Possessive husband #2

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Recap: finally married.

I had to make a few changes as I have changed a lot to the original idea....

Chakor was lying on the bed of her husband. Yes, she is now Mrs. Chakor Suraj Rajvanshi. She loves the name to be connected. It makes her his. She waits for him to come home and love her, but stupid he... busy in work.

Chakor come to the office after their return from France Chakor didn't entered the office as Suraj wanted to keep her save or better say for himself. A week has passed but her husband hasn't loved her once not even knowing that she is ready again.

Suraj was sitting in his cabin he was having a video conference when Chakor enters the cabin. She still has the code number.

"Mr. Paulson I'm sorry my wife come. Babe what happen?". He stood up and went to her. "Anything serious why are you here?". She looked at him very cutely. "Suraj I want You! Come home na please!". Suraj shook his head but he was happy that she was fine. "Babe has to wait!". He gave her a chair and made her sit. "Don't speak Babe please it's very important!". Chakor nods she knows his work is important and she doesn't want to annoy or hurt him.

Suraj completed his video conversation and looked at her. "My Husband did you had success? And if you had could we now go home and have love?". Chakor was determined.

Suraj caresses her cheeks. "You want love? Here or at home?". Chakor kisses him. "Actually everywhere but with you only! But as we haven't celebrated our wedding night yet your should take me home!". She jumped on him and encircled her legs around his hips.

Suraj smiles at her, he starts to kiss her but she refuses as she would lose the control. Soon they reached home and Chakor was trying her best to make him weak. "Chakor your mood is very on, right?". Suraj kisses her on her nose.

Suraj lifts her in his embrace. "Babe you know I will love you all the night?". Chakor smiles. "Acha we will see how much you love me!". Suraj frowns. "Chakor you are too much!". Chakor jumped off his embrace and runs into the mansion. "Catch me if you can!".

Suraj rushes behind her. "Don't you dare to escape from me there is no way out of her! You have awake the beast in me!".

Chakor knew what she did and that is what she wanted. She was upstairs in their bedroom. Suraj enters the room and was confused. "Babe what's that? Do you wanna have Suhaag raat {wedding night}!". The bed was decorated and she was sitting in the middle of the bed. "Haan my dear husband!".

Suraj smirks. "Fine then you will give you what you want!". Suraj comes on the bed and starts to caresses her back. Chakor pouts. "No Suraj. I want hard love!". Suraj was surprised. "Hard love?". He comes over her. "You sure?". He wants her confirmation. Chakor nods. "Yes Suraj Sir! I want it!". He couldn't resist her wish. He starts to kisses her wildly.

Chakor reciprocates to him. Soon she took the overhand and that surprised Suraj a lot. He couldn't do much but she was leading this game of Love.

Chakor was over him she removes his belt and opens his pant. Suraj was numb but amazed too.

Chakor looked at his harden one. Suraj was waiting what she will do. She kisses him again this time that hard that he bleeds. Suraj might be possessive but she was the real beast.

Chakor let him enter her. She moves his hard in her soft part holding him first in her hand and then leading him in. She rides him but soon she let him come over her. She was scratching his back and bottom. She was holding him so tightly that he could feel the pain of the nails on his body.

Suraj didn't utter a word not a single noise. As she was still kissing him that he can't open his mouth just the kiss was making him breath through her.

Suraj was over her and dragged into her with a lot of pressure she was moaning his name finally she let his mouth free. But this time he did it. He come over her and kisses her again. Her legs were encircled behind his back what pushed him again into her.

Suraj was holding her hands. "You wanted it hard! Now here taste your own wish!".

He presses inside her with full energy. She shouts louder and louder only his name was coming though her lips.

Suraj bites her neck. She shouts. Then he gave her love bites on each shoulder.


Chakor's hands were in his hair. She was holding his hairs and pulling on them. "Don't stop!". She warns him as she was waiting for it.

Suraj shook his head. "Don't worry I won't stop it!". He places her hands on her back and hold her tight. She again moans his name and Suraj was holding her tight. He made her sit on his lap and still inside her his head was resting between her cleavage. She likes the way he was loving her. He marked her on her breast and both fall on the bed being exhausted....

Both were breathing heavily... looking at each other.

"Chakor happy?".

"Haan...!". Chakor smiling at him.

Suraj was sweating like she was... he did it again....

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