Chapter 6 - The Despicable Mortal

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Percy flashed back to the school he was undercover in, being incognito. He saw that the school had a television and went over to look at it.

It turns out that it was the news. Several kids were there, mostly boys, cheering and pumping their fists in the air. There was a woman saying the news that said," On today exclusive news, we have a fight of the gods."

As soon as she said that, Percy thought," uh oh".

The scene changed to the one where the governor was being attacked.


Aphrodite jumps on the governor, punching and kicking him.

Percy said," Aphrodite, stop injuring him."

Aphrodite stepped back from the governor, breathing heavily. Blood was all over her face and hands. Percy snapped his fingers and the governor was healed, Aphrodite was cleaned.

The governor bowed to Percy," Thank you, My lord, for saving me." Percy turned to Aphrodite. " Aphrodite, what are trying to do?"

Aphrodite fumed and pointed an accusing finger, shaking with pure fury, and said with anger deep in her voice. "This beast broke so many women's heart! and you are defending him?! "At that, another flashed of light appeared.

"WHAT! HOW DARE YOU, PIG! APHRODITE, HOW MANY MAIDENS DID HE PLAY WITH?!" Artemis appeared, screaming in pure rage.

Aphrodite said with barely controlled anger," Hundreds. Since he was a teenager, around 15." Artemis was shaking with barely controlled pure fury. She then screamed and blasted him with a bright silver beam of moonlight. However, before the beam of moonlight could even touch him, the Earth trembled below them and dirt flew up to shield the governor.

Percy sighed," Ladies, that is the second time I ne-". Percy's words were cut by Artemis screaming at him for helping that pig. She and Aphrodite then took out their hunting knives and rushed at Percy.

Percy summoned his sword and prepared to fight. Artemis was glowing silver and the sun suddenly went out, being replaced by the moon, causing a lunar eclipse. She suddenly started to run faster, her actions a blur in the camera. Aphrodite's hair turned glowing pink. A large dove swoop and attack Percy.

Percy blocked Artemis's and Aphrodite's strikes but was being pushed back slowly from the force of the two goddesses with formidable power. Percy jumped to dodge Aphrodite's dove, then dropped and rolled on the ground to avoid Artemis's and Aphrodite's stab at the ground where he was a millisecond before.

Just then, golden arrow 'whoosed' past Percy's head, a hair width away from him. He looked up and saw that Apollo was on floating. "HOW DARE YOU ATTACK MY LITTLE SISTER, PERSEUS!!! YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS!!! "Apollo roared. There were gasps and mutters from the gathered crowd. The demigods shuffled nervously on their feet. They were all thinking the same, ' Percy cant defeat 3 gods at the same gods. Even more so, they are the 3 Olympian gods with everlasting domains. The sun became brighter and move out from behind the moon as the twin gods of Leto, God of Sun and the Goddess of the Moon. The moon and sun shine brightly beside each other. The moon was silvery while the son was golden, showing the twin gods of archery's rage.

"Guys, please. I can explain why I saved that governor." Percy pleaded but to no result. Percy sighed and slowed time around the three gods, then entrapping them with the hard earth. he then resumed the time to normal.

The three god glared at him with hate. There was a pause, then Percy then talked to Apollo,"I did not attack Artemis. If you notice properly instead of rushing to save your sister, I did not attack at all. I was merely defending. "

Apollo bowed his head in shame and apologised. " Sorry Percy, I did know that...but I didn't want my little sister to get hurt."

Percy snapped his fingers and the dirt trapping the three gods dropped to the ground. Artemis hit Apollo in the back of the head for calling her little sister. The three gods left in a flash of light, but not before Aphrodite and Artemis glared at the governor.


While the fight was going on, the kids cheered for Percy. Percy smiled at them. The women said," Although the government of Manhattan threaten Lord Perseus's Domain of heroes, he still save the governor from death. Not only that, he fought 3 gods and defeated them. For that, the government pronounce him as Protector of Mankind. The government also want to tell you that if you are a demigod, please proceed to the demigod camp, or if you know one, tell them to go there. That's all. Thank you"

One of the boys turned to his companion and said," Wow! Lord Perseus is so cool." Percy smiled and walked away to continue his job.

Author's Note

Hope you enjoy this part. It's pretty boring cause most of the part is repeated but....I'm out of ideas, so......yeah.


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