Chapter 27

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I woke up in the bed and immediately shot my hand over my body to make sure there's not an arm around me. I sighed in half relief before looking over my shoulder. The rest of the bed was empty, along with the room. I sat up and reached in my pocket before my hand closed on thin air. I lifted the blanket and looked in the nightstand but couldn't find it. I looked up as the door opened and Hayden walked in.

"Hey, come on, get up get dressed! We gotta full day," he says, clapping his hands as he put a to-go bag from some restaurant on the coffee table.

"Gimme my phone and I will," I grumble. "Also, why am I in the bed?"

"Relax, I took the couch last night," he says as he hands me a cup of coffee.

"That doesn't answer my question," I tell him, hesitantly taking the beverage.

"Figured you'd sleep better," he says before looking at the clock. "Oh, and look at that. If we were still in Berk, you'd have an hour to get ready for work," he chirps.

"You're a morning person, aren't you?" I ask.

"What can I say? My cat wakes me up before sunrise to let him outside," he chuckles.

"You have a cat?" I ask as he goes through the shopping bags from yesterday.

"Yeah. He was hiding in the upstairs linen closet when you were over," he says before handing me a pair of shorts and a crop-top-tank-top.

"You want me to wear this today?" I ask in exasperation, holding up the half shirt.

"Ya..! Now get dressed!" he says, "You don't get breakfast until you do."

"I go almost every day without breakfast," I say and his shoulders slump.

"Just please get dressed," he whines, "I won't make you take off your bra for the couple's massage." My jaw slacked as he gave me puppy eyes.

"Elch. If I put this junk on, will you smack that stupid look off your face?" I ask through clenched teeth.

"Sure," he says with a curt nod. I snatch the clothes from the bed and go to the bathroom.

"Why white?" I ask as I walk out.

"Because I want to compare it to your arms and belly," he said, making me cringe, "You really need some sun."

"Creep," I mutter before going to put on my tennis shoes. "W-Where are my shoes?" I ask, unable to find them.

"Uh...oh, right here," he said, handing me blue-crystaled flip flops.

"Oh, come on," I groaned before taking them and slipping them onto my feet.

"Yay! Okay, you earned this," he says, handing me the bag.

"I told you, I don't eat breakfast," I say, pushing it away. And I'm not a dog that needs a treat for doing a trick.

"Astrid that's not healthy. At least eat the fruit salad," he says.

"When is life healthy? I've gone a few years without breakfast, why should I stop for two weeks?" I ask as I clip my hair back.

"I will force feed you if I have to," he threatens.

"Huh, you wouldn't be able to open my mouth," I scoff. All he has to do is make a kiss sound and I know his strategy. "Okay, maybe you would," I say after a pause. He bounced his eyebrows at me as I kept fiddling with my hair. "Alright, fine just let me get my hair out of my face," I sigh and he pulls out a small bowl of fruit before putting it on the table next to the glass door. I take the sides of my hair and pull them to the back of my head before tying them together with a band. 

"Ew! Granny style!" Hayden cries, burying his face in a pillow. I walked over before punching his shoulder. He then flipped over to face me with a smirk. "That's two. You can't do that no more," he says in victory.

"Unless you earn more," I say before looking for my phone again. "Seriously, what'd you do with my phone?" I ask.

"It's safe...for now," he growled softly.

"Hayden," I say seriously, "Where is it?"

"Who you gonna call?" he asks.

"Ghost busters," I answer sarcastically. He looks at me with the "Really?" look. "Fine. I'm going to call my niece. She's been having some trouble at school, told her I'd give her some problems on Sunday. Kinda drill her," I lie.

"You're close to her, aren't you?" he asks.

"I'm more involved in her life than her mother," I say.

"Are you her mothers sister or her father's?" he asks.

"Her father is my half brother," I lie, "Can we stop talking about this? I need my phone, please."

"No, you need to relax," he says.

"I'll relax more if I had access to my phone," I hiss.

Time skip

I groaned as the masseuse stepped between my shoulder blades, sending a cracking sound through the air. "What the heck, are you bubble wrap?" Hayden asked in shock from his massage table.

"Shut up, Hayden, you're dead," I sigh in relief as the pain leaves.

"Why?" he grunts.

"This is the reason I--don't get these kind of massages!" I groan.

"You'll thank me later," he murmurs. I felt the coldness of the seaweed wrap on my skin as the lady walked lightly across my spine.

"So we have more seaweed after this?" I ask.

"Snorkeling, yes," Hayden answers.

"Don't know why we have to go into the ocean. What's wrong with the pool? Get a few fish from the pet store, voila," I say.

"We can't get sharks from the pet store," he chuckles.

"I'm not going in the water if there's gonna be sharks," I say.

"Oh calm down, there won't be," he says. 

"Ah!" I yelp as the lady's toe pokes into a disc.

"Apologies," she says.

"I should see a doctor about that," I mutter under my breath.

"See a doctor about what?" Hayden asks.

"Nothing," I sigh.

A/N: Sorry for the short chapter. Hopefully the next one's longer. (#WhyDidIMakeThemGoToJamaica?Boring!)

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