!"

Suraj bear the small pain, which was nothing in compare with her labour pain.

She delivered a baby boy.

"Suraj look he is so small!" Suraj gaze was fixed on her, while she was looking through the glass window. "You are mine... ops ours! We made you!" She was speaking to the baby.

Suraj hold her hand "Are you upset with me?"

Chakor got confused she shook her head "No!" She hugs him and kisses his jaw "You know I love you!" Suraj nods. "Like I do love you? Babe!"

Chakor smiles "Now you have a real Baby, you will stop calling me Babe, right?!"

Suraj shook his head. He kisses her forehead.

"No you are my only Babe, he is my Beta {Son}. I'm very possessive about you two. And I'm not going to share you, but I have to with him. Now I lost a right!".

Chakor looked at him "What no!"

Suraj smirks "It's okay, he can have your breast but I have the rest!" He kisses her lips and made her melt.

They took their son home...



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