Possessive Husband #1

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Small information my watty isn't working properly that is y I'm not replying on any comments...

Recap: SuKor r in France, Bhuvaan got to know but they don't care as they love each other.

Suraj held Chakor's hand tight. "Bhuvaan ji she is mature n old enough to take a decision of her life. There is no need for ur agreement as she is an adult n knows what is right n what is wrong for her!". Both looked into each other n left from there together.

Bhuvaan couldn't do anything he was lost in his thoughts. How this could happen? She loves him since she saw him to the first time? When did they even met?.

Suraj looked at her. His hand was protectively around her waist. "The world should know that u r mine! I will make u Mrs. Chakor Suraj Rajvanshi as soon as possible..!". He said in a husky voice into her ear. She smiles n feels a shiver running down her spine.

"Haan Suraj I too wants to be urs! Please don't break my heart by making me wait unnecessary!". She hold his shirt in her hand tight. "Please!". Suraj pulls her close n he do what he loves to do forgetting the world n kiss her as there is no tomorrow. "Don't worry I won't let u wait for long!". He kisses her forehead n they both started to have their breakfast at hotel lounge.

Soon the time passed by n Suraj had to leave for the meeting. "Chakor I will come as soon as possible but Baacha if u want u can go n have some fun...!". He took out his credit card n gave it her. He comes closer n hold her hips... he also pinches her... she moans n Suraj possessively enters her mouth with his tongue. He pulls her close n her breast hits with his muscular chest. Her hands intertwined behind his nape. Her thumbs were stroking him he become wild. He pushes her on the wall she loves it n let him. The kiss which starts with little pressure has become so passionately that he couldn't took his hands off her.

A phone call broke their moment. Chakor was seeking for air. "Suraj u have to go...!". She bites on her lower lip. He kisses her again... "Haan Chakor But I'm back soon!". She nods as the talk happens between their kiss. She bites on his lip n he left.

Chakor was feeling the heat he has lighten the fire inside her. Suraj... come soon.

Suraj met the other businessman's who were all present on the venue. Bhuvaan was talking to someone but soon he saw Suraj n went to him. "Suraj we need to talk!". Suraj nods. "Sure!". He gesture him to go ahead n he will follow him. Bhuvaan went out of the hotel he was in garden n Suraj behind him. "She is my only girl! If she loves u then I have to accept it but remember one thing if she will ever complain abt u! Then I will be there n take her along with me!". He warns Suraj who understood it. "U doing worry ur girl is save with me! There is no other man who could love her the way I do!". Suraj replies with the confidence.

Chakor was roaming around the streets of Paris. She was thinking what to do... hmm Shopping. But what?. Chakor smiles. "I just need one thing!". She was looking around if she finds a boutique. "Yes!". She found one n went inside her eyes were shining as there were so many wedding dresses. The boutique owner a graceful woman come. "Bonjour mademoiselle!". She greeted her Chakor smiles. "Bonjour! Moi recherche un robe de mariée {I'm looking for a wedding dress!}". The woman looked at her. She rushed to the back of the store n comes with a beautiful dress.

 She rushed to the back of the store n comes with a beautiful dress

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Chakor come wearing it n was happy. "parfait {perfect}!". She bought it completely with the matching accessories n shoes. She was carrying the dress as it was perfectly fine there was no need of changed as if the dress is made for her only. She got a cab n reached the hotel where Suraj n Bhuvaan were waiting for her.

Suraj comes to her in anger. "Where the hell were U? We r waiting for u! Y didn't u pick up ur phone?". He was shouting at her, but she kisses him. "Sorry I forgot my mobile on our room!". She vanished from there. "Don't look!". She warns him turning back to him once. He nods n she vanished.

They were having dinner together. Just then Karan appears the same one from the award venue. "Chakor u here? Wow beautiful as always...!". He was looking at her with his nasty eyes. Suraj was fuming he hold his collar. "Stay away from my girl! If I see u roaming around her I will beat the hell out of u!". He pushes him n Karan lands on his bottom. Chakor was looking at him with a pity face but her hand was on Suraj thigh. She was caressing him to cool his anger.

Karan left from there. "Suraj u should control ur anger. He hasn't done anything to Chakor!". Bhuvaan tried to explain him but Suraj didn't care he wasn't listening to him or anyone. He places his hand over hers n made her feel his love... by making her wear a ring....

Chakor looked at her hand. "Suraj!". She hugs him n kisses his cheek. "I love U!". Suraj hold her tight. "I told u I'm not gonna let u wait for long... tomorrow is our wedding I have organised everything!". He was abt to kiss her lips but then stops not bcz of Bhuvaan but bcz he wants to kiss her tomorrow on their wedding.

Suraj took another room. And stayed away from her. She was happy but also very confused as she wasn't ready to sleep with him again. She knocks on his door. Suraj who was Kaur in his shorts opens the door n looked at her. "Chakor what happened? Didn't we agreed to stay away for the night?". Chakor nods. "Haan but I have a problem..!". Suraj smirks. "Oh u miss me?". He pulls her close n nuzzles her neck. Chakor let him but not for long. "Mister we r getting but I can't give u.. the wedding night as I'm not ready yet.. u know!". She lowered her gaze but Suraj made her look into his eyes. He frowns. "That's it!". Chakor nods n he kisses her forehead. "I have u I don't need more n whatever it is I can take it later...!". He smirks n she runs away with a big blush on her face...

On the next morning

They went to the next court n got the permission to marry. Normally they need to apply for a wedding in Paris but it's a fiction 🤣.

SuKor got married n the possessiveness has started as u could read it...


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