Chapter 9 The dare

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(Authors note: this scene focuses on the guys of the show, not some random group.)

Eren's POV

The girls left us and we some of us were pretty bummed, they usually bring the fun even if Ymir and Mikasa would have their cold attitude. Sasha would suggest some wild but pretty funny things to do, once she got a small sattle and put it on Reiner. He ran around yelling "Get her off!" It was funny. Once he got her off he was pissed and he calmed down because he couldn't hurt a girl, that and cause she was the one who had given us some cool things to do.

"Hey Eren, whatcha thinking about. Is it Mikasa?" Said Reiner

"What!? No."

"Ha calm down just jokin around, but still she looked good. Its more rare for her than it is for Ymir or Annie to show some other emotions besides her cold attitude and her goal to watch over you." Said Reiner

"So did you do anything to make her act like act like this." Snickers Jean

"What are you talking about?"

Jean grabs me by the shoulder and then puts up against a wall

"I mean did you fuck her up, even if she is a little more happy now, it still bothers me that she changed when she was with you!!!" Yelled Jean with a furious voice

"God dammit, i didn't do shit o.." Interrupted by a choking feeling around my collar and then a loud voice coming from horse face

"YOUR LIEING, YOU DID SOMETHING TO HER. TO MY MIKASA." Yelled Jean infront of Eren's face

" Son of a wall worshipping fuck!!! Why in the flying fuck wont you believe me."


"Oh for fuck sakes." I pull the trip and push maneuver that i had learned from Annie. But i grabbed Jean before he fell and dropped him when he was 2 inches over the ground.

(A/N: reminds me so much of the scene from the show that i couldn't help but laugh XD)

"Maybe you could cool down now." Said Eren. "Fine..." Says Jean calmly

I reached my hand out and he accepted the offer for me to help him up.

"Alright, since we got that out of our system let's go get some snacks and then we'll go home." Says Armin

"Whoah whoah, who is to say we cant have a guys night out." Says Reiner as a creepy grin begins to crawl up on his face

"Yea!!!! We can have fun to." Said Connie.

As we were walking we heard the sound of hollow wood getting numbed around. I turned around to see Serj ight beside us with his small Cello.

"So did you finally decide to join us..." Said Jean

End of POV

Back to the girls

Mikasa's POV

"Alright Mikasa i dare you to hit first base with Eren on a date. With three chanc......". "WHAT!!!!!" Says Mikasa who interrupts Ymir

I couldn't believe what in the fucking hell i just heard, i just screwed myself.
I was blushing harder then I've blushed before, my face was red all over. Hiding it wouldn't do anything my whole face was red.

"You....can for real..."

"You didn't let me finish, you have to first go with Eren on a date, then slowly make your way with him." Said Ymir

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