Chapter six

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Recap; SuKor first touch...

It was the next morning Chakor woke up with a big smile on her face thinking of the yesterday incident she wanted more.

She vanished to the washroom n got ready in a new record timing. She went down to the hall the servants have arranged the breakfast.

Chakor I want to have him... hmm but how?!.

She was thinking how to get him in her when an idea come into her mind. She smiles, she took the food n starts to eat n left early in the morning.

She reached the office was the first one! No one has reached before her. She was very excited as she is now the only one who knows abt his code. She adjusted herself n enters the cabin... but he wasn't there.

Chakor what where is he?! She pouts n sat on his chair thinking how to surprise him. 💡.

She was waiting for him now still in his cabin. After 5 or 10 min he arrives but then.

Haha Haan so was ur journey?! This her Suraj Sir's voice.

Oh Suraj it was fab. I had the most comfortable journey of all time.

Suraj; so gud... Maya?!?

Maya; haan...

Chakor was embarrassed n hurt. She is embarrassed as she was here to surprise him n she thought to be the one n hurt bcz he has already someone. She was silently crying.

Suraj n Maya were talking abt their projects.

Suraj; let me show my tablet it on the desk wait.

Maya nods.

Suraj was looking at the desk for his tablet when he hears a sniff... what was that?!. He was lost in his thoughts for a moment when he hears it again. He tensed n let his pen fall.

Maya; everything okay?!

Suraj smiles. Haan Maya my pen rolled down. He bend down n saw her with corner of his eyes she was hiding her face behind her hands n was sitting under his desk. Uff what is she doing here?!.

Suraj stood up. Maya I forgot to ask u!

Maya; what?!

Suraj; Arrey u said washroom.

Maya a bit embarrassed. Yes I did but u forgot n I don't wanted to be like uhm... washroom..?!

Suraj laughs. There. He shows with his hand to his private washroom.

Maya nods. She stood up. Thank U chote... she pinches his cheek n left. Suraj pouts. Haan for u I'm always chote... 😩.

As soon as she left Suraj pulls Chakor out.

Chakor; Chote?! {like younger brother}.

Suraj; sshhh this is Maya Thakkar she is my friend n sister like. She come for an advertisement she is a model!

Chakor; Oh...

Suraj; haan!

Chakor wipes her tears away. She made her way back to her desk but Suraj hold her hand n pulls her with a force that she hits with his chest. She looked up at him n he kisses her hard on her lips...

Chakor left with a big smile on her face.

Suraj was sitting back on his couch n Maya come. They were continuously talking abt their works when Suraj asked her to do an AD for him.

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