Chapter seven {+18}

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I wanted to skip the update...  as other stories r waiting but here the update

Recap; SuKor small dispute... 😖.

Chakor come to the office as usually but Suraj wasn't giving any heed to her as he was angry. How many times should he explain himself that HE DOESN'T LIKE IT IF SHE GOT TO COSY WITH OTHER MEN'S.

Chakor was doing her work when Suraj finally comes out of his cabin. He hasn't shown his face to anyone for more than 4 days. He even changed the code of his door so Chakor could t enter the cabin.

Chakor smiles looking at him but he ignores her further. She felt hurt n sat back on her place with a lowered head.

Suraj; guys we got the deal of the Khanna Ltd. thank u for ur hard work! It all happens bcz of ur support. Thank U!.

The staff claps 👏👏👏. All were happy b were ready to celebrate after their work.

Chakor maybe he isn't angry anymore on me. Such a gud news he had received.

She stood up n knocks on his cabin door. But he didn't let her in. She again knocks... but there was no reaction from inside. She lowered her head with tear filled eyes.

The other's were allowed to enter just Chakor wasn't. She was hurt this is now going on for more than 4 days... the other's asked Change to celebrate with them.

Chakor agrees. As she thought Suraj would be there too but she was disappointed as he wasn't there with them celebrating.

Kunal; Chakor what happen?!

Chakor; Sir isn't here?!

Kunal shook his head. No he never celebrates with us or anything else.

Chakor; what?! Y?!

Kunal; he doesn't like it... n we don't force him. He does celebrate our anniversaries or birthdays but he never celebrated his own.

Chakor nods. Okay... I'm his PA I will find if out. 😁.

Chakor left the venue as Suraj wasn't there she was at home n logged in into her office account. She checked on his private calendar any upcoming events... but nothing! She fumes. Papa!!!

Chakor went down her father was looking a cricket match 😖...

Chakor sat next to him.

Bhuvaan looked at her. What?!

Chakor smiles bright.

Bhuvaan; What n how much it will cost me?!

Chakor shook her head. No Daddy! I don't want money or anything... she comes closer. But Bhuvaan got scared.

Bhuvaan; What do u want?

Chakor; information!!!

Bhuvaan confuses. Information?! Like what?!

Chakor; I need to know something abt Sir!

SuKor - +18 my possessive husband completed Where stories live. Discover now