Chapter 14

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Astrid's P.O.V.

I melted into the thumping of the massage chair as the manicurist worked on my nails. I grunted in pain as the chair hit a knot near my spine. "You okay, mom?" Crystal asks.

"Fine. Just got a knot," I tell her.

"Who knows how many other knots you have in there," Charlie says from the corner of her mouth.

"I heard that," I tell her.

"You were supposed to," she says, "Maybe it'll make you start taking care of yourself."

"I take care of myself fine," I argue.

"Not in front of the girls," she hissed and I looked at Crystal and Opal to see them looking at us in confusion. I then press my lips together as a sign that I'm shutting up. I sigh in comfort as the chair massages the back of my head. "Okay, sonna?" Charlie asks as the women finish our nails.

"Uh...I think I'll skip that," I say nervously.

"Why?" Crystal asks.

"I just don't feel like sweating," I lie.

"It's not it?" Opal asks, looking at her mom.

"I really don't know," Charlie says as we stand from the chairs.

"If you don't want to go to the sonna, where are you gonna go?" Opal asks.

"I was thinking the hot tub," I say with a stretch.

"Did you bring a swim suit?" Charlie asks, eyebrows raised. I smirked. I knew more about a spa than she did.

"We have complementary wet suits, miss," an employee says, walking up to us.

"Hot tub for one, please," I say.

"Make it two," Charlie says. The woman nods before walking away.

"Okay, you two behave yourselves in the steam room, got it?" I say to the girls and they nod before following a woman to the sonna. Meanwhile, Charlie and I follow another woman before changing into the swimsuits and meeting each other in the hot tub.

"Ooh, this feels nice after those chairs," Charlie groaned as she sank into the water. I took a deep breath before sinking below the water, having the warmth flow through my hair and close over my head. I break the surface of the water and wipe chlorine from my eyes.

"Charlie, I have no idea how I'm going to pay you back," I sigh.

"That's because you aren't supposed to," she chuckles, "It's just a friend helping another friend by taking her to a day of relaxation. Consider it a gift."

"You know it's hard for me to except gifts," I say.

"Okay, fine, if you want to pay me back, you can do it by taking the spa day," she says. I smile gratefully at her.

Time skip 

Crystal and I thanked the Korls and began our walk home, straight from the spa. Who cares if Hayden finds out? It's not like he'd do anything I haven't taken before. "Oh, Crystal, before I forget, I'm not going to be home from work tomorrow until late, so I need you to go to bed on time," I tell her as we walk down the street.

"Why do I have a bed time? I don't even go to school," she complained.

"Because if I let you choose when to go to bed, you'll be up all hours of the night," I tell her.

"Yeah, I would," she laughs, "So why are you going to be late?"

"My boss asked for my assistance in throwing a dinner party. He can't cook, so...he roped me into it," I growled the last part with bitterness in my throat.

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